>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
anyone here managed to quit smoking?
>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
anyone here managed to quit smoking?
this meme is bad and you should feel bad
Quit 2 years ago and will never go back to smoking
>tfw saved 8k by not smoking cigarettes
I started masturbating with my mouth. Haven't looked back.
>tfw I now smoke one cigarette every other day
i quit smoking a few weeks ago when i moved back home with my parents after finishing uni. not found it hard or had any cravings at all, but i was only smoking for a year and having 5 or 6 maximum a day.
You never were a smoker. Smokers smoke a pack or more a day
>Smokers smoke a pack or more a day
Alright folks, pack it up! looks like user solved it! I guess people who smoke like half a pack a day aren't risking lung cancer or any other health issues, go back to lighting up! This guy knows what he's talking about.
Well they certainly wouldn't have any problem quitting if they smoke less than one per hour. They just smoke to look cool in front of people
>They just smoke to look cool in front of people
Why else would they? If you're addicted you have one every half hour or 40 minutes
>Why else would they?
OP here and I can't make it 20 mins without one
i smoked because the first one or two you have in the morning gives you a nice head rush, it's fun to have something to break up the day with every few hours and because having a smoke when drinking is class. i only smoked out the window in my flat, in which i live alone. i tried to not let any of my friends know because it's embarrassing in this day in age to smoke, none of my 20 or so friends smoke at all
not everyone who smokes is a 20-a-day dog breath like yourself. get over it. it's literally not difficult at all to not get addicted to smoking.
75 fags a day? FUCK ME! That's heavy duty lunacy, mate, but I respect it.
I can respect a man who has 100% dedication to his hobby
This shit again? When are you gonna actually try quiting? Posting the same thread day after day to feel a little better about your guilt for sucking on fags non-stop and then going back to doing the exact same thing like the weak willed pussy you are after reading a few replies. It gets really tiresome seeing your thread every fucking day. Kill yourself you insufferable faggot.
I must say it's better than seeing lifting or physique threads
shit, it's been a while since the last thread, OP.
I was so sure you were dead.
jesus faggot just quit already and stop making this fucking threads I don't know what do you expect to read that hasn't been posted a thousand times before
>implying it's not copy pasta that gets posted on every board 10x a day
>better than seeing lifting or physique threads
>on a fitness board
for what purpose
I'm sick of seeing retarded lifting and gains threads
All these newfags ITT. Smh senpai
Iktf brah it was costing me almost 4500 a year just to smoke
a week after I quit I noticed my (already humongous) erection became even more harderer. I noticed a lot because I needed to take my mind of not smoking. If my dick was rock hard while I was smoking, it now gets rock-injected-with-steel-and-glazed-with-that-wolverine-blade-material-hard.
Same here man I quit 3 weeks ago and now my erections are bigger and harder
It costed me $4k/yr to eat at uni every day and become a fat fuck. Eating healthy has never been cheaper.
Smokers should just kill themselves
Posted from my Iphone.
You die without food you dumb fuck, you don't need cigs to survive
When did I say I stopped eating food?
Second day of patches today friends, doing well so far but being around my family who smokes like chimneys is the hardest bit. Give me strength / your own motivational stories.
Youll die early if u keep smoking thats all u need senpai
People who smoke smell like fucking shit. I quit smoking and now when my co workers who smoke even walk by me I fucking gag. It's the most disgusting thing you can do. And we work in a factory that is supposed to smell like pancake syrup. I absolutely hate the smokers now simply because of their putrid stench.
I like the smell of cigs senpai and I dont smoke tbqh
This. You won't notice it, if as much, if you're a smoker. EVERYONE can smell it, no matter how clean you think you smell, and it isn't even subtle, either. It's intense.
Well, lucky you man. I used the bathroom after a dude who smokes and it made me almost throw up. Could be I'm just a little bitch then but it's nasty to me.
That's very true. Basically when my gf is around i wasn't smoking cause i know it smells disgusting, and it was easy not to smoke with her around.
Picked her up one night from a bar and she would occasionally have a smoke when out drinking. Comes up and kisses me and it tastes putrid. We get in the car and it's all i can smell, she wants to give me a bj on the way home but i honestly can't stay hard cause it's all i can taste / smell.
I started smoking pretty much as soon as I got my shitty job(automechanic), mainly for the opportunity to have small breaks here and there, make smalltalk with colleagues and because smoking kinda blunts the feeling of hunger(we had a shitton of overtime). Then, for some reason, clients just disappeared, and I lost the job. What followed was about 7-8 months period where I was sitting on my ass at home without money, and, subsequently, without cigarettes. Quitting smoking that way proved pretty easy. And after this i found another job(repairing washing\dishwashing machines) and started smoking again. Pretty much this. To my defense i could say that I have even more overtime at this job than before, mainly because we work 24\7 and don't have enough workforce.
Thanks for the reading this shitty post. Have a picture of kitten.
>Thanks for reading this shitty post.