is it easier for manlets to do atg squat with good form?
Is it easier for manlets to do atg squat with good form?
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>all this insecurity from lanklets
yes because their rom is way shorter
> being insecure about your height to the point of being triggered by a harmless question
ummm? baka ;) x
it's easier for people with disproportionally short legs
so... manlets.
disproportionate in relation to their torso.
Measure femur length.
Divide femur length by height in inches.
If >.26 you're going to have more trouble squatting.
but why is the length of the torso relevant?
ur stupid
what the...
rude much?
because with a short femur and long torso you can maintain an upward position, see OP
What if it's exactly .26?
because your torso is also between the bar and the ground dumbass
it's not black and white
>Be me
>Last warmup set of 315x5 ATG
>Lanklet stranger comes up to me at the gym
>Stranger: Hey, did you go to [local high school]?
>Me: Nah, man. I get it all the time though. I just have one of those faces.
>Stranger: I was about to got big.
>Me: Heh, thanks, but it wasn't me. I'll just thank you for him, haha.
>Stranger: Don't take it as a compliment. You're still small.
>Stranger walks away.
First time at that gym too.
i swear you're both autismos
how was user autismo?
no. It all depends on body proportions.
I'm a manlet, but I have long femurs and a short torso.
My femurs are more less the same length as my torso.
For me to atg under load, I have to take a moderate to wide stance. (heels at shoulder width) and point my toes out ~45°
And this requires a lot of mobility in my spine, hips and ankles.
Yes. Shorter femurs = drop straight down.
Here is something on proportions:
Well yeah but remember, if you are a long femur short torso masterrace with good mobility. Your ATG squats will literally look ATG aesthetic because of the length of your femurs.
>mfw 0.22
I squat more than I deadlift btw
What is this ratio from?
>mfw 6'2 and can ass to grass no problem.
Stretch faggit stretch!
>175cm h
>0 flexibility
>put 3.5cm blocks under heels
>able to squat properly as fuck
I know I should stretch but that shit is boring as fuck.
Thoughts/critiques on the blocks under heels?
I should mention that I only do that on light/normal weight. I stretch properly and lower the blocks to 1-2cm with heavy.
great video
>Tibia/Fibula lenght doesn't matter
Oh goyy yes, those perfectly priced shoes will boost your performance by5% goddamit
>increases performance
>makes you able to perform a lift
>same thing
wew lad, got a bit retarded there
fuck you retard, you can get some adidas powerlifts for like 70 bucks. they last years
I am a manlet and due to flexibility issues I can not. So certainly being a manlet do not matter. Flexibility is what matters
the answer to that question wont make you squats easier
shut the fuck up and lift
tell me, when you are stuck failing a new PR, is it the rom that's bothering you, or the fact that you cannot apply enough force to push the weight up?
>this has nothing to do with you illiterate shit
>responding to obvious insecurity but practically saying "no! you're insecure"
class act weeb
>not knowing the meaning of the word proportion
you represent your country with honor
that is very good advice. good on you user.
quit bitching nigger just sit in the squat position for ten minutes on your off days and in two weeks you'll be golden.
I have saved this thread. you're welcome.
Being a manlet helps with deadlifts, not really with squats though.
>having hobbies is goyim
ok you really showed those jews by constantly living in your basement
pol pls go
By posting a mundane encounter on Veeky Forums
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