I went to the gym for the first time today.
I used the treadmil for 20 minutes.
I starer at all the weights for a while.
I looked up videos.
Trying to learn how to lift them.
I honesty have no idea what I'm doing.
Now I'm sitting outside looking like a retard.
How do I get into this?
I went to the gym for the first time today
don't be hard on yourself, you took the first steps. start reading a bit more, figure out some exercises you'd like to do, go back and try them. rinse and repeat. you'll get there if you keep at it
>Not asking employees for help.
You're not gonna make it.
Just keep at it. It gets better over time
Pick a routine (I use Lazar angelov) look up videos on how to do the exercises, do them at the gym. Doesn't matter if you're a weak fag everyone has to start somewhere. If you don't know what you're doing even after looking it up don't be afraid to ask for help, honestly when I was a skinny kunt I would ask the bigger guys at the gym how to properly do an exercise.
if /fit has taught me anything, the first thing you want to do is become a raging faggot, the second thing you want to do is go on and on about your macros, lastly, acuse others of gyno and attack any manlet that even remotely stares at yiou waist level.
>First time in gym
>Find guy who looks like he knows what he's doing
>Hey man, can you show me how to squat?
>"Don't do squats bro, they're bad for your knees, especially with free weights. Try them with the Smith Machine, don't go lower than a quarter of the way down though"
>I do them while he watches me, then go and walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes and leave
You'll get it OP. Just watch a lot of Youtube videos and try things out.
Start by setting up some goals, what do you wanna get out of this? Do you wanna lose weight? Look bigger? Just get rid of the beet gut? Whatever your answer is find a routine that will help you achieve that goal.
After that's done, start looking into the specific exercises, if you don't understand how they work, look them up on YouTube, you'll find everything you need there. Do all of this before entering the gym.
Once you are there, start playing around a bit with your routine, if you wanna lose weight then cardio is gonna be very important, if you are skinny then you're probably gonna go straight to the weights. When you are starting your strength training, start by playing around with the weights, check what weight is the best to start with, this goes for practically everything, from benching to dumbell curls. In a couple days or maybe a week, you'll get in the rhythm and things will come naturally. Good luck user, we're all gonna make it
what are you so angry about?
what the hell you just walk up to random strangers and ask them for help what the fuck is wrong with you
I'm pretty sure you will find out by yourself with out help, maybe a cute girl will experience will approach you, she will give you some tips you will chat and become friends, then she will ask you to dinner of course you will have sex. After a couple of weeks she will ask you for a date again, without noticing she will be your girlfriend and as time passes your body and your relationship will improve, then you will be natty because it turns out you had god tier genes, you didn't even had to put effort like everyone else. After a year you and your gf will move together, one day after hours of wild sex you two will look at the mirror admiring your perfect bodies and then that's when she will ask you to impregnate her.
None of this will happen faggot. Stop being a bitch and get an instructor.
why not? most people love to help, it makes them feel competent
>Going to the gym without a routine set out before hand
>Doing anything new at a later time than right this second and not educating your self in the slightest
fucking kek
no i'm just saying this because
>shredded af
>retarded dyel manlets come up to me for help all the time
>purposely tell them wrong things
lol you are never gonna make it faggot
Op here.
My goal was to do starting strength, just like the sticky recommend.
There were some girls there on an incline.
No guys to show me how to deadlift or squat.
I've watched a bunch of videos and read articles.
I'm scared of snapping my shit up.
I felt the heavy cold bar on my shoulders and I freaked out.
I had it planned.
Day A.
I just didn't know how to preform the moves.
I practiced before hand, but wence i had the bar in my hands, psyched out.
Sure is summer in here.
>Not saying read the sticky faggot when some retard asks to be spoon fed advice.
It's okay it will pass ;___;
You're summer you giant fagoot
>I'm taking the bait
Ask the employees god dammit, not random people at the gym
>I'm scared of snapping my shit up.
Like unless you're the dude from spongebob with glass bones and paper skin or the dude who thought bodyweight meant adding his own weight to the bar this prob won't happen.
Read the book on how to find you're starting weights or just dont be brain dead and do it urself.
If you watched videos ask an employee or jacked dude to critique your form while you do it and if he suggests something radically diff from the vids ignore him.
Do you want me to fly over you and walk you through how to put the clips on?
lighten up
Go back to /r/eddit
go back to 9GAG
why dont you kys so we dont have to witness you reusing my insult
>tfw you invented the "go back to spreaddit" meme
>I use Lazar Angelov
cut this shit out you two
fuck you you nigerian nigger
I've been going for a month now and it was really scary at first. I didn't know hat to either and felt like you. Hell I still feel like s total noob but little by little I'm learning and getting over the fear . There's days where I'm super anxious and days where I'm not but I still go everyday. Just keep at it. Download an app called jefit and look up YouTube videos. It's how I'm learning
>tfw homegym masterrace for first couple years so didn't know this feel
>tfw walked in and bigger than majority of the gym
>tfw already knew what exercises to do just had to learn where everything was
honestly it sounds like you just have some kind of internal problem and you need to sort that shit out, once you get going and figure out a routine it'll be like clockwork everytime you go to the gym
also don't do fucking SS as a beginner unless you want to look like shit
do a PPL as they're best for aesthetics with light weight, hypertrophy (high rep) focused sets
strength is a total fucking meme unless you actually care about weight you can push while looking like shit (lol)
The best way is to find someone with liftan vids on youtube that has your limb/body proportions. I'm 6 ft with long legs and arms, and started watching Mehdi with his 5x5 vids. Big fucking mistake because that guy is a manlet with short limbs.
Used to be a 250 fat ass. The best advice I can give is to keep trying and remember to watch your calories. I think all I did to lose weight was do some cardio and some crunches everyday, and I ended up losing like 60 in 3 months.
Don't worry about shit like getting ripped and going balls out with weight, get your strength up before you go nuts with SS.
i felt the same way just do your best and improve every day bro you wont regret it
Just get a routine and follow it