Should cardio be intense for optimal health gains or is consistant moderate cardio just fine as well?
Should cardio be intense for optimal health gains or is consistant moderate cardio just fine as well?
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Max-effort or low-effort.
Humans were never meant to jog.
Sprinting and walking are the best forms of cardio.
This sounds troll, another opinion plz
>Humans were never meant to jog.
Uh, what? That's exactly how we hunted down prey in the caveman era. We would literally chase them until they overheated and became exhausted. Jogging is definitely a huge part of chasing and tracking something down.
They tracked their prey and walked after them, you uneducated plebe.
citation please.
If I understand right there isn't that much evidence of how humans hunted then - although I remember reading about these Australian fossil footprints, one set of which is estimated to have been caused by someone running 37kph or 23mph.
it's in the chart on page 2 - the set is T8.
speed doesn't matter as much as cadence - injury rates are reduced for higher cadences.
HIIT or low-speed jogging for cardio gains such as increased VO2, length of runs, speed of run, ect?
>best form of cardio
Are body weight lat raises the best thing for shoulder development too?
depends on your current fitness status.
intense "cardio" can literally kill you. all those young athletes who die from heart attacks have done too much intense cardio: l
Not the person you're asking, but I'm shocked this isn't common knowledge.
HIIT is optimal.
You should not sit on your ass for 16 hrs too, true. A light 5 min walk every ~1hr is enough for that.
What is happening to the heart during training? It is important to understand that the heart is not a mechanical machine and it is relatively easy to damage it by training incorrectly. The main effect of training on the heart is the increase in minute volume, the amount of blood the heart is able to pump in a minute. The heart gets larger, or develops hypertrophy. There are two types of cardiac hypertrophy: L-type, when the heart muscle stretches, its muscle fibers get longer and the volume of the heart increases; and D-type, when the thickness of the heart wall increases, therefore increasing the strength of contraction.
In order to increase the volume of the heart they use training at heart rates corresponding to the maximal stroke volume. Just as the reminder, stroke volume is the volume of blood expelled by the heart during one contraction. Usually stroke volume sharply increases at HR of 100/min, at 120 increases more and in some individuals still increases until HR of 150. Prolonged training at maximal stroke volume is, figuratively speaking, “stretching exercise” for the heart. Muscles pump the blood, and the heart get stretched by the increased flow. As the consequence the heart dilates. It is possible to double its size, and 30-40% is almost a guarantee. That’s what is meant by coaches when they say “building the base”; it is, in fact, stretching of the heart.
D-type hypertrophy is stimulated by the work at heart rates close to maximal – 180.min and higher. Again, a little reminder of physiology. The heart is the muscle and therefore needs the blood in order to contract. The blood is delivered to it mostly during diastole, or relaxation phase. When working at maximal heart rate, the heart does not fully relax, and the blood supply is impaired to some degree. What follows is the accumulation of acidic substances leading to acidosis which, in turn, stimulates growth of the heart muscle. This is typical interval training, the rave of the fitness crowd in recent years. The problem starts when this kind of training is done too often. If the heart does not relax, its blood supply is impaired, the delivery of oxygen becomes inadequate and anaerobic glycolysis starts. As the results lactic acid is produced and leads to the acidosis inside the cell. If it lasts long enough, some cellular structures die. And if it lasts some more, the whole myocardiocytes – heart muscle cells – can die. This is microinfarction. If the training of this intensity is repeated again and again, more cells die and are replaced with the connective tissue which, in turn, is poorly distensible and does not properly conduct electric impulses necessary for adequate cardiac contraction. Apparently this has been confirmed by autopsies of athletes who suddenly died during physical activity.
That is why it is important to first build the base – dilate the heart – and only then increase intensity. Working at heart rates close to maximal must be introduced gradually and done infrequently, especially at the early stages of training.
This also brings us to the topic of recovery and frequency of training. If your muscles are sore after a workout, you take a day or two off and allow them to recover, to heal. Why should the heart be different? Adaptation takes days and the heart muscle needs rest in order for these processes to take place.
This is not just a theory. Every year you hear of a few athletes dying as the result of sports activity, both professional and amateur. This year a 27 year old man died during City to Surf race in Sydney, the run only 14 km long. Did he have some undiagnosed cardiac condition? It is possible. But it is also possible that his heart was damaged by overzealous training.
Why are you spamming this shit rather than linking
>all those young athletes who die from heart attacks
>sudden cardiac death is extremely rare in young athletes
>use of anabolic steroids seems to increase the risk of potentially fatal conditions, including heart attack and heart rhythm problems. Various PEDs can also raise blood pressure, and anabolic steroids can raise "bad" cholesterol while lowering "good" cholesterol levels, contributing to long-term heart disease. Among those at greatest risk are young athletes who have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – typically an inherited thickening of the heart muscle. Anabolic steroids, which have also been shown to thicken the main pumping chamber of the heart, could worsen hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. While more research is necessary, it appears that in some cases use of PEDs in people with congenital (present at birth) heart disease can further increase the risk of sudden cardiac death.
>sudden cardiac death is extremely rare in young athletes
it's not rare as a cause of death. death in young athletes is rare, but what causes it isnt. this is entry levels statistics senpai
This is so very true. After like an hour of gaming I get up and do 5 or 6 yoga poses, it keeps you feeling fresh to.
>I'm shocked this isn't common knowledge.
common knowledge is wrong a lot of the time, as in this case - only two tribes currently practice persistence hunting; once you have weapons there's no reason to use such a time-intensive method.
I still think it could be more to do with PEDs than cardio.
Of course, user. Humans were never meant to waste energy picking up heavy weights and putting them down.
>Humans were never meant to jog.
it's even a wonder how they manage to do it despite the fact that it's anatomically impossible
This seems pretty reasonable. Can anyone verify this with their running experience? Runner newb here
I posted it and I can verify - I watched this video
Awesome thank you! Thanks for taking the time to post all the helpful info
twitchDOTtv/sincerelylyn in case you're interested, she streams LoL and is actually really nice
>wasting your time watching other people play video games
>doing anything video game related
just kill yourself already
>Complaining about someone watching people play video games
How many chromosomes do you have?
But does she show puss
seconding this.
vidya is for fags, life got infinitely better once I quit.
>defending the absolute worst possible entertainment you can partake in
>I still think it could be more to do with PEDs than cardio.
no, it's mainly athletes who have high cardio demands in their sports eg. soccer