What is the best height for a woman?
What is the best height for a woman?
under 5'7
das right
For the kind of proportions that models have? Around 5'8"-10"
Men would be 6'2"-4" in that regard.
I actually think 5'7-5'10 is perfect. That's coming from someone that is 6'7.
Now dont get me wrong I'd take a 6'0 chick all day but very few are attractive. Even the athletes that have amazing bodies have fucked faces. Its very rare you find a 6'0 tall drop dead gorgeous women.
under 6' so they don't tower over me when they wear high heels.
5'7-5'8, assuming good proportions
I wouldn't mind girl of my height (6'1)
i like really short girls like 5'2 who do squats and have big ass and legs so they look like ponies
im the dude u quoted
5'0" +/- 2"
I'm a 6'4" guy, 5'9" - 5'11". gets me going. Don't know why, but when I see a hot girl at 5'10" I love it.
5'9" is probably the tallest I would go as a 6'1" guy
5'9" That way I still have a couple of inches of clearance above her when she's in 3" pumps.
5"8 ~5"9
I'm 5'7" myself, love me some womlanklets.
I'm 6'3.
I have a qt 5'0 womanlette gf
Manlet detected.
10+ feet tall.
only true answer
5'11" and 6'2"
Barefoot, pregnant and veiled, insha'allah
totally agree as a fellow 6'4 masterrace
Why is this witch so tall, isn't Fallon 6' ?
>tfw u messed up with a 5"10 chick with long legs, great ass.
L-let me turn back time
This. And I don't like girls with big feet.
Not a midget, not a lanklet.
I'm only 5'6 and it seems like all guys here like women taller than that.
Will I ever make it?
>be me, 6'2"
>go on a date with a 5'11" qt
>she wears gigantic heels and is taller than me
Why the fuck do tall women do this? I understand a 5'2" girl wearing stilts, but this is just fucking pointless.
i-is this how manlets feel?
I'm 5'10 manlet, and I like tall girls, 5'8~5'11. Got the face going, so I got the ways to get em ya know what I'm sayin'
I'm just over 6 foot and my gf is 5 foot exactly, its perfect since she is so small and qt and still has dat ass
>dating a 4'10 turbo chicklet
your future son will never forgive you
I'm 5'10 and my prom date was maybe half an inch shorter than me, add to that the fact that she wore heels meant that she was taller thane me, hope it wasn't too obvious
wish I hadn't gotten so smashed at the after party, could've banged her in the bathroom given the chance
The best height is whatever woman wants your dick
isn't it kinda awkward when you two try to kiss?
I feel you (fellow 5’6 femanon).
It seems like this height is the boring average.
>tfw 5'11
>just want a girl who's 5'10 or taller
Whatever makes her shorter than you while wearing heels
Usually -5/6 inches
a 5'6'' girl from a college i go to is probably the most beautiful girl i've ever seen
it's a decent height, femanon, don't worry, i'm from croatia and 6'2'' and we're all tall as fuck, and 5'6'' is good for a girl
where are her breasts?
honestly senpai if you're cute and not a hambeast it doesn't matter
ideally for your future son you need at least 5'10 well proportioned aryan
Whatever height makes standing or kneeling doggy comfortable. So usually only a 2 maybe 3 inches shorter than yourself. Not really having to put much strain on your legs is where its at. Not being in some awkward ass position for extended periods of time is ideal.
>I would rather have a 5'0" girl than a 5'8" girl
kek found the manlet
>tfw 180cm
>no Amazonian tier gf
The thought of being dominated by one and her turning me into a sex slave turns me on so much
Except he never said anything like that you fucking idiot. Have fun with your bird women.
The taller the better. I love me some long legs.
i'm 6'1" and dating a woman 6'3"
i'm also 8x6 and she says this is the minimum that can satisfy her. meme confirmed. but the sexy time is amazing.
1-4 inches shorter than me.
5'7 manlet here. 4'10-5'6 girls are the best
Very tall, around 190cm and I'm 197, so she still is shorter but appears "normal" to me, unlike average people who look like Dwarves
t. very tall guy
5'7 is the cutoff.
