Two months lifting

>two months lifting
>arms have grown "tall" but not wide

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>two months lifting

If you don't understand that the answer is "keep lifting" then I'm not sure you're gonna make it.

Curl every workout

I'm doing that regardless of the answers I get, but didn't think it's impossible that I'm doing something wrong.


my friend told me to do this and I laughed in his face

>two months lifting

its how the muscle is bro. eventually with lots of size it will be wider.

do different excercises. like curl sideways, do hammer curls etc

If you want wide arms from the front, you need bigger triceps.
biceps are only like 1/3 of your arm and are really overrated.

You and me both op, I've injured them a lot too.

Do overhead exercises for the long head of your tricep like the French Press and Overhead Cable Extensions with the rope attachment. Make sure to put more fucking weight on every other time you hit your arms, since you're a beginner. I remember when I first started my arms were stuck at 13.5 inches for months but I hadn't stopped curling a 65lb EZ bar and 25lb dumbells for 3x8.

And then he laughed at your arms

this guy got it
bis and tirs

>French Press

I think you mean le press

work triceps
do hammer curls/rope curls
lift for longer than 2 months

Overhead triceps extensions with the rope. Remember to stretch at the bottom and squeeze at the top. If it BURNS, you know you're doing the right thing.

It'll take years and years before they look good.
Make sure to squat and deadlift multiple times a week.
I do reverse grip curls to widen, but you NEED to squat, deadlift, and eat- a lot.

If you want to get wider bis, you need to train your brachialis. Do hammer curls every bi workout.

Hammer curls and reverse curls will help thicken em up. Also like everyone is saying in the thread, triceps make up more of your arm so work them just as much as you do biceps

Also you better fucking work out every part of your body. Most lifters spend the first year focusing on their upper body or just arms and a lot of them regret it. You look weird with huge arms/back and no legs or core

Yo op everyone here is right. Tricep work and what, but also do Crossover curls. They work your brachiallis which is the "knotty" muscle at the side of your arm. They give you some width.

>Thread about getting bigger arms.

>Make sure to squat and deadlift multiple times a week.

i've been lifting for 3 years and my arms look like shit from front
wat do

is it because i'm 20% bf?

its because you dont work your arm enough, but hard to tell without routine/pic
could also be body dismorphia


could also be that i never bulked in my life, always around 20% bf so i never actually eat in a suficit for a prolonged period of time. Plan to change it this fall

you obviously dont do 8h arm days

Tricep has three heads, that is what will contribute to "thickness" more than your bicep.

Same for me, OP, I've been lifting for 3 months now. Seems like it's a normal thing in the beginning.


You need your triceps to flare out at the side.

Tricep kickbacks are the way to go. You don't need heavy weights for them either.

lift 34 more months

get swole with dips

>I have no idea how the human endocrine system works
>also I've never lifted a weight in my life


a standard curl emphasises the short head, do something like hammer curls, internally rotate, or do close grip barbell curls to emphasise the long head for "thickness"

Well since you asked specifically for the front view of the biceps, you need to hit the medial head. To do this do curls with your elbows close to your body. I'd recommend literally digging your elbows into your hip and curling upwards with a slight supination at the top for the full legthening/shortening of the bicep. the side view is from the long head when you do curls with your elbow flared outward or if you do hammer curls to build up the brachialis. Source: I'm a fucking anatomy nerd.

fuck lol

There are two biceps head, long and short. Most of the time the "inner" head, ie. the short head is lagging.
This head is best targeted when working with elbows in front of your chest - do preacher and/or spidercurls while keeping the elbows tight and your hand flared wider.

You obviously know a lot about lifting user, tell me more about your gains.
