Anyone else here ugly?
Anyone else here ugly?
definitely not me
Yeah but I managed to snag a qt gf and have agood bunch of friends so im happy
kinda, I have that weird Michael Cera type of face
I have decent body and money and I don't care about women much though, I'm just enjoying life of happy hedonism
yeah kill me
I think I'm pretty good looking in the mirror but my lack of success with girls and people in general seems to prove otherwise, so I'm really insecure about my looks. Maybe it's body dysmorphia.
yeah, ugly and manlet. Lifting wont help and just B.E. yourself dont help either to get a gf.
Since I realized I was ugly I became a bitter monster.
Me, been told that all my life.
Right here
attractiveness is subjective :^)
>Me, been told that all my life.
Sorry I'm tired, been outside working the yard all day. My biggest regret is my hairline... I'm only 20 years old
t. Childhood Complex Crew
I think so. No matter how much I lift I hate my body and my face. There's no fucking winning anymore.
Ugly cause I'm fat
I'll be good looking (in the face at least) when I'm not 240 pounds
i've been told that i'm attractive a few times
but on the other hand i've never touched a girl
wat do
>My biggest regret is my hairline
>Genetic trait
You had no hand in that matter, man. Learn to flaunt it (Dunno if you'll look good bald with that head shape.)
Hell there was a famous musician/singer that was skulletmode and looked pretty cool
Though he ended up shaving later on so iuno if that would help
You look fine buddy. Honestly I've seen some bald uggo motherfuckers pull qt's because they had presence.
I've already tried bald, here's a picture from last summer. It was pretty hilarious.
Thanks, too bad my self image is pretty fucking ingrained and I'm working with specialists for that lmao
Lmao wrong pic but whatever. Never learned not to take pics like a retard.
Pretty darn ugly, but what are you gonna do? Still manage to get qts by "beeing myself"
It actually doesn't look bad famiglia. Like a kind hearted skinhead :^)
Kek thanks
You look good. NO homo. R..right?
Please don't shoot up your local gay bar.
5'4 poo in loo with shitty scarred up fave from picking at scabs
Just accept the fact that your gonna be kv forever and life isn't so awful
Thanks, no homo :^)
>tfw blessed with good facial symmetry
My face is below average, so I lift to increase my chances finding a gf
Eh I'm ok.
Nigga, what the fuck, you look good.
Cut that baby fat on your cheeks and you will be legit 7.
You look fine, man. In fact you kind of look like Cillian Murphy.
>N-no homo...
Nope 500+ matches in 2 weeks
i'm not even sure any more. i was good-looking when i was 17-19, without doubt. im 23 now, and its getting more and more difficult to look in the mirror and not feel utterly depressed about being past my peak, when really i should be in my prime. i have less hair now and cant really wear it the way i did in my late teenage years which really suited me. my skin is just as shit as it was then, im not any fitter than i was then.
just kinda depressing looking at me now. i literally peaked at 18 and still didn't get any fanny
It's not fat at all, but thanks. Just legit my bone structure
Thanks. Similar bone structure maybe but he obviously looks better. No homo :^)
You look like nux from mad max
Me mum tells me im a strappin lad but the birds arent too keen
Its cause im a manlet init? The doc said i was 177cm. Or maybe im ugly and a manlet, fuck me mates off to get smashed.
Oh what a day. WHAT A LOVELY DAY
You look like a sad kunt
Nice contacts bro.
You look like you could get anywhere with a little bit of confidence. Women avoid sad cunts like the plague.
Nice contacts Pajeet
Your eyes are 9/10, learn to smile and change your hair and you'd be a 7/10
>contacts are 9/10
There's a qt in there desu.
No one likes shit eyes. Not even us shit eyed people
Not really bad in any way desu, thanks
rest of face is good tho, shave that shit off and start shooting tren
no ragrets
you look like a young pic related
I know that feel familia, started balding at 16, went and cut my hair today and the lady joked with me saying i should get half off since my hair is so thin :c Atleast i can grow a decent beard
>being an uglet
What the fuck you're not ugly
Im 18 and balding as fuck, i keep it long and try to hide my forehead with hair, but i know im just delaying the inevitable
Pic related, its me, i wish i could go bald but i just look retardedly ugly
Shave the poor excuse for a beard and you'll increase in attractiveness.
You'd be cute if you weren't trying so hard to look like a romanian gypsy.
not him but in the US if you have a half beard like him is it better to just shave it all off?
