Veeky Forums, How the fuck do I activate my lats? I just can't seem to do it. They're by far my weakest muscle in terms of size, I've tried lat pulldowns on both types of machine, straight arm pushdowns, seated cable rows, and barbell rows. I've tried the hooks not hands tip on all of them and I can still never feel them get a pump or feel them working.
help me fit pls
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Pull-ups, din jävel.
Shoulder rotation
Do lots of posing
give it time
>I've tried lat pulldowns on both types of machine, straight arm pushdowns, seated cable rows, and barbell rows.
Congrats, shoulder extension/adduction is a function of your lats
You think you're somehow not using them?
no, i said i can't get a pump or feel them working, which leads me to think my arms are taking over too much of the work
pullups are the only thing that give me a lat pump, but I can't do any of them- im currently doing negatives to try and get to the point where I can do enough
How do you mean, should I just walk around my house doing a lat spread constantly?
watch some videos of Dorian Yates training back. of course he was a walking pharmacy with crazy genetics but he trained just right. copying his form on back exercises helped me for sure.
Pull with your elbows, not your arms. Pretend your hands are just hooks attaching your back to the weights
Do you even heavy pendlay row?
T Bar rows with an under hand grip and a focus on pulling more with my elbows helped me put focus on my lats.
Are you me from 4 months ago? I also had the same problem, I did not know how to use my lats. Continue doing negatives and include pendalay row 5x5 (strarting from baby weight and increasing a little bit every month). After few months you'll feel them and you'll be able to control them consiously.
increasing every workout, not month, obiously
Pullups and rows
Db rowing gives me the most insane lat and lowtrap pumps
>pendlay row
>growing lats
Oh lawd
Pretend to pull the bar apart, this puts you in the right postion to utilise the lats.
Had this problem when I started training again a year back. Took 3 months for me to really feel my lats working. What helped most was one-armed pulldowns, and prodding/groping the lat with the other hand. Looks weird, but who gives a shit. Did the reps slooow as fuck and tried to watch out for when I noticed the biceps taking over. Not heavy weight, but not super light either.
Obviusly keep doing pullups and shit, but try this if you haven't.
PS: Din rygg?
i just do lots of Chin and pull ups. My lats are my best part, and I never tried to get a pump.
Couldnt't feel my lats working either when i started.
Op, just keep on lifting you cant do a pullup and are dyel as fuck, you'll feel your lats working when you get stronger.
Also before you pull your arms down shen doing pullups/lat pulldowns alway pull your scapula down and together first.
Put them in water overnight, they'll be activated by the morning
Where are his rhomboids and traps? Jesus.
>not lat spreading constantly
not gonna make it
>why are muscles that are stretched during a lat spread not clearly visible when doing said pose
t-thanks guys
You hold the weights with your hand and pull with back,mind-muscle connection is important
Pull ups and pendlay rows are all you really need
Ring pull ups. Go from pronated to supinated grip as you pull yourself up.
When I was new to lifting it took me quite a while to actually "feel" any of my muscles working. After a while when they have some mass on them and your used to the movement you'll be able to flex them. Keep at it
Bumping due to complete absolute lack of lat development.
first learn how to flex your lats. pretend someone is trying to tickle your armpits from the back, spread your back apart. Once you know how to activate your late keep flexing and slowly start moving your hands over your head until you can develop a mind muscle connection and make them contract