>lifting and cardio is no longer helping depression
>lifting and cardio is no longer helping depression
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>tfw no matter how much i'll lift i'll never be the CHAD that girls want
try meditation
shit works
oh shit nigga. If that's the case you have a rare weaponized hybrid form of depression called AIDepreSsion.
There is no cure.
Get a job.
Get another hobby.
Get some friends.
Get some pussy.
Kill yourself.
CHAD fucks your ONEITIS while you post FEELS and get told to KILL yourself
Try socializing. I bet your problem is loneliness. Peace
Fix your diet you useless fuck
Try joining Neighbor's Club.
Socializing actively makes it worse
Kill yourself my man
seek help. depression can often be fixed or managed. and don't listen to people on Veeky Forums
Fat cells contain aromatase, therefore the fatter you are the more oestrogenic your body becomes, the fact that people are fatter and more sedentary than any previous point in history is 90% responsible for effeminate males with manboobs and 13 year old jailbait with DD tits, not xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens(although avoiding xenoestrogens is still preferable whenever possible)
Where did you get that number m8?
Pick up boxing, not from a big gym go to small little place that can do more one on one stuff
How do you think lifting heavy things is going to correct a chemical imbalance in your brain? Exercise does nothing for depression.
why would it ? duh get a life noob and decide to get over it.
>he actually believed the normalfag armchair psychiatrists when they said lifting weights "cures" anything
You have only yourself to blame.
>Muh endorphins right bros lmao!! Depression isn't real it's just a lack of heavy weight in your life bruh!
Why would you ever listen to this drivel?
This. Try meditation. Also therapy and medication. You're a sick cunt if u wanna be brah, not a sad cunt.
>chemical imbalance in your brain
Sorry, but only like 2% of people with depression have something wrong with their brain chemistry.
The other 98% are just weak minded cunts.
this, clinical depression isnt the same as "muh depression"
>t. Highschool dropout
Try using Google for 5 seconds before you act like a retard.
Start some martial arts bro, joined a mma gym last year and life finally feels good again
because the first hit on google is obviously a more reliable source of information than a doctor.
a huge majority of people who claim to be depressed havent been diagnosed with such, theyre just using it as an equivalent for "sad" or "lacking motivation"
my god why do i bother replying to retards
You taking fish oil and getting enough vitamin D?
I agree with that sentiment, yeah.
But that's not depression, and 2% of all cases of depression being chemically based is just fucking retarded and wrong.
Yeah sorry i meant "people who claim to have depression" not people who actually do have it, lol
What you eat affects your state of mind immensely. To cure depression, make sure you eat lots of fat, protein, no sugar and possibly no dairy. Eat different fruits and vegetables and nuts so you can have all your micro's.
I made a mistake of only counting protein and not eating enough fat and vitamins, felt like crap until I fixed it. Read the book "fix your broken brain by healing your body", it helped me a lot.
Also you have to have a goal in life, make small achievements every day even like cleaning your room or feeding a stray cat. If you have no friends, own it, don't sit at home being all sad but say to yourself - I enjoy my own company, get used to thinking about ideas and theories and not just depressing thoughts.
Watch TylerRSD videos on YouTube, especially the one about hardcore case newbies and the one about rising above depression. They are 10/10
>not lifting because of doing normie things like going out and watching basketball games at the bar and grill
>depressed for not lifting yesterday
I need to kill arms today.
heavy lifting has been shown to affect the chemicals in your brain.
depression is sometimes caused by low test.
lifting heavy has been shown to raise test.
One thing to remember about the hormonal benefits of exercise (and it applies to other things as well) is that when you start lifting/working out it challenges you and that challenge is responsible for some or even a lot of the effect on your hormones.
Once you've been lifting/running a while you become efficient at it and it isn't such a stimulus anymore. It might be that you need to look to challenge yourself in other ways to keep your system healthy - like taking up new skills, opening up the horizons of your world to reach the end of your comfort zone etc.
Its cause your not good at it, remember how it felt in those first months of lifting where jt was all new and slow?
Socializing is like that.
Learn a language and do exchanges with people, you literally learn how to conversations from the ground up