Nah i need it actually, or else i look like im 15 years old
It depends. If you're fit and it's even and you've got a good face some chicks dig it. For the rest shave. This guy needs to shave. Beards only work if you can grow a full one that covers cheeks. And even then trim it to like 1/4 inch or 3/8 unless you wanna be a meme tier fat lumberjack hipster. If I couldn't grow my full beard I would be clean shaven or stubble at most.
No. What you look is dirty. Until you can do a full one keep it as stubble.
Veeky Forums what made or when did you realize you were attractive or unattractive?
After several years of having no game.
shaved my face and saw I looked better with my facial hair, I guess we all gotta see the difference for ourselves
>"user LIKES YOU"
I've known since my mid teenage years that I'm pretty ugly, but it was confirmed in adulthood when I realised that no woman had ever shown any sexual or romantic interest in me, whereas even guys that were moderately above average had women showing interest
who /canteventellanymore/ here?
i can tell that im not above 8, but i lived with this face too long. i just dont know anymore.
shave your head and grow a beard :D
Thanks I guess
The others are right, I had that look a good while myself. Couldn't grow any real facial hair and looked dirty. Shave it. Be happy your face is alright.
What's funny is I know a romanian whom looks exactly like that :^) adopted, not gypsy obviously
Sure feels like it senpai
Post a pic
Looks like we have a pretty similar cranium with just a different face draped over
>tfw had both ugly and attractive women show interest or ignore my existence
All you ugly folks need to do us grow a beard and/or wear those problem glasses to make up for your lack of genetics.
I mean shit, how do you think such repulsive facial accessories became popular? That's right, in order to hide something even uglier behind it.
Can you do a face like Wojak
Waiting to do this exact thing, but my lower body is hairy like a mammoth and my upper body including face (and head) has almost no hair. Bizzare.
I'll try...
Yeah but it don't matter. I look like Boggart so I'm fine.
I've been ugly for my whole life - morbid obesity does that to you. Since January I've dropped over a hundred pounds - some days I don't recognize myself in the mirror anymore.
I don't know if I have a handsome face, but I'm definitely better off a Benjamin lighter.
From Shrek to Lord Farquaar. From Neanderthal to Cro Magnon man - I'm the missing link. I'm 30 pounds down from that second pic - I'll snap another shot when I finish this cut to demonstrate 200,000 years of human evolution.
Well fuck me this thread made me forget those pics were from May last year. I'm not bald anymore and can't be arsed to get out of bed.
desu, get rid of that dusgusting long hair, drop another another 60-80 lbs, puton some mass and I think you are good to go.
And learn how to smile
if you get a short crew cut you'd honestly look fucking 5/10 and less of a 3.
you kinda look like a serial rapist in that left pic
Go mohawk and get shredded. You have killer Arnie jaw line
All you need to do is spend like 500 dollars on clothes at express and you'll be fucking good to go.
>his smile slightly returns
I'm happy for you, user. :^)
A 3/10? That's cold.
>desu, get rid of that dusgusting long hair, drop another another 60-80 lbs, puton some mass and I think you are good to go.
That's the plan, buddy. I've got 4 weeks on this cut, hoping to land somewhere around 210 - can't wait to feel what it's like to lift without being in a deficit. I have no idea about the hair though. It's definitely got to go, that much is certain.
>And learn how to smile
Can you teach me?
I'll consider this
Budgeting for this next payday, thanks
honestly a 3/10 was very rude and i'd like to apologize. it was an overstatement and uncalled for.
What does B.E. stand for?
>tfw a girl likes you
Face-wise I think I'm fine, I've be Auschwitz mode pretty much my whole life and I still got quite a bit of female attention in high school due to my face. Body-wise though there are a slew of problems I hope get fixed within a year or two of lifting.
>tfw small wrists big hands and long ass arms
Granted I'm still underweight as fuck right now, but it feels like it'll never fill out and just look normal, and they're easily the thing that just makes me want to give up the most.
Fuck off cunt the damage is done
Am I pretty, Veeky Forums? :3
alrighty then ugly, enjoy being shrek's villain
I honestly can't tell. I like your eyes and certain things about your face but i just can't say.
How is your hairline? Get the feeling you're a baldie
>see fat people with girls
>see ugly people with girls
>be fit
>wonder why I cant do it either
and then you too are probably ugly, and no lifting will change that
You have a chubby face and you're probably bald, so i'm going to go with "no".
I'm glad i don't know that feel.
>grew up receiving a lot of romantic/sexual interest, especially towards the end of highschool
Go otter mode and don't get too huge, get a trendy haircut and lurk Veeky Forums to find out what clothes look good on you, buy normie stuff that fits good and you'll be drowning in pussy