"Hi user, sorry but I do crossfit and I need your squat rack to do clean and jerks in my running shoes"
"Hi user, sorry but I do crossfit and I need your squat rack to do clean and jerks in my running shoes"
Op your probably fat. Implying you wouldn't say you were done with your 1 plate squat anyway
>clean and jerk
>squat rack
pick one
>OK I'll give you a shout when I'm done
Tough luck, I got 2 more sets of squats, 2 warmup 3 working sets of deadlifts and 2 warmup and 3 working sets of OHP. Take a hike.
But I am vegan and I need these
>doing more than one working set of deadlift
unless you're doing more than lmao3pl8 you should be doing at least three sets.
says who
You can squat down, jerk me and clean up afterwards you stupid cunt.
how's your first month of SS going, faggot?
It depends on what you're going for really. 1x5 of heavy weight will build strength but it's pretty much no volume at all so it's not like you're building hypertrophy with it.
is a bit arbritary, but untill you're doing at least 1.5x bodyweight I don't really see a reason why you shouldn't do around three working sets. It's not that taxing on you're body.
I understand but really who uses deadlift as a hypertrophy movement
Ok. I have one last set of curls.
>Not doing snatch grip deadlifts for them juicy traps and forearm gains
>deadlifts in the squatrack
>ohp in the squatrack
this is the people posting on Veeky Forums.
Could just be doing power jerks, OP just clearly doesn't actually know anything about lifting, given that he thinks weightlifting shoes are running shoes.
>his gym doesn't have only ER squat racks/bench presses
Never gonna make it
unless its something they can work in while im doing my thing its pretty much this
As long as it isn't to taxing on your nervous system under 1-5x - 2x bw there is no reason not to except for time restraint.
I ohp in the squat rack, because I have a nightmare of losing my balance and fallin backwards, if I try and ohp outside I have a lot of anxiety, like if I bench a big weight with no spotter, my hands start sweating like crazy
I meant cage, by rack I mean that oen structure with 2 safety bars but no cage. Of course you ohp there, where else would you?
You will never progress beyond a low point if you are scared of the weight. Do it on an olympic platform or something and learn to respect the weight but don't fear it. In the press you can easily just drop the weight.
I understand being scared of bench press without a spotter... but OHP? Really?
get a block of magnesium carbonate. i got one for 4€ and have been using it for the better part of a year and still it's like 80-90% of it's original size. it immediatly solves palm sweat problems.
1.5x bodyweight?
How is it possible people deadlift less than that? I weighed 130lbs and deadlifred 315lbs the first time I tried. And not even a manlet I was a string bean at 6ft1.
Regardless Ive done 5x5 with 475lbs, incredibly fatiguing though, and that much volume is only wise once a meso cycle.