Anything above that is not feminine pretty much.
try being barely 5'3
You're a big guy!
5'11" manlet here.
I like them between 4'11" and 5'4"
Too bad I'm in Michigan and all the women that height are fat as fuck.
Anything above 5'1'' feels too tall for a women imho
6'1'' or above.
>tfw no awkward lanky gf
>tfw I'm 5'8.5" and my GF is 5'9" high test
>tfw I like short petite girls
i'm not insecure about it in the slightest and people tell me all the time that i'm punching above my weight. But it reality i can't help being more attracted to little qt3.14s. It is quite nice that we can take turns spooning each other and i love the looks i get when they see us together and she is wearing like 4 inch heels.
This is cute
since i'm 5'9'' manlet, anything above 4'9'' and under 5'8''
I know this feel except I'm 6'3 and my gf is 6'4. She never wears heels though for obvious reasons.
>Not making her wear platform heels and having hot amazon sex
you two having sex must look very gangly
Not wanting a six foot Amazon goddess.
>Not wanting a 7 foot Amazon goddess
>tfw there is probably a few out there and we'll never get them
>tfw have crush on 2 super qt grills in class
>tfw they are 5'2 and 4'11
>tfw bro asks me why I think they're so hot
>tfw say "they're like real lolis"
I was chatting with some chick on OkCupid who was 4'11. I jokingly called her a midget and she got really offended, but she kept on messaging me for some reason. [spoiler]she had a kid[/spoiler]
How tall are your kitchen cabinets?
If you can't reach the top, you don't deserve a woman.
If she can reach the top shelf don't need no man.
incredibly sexy tall girl
Why would you post a FB?
>Manlet threads tell me all the white women are 5'10 at least
>I'm 5'7 king of manlets and at or taller than most women
Just wanting a 6' mama bear is suffering.
I'm too high for this shit man
For you
Is it too much to ask for a 30 foot muscle qt?
ohh.. wish I would have a gf like her
5'11 here
Michigan here too. What part mah nigga
it literally says women shouldn't be taller than 5'7" kek
>sour grapes manlet
dude as long as ur 6'2 it doesnt matter at that point
Approximately 4-6 inches shorter than me, so that when I am on top of her and inside her, I don't have to crane my neck too far either way in order to kiss her.
Kek dont b so insecure
N yes, u hav manletism
>not picking up your girlfriend by her azz and mackin out.
U wot m8?
matters to me
I've been nearly a foot taller than most women my whole life, and i feel emasculated when I'm with her because she's taller
I genuinely developed a lot of sympathy for manlets since I've started dating her
I'm 6'1" and honestly the shorter a chick is without being a literal midget? The better. 5 feet tall? Fucking love it.
I also like huge tits. If she's short with a big rack my dick is diamonds. No idea why.
Senpai I'm 5'9 and my gf is 5'11, it isn't all that bad for some of us. You gotta take the challenge. Plus them legs.
Of course there is the depression and self hate that comes with being a manlet, and dating her makes it even worse, but its nice most of the time
doesn't really matter, hot women are rare, you can't rule them out based on how tall they are
and while I prefer them taller (5'6"-5'9") the other day I saw a 5'-5'1" grill that was painfully beautiful and cute
tldr think of your sons, impregnate amazons
t. king of manlets
Literally who cares about a girls height. It's always about proportions.
Absolutely always
I'd fuck a 2 ft fairy if the ass was fat brehs.
As a 6'3 manlet, I have to agree
im 5'5, and same.
shorter and she will look worse if she's fat
taller and she'll be too masculine
168 cm.
i'm 5'4 and only fuck girls taller than me. The key is not going for 9's all the time. 7 and 8's are fine and most of the time they are actually more fun to hang out with.
>i'm 5'4 and only fuck girls taller than me
That's because most of them are taller than you.
Fuck yeah
Perfect for me. Not sure what other fit anons might think
-t. 5'11.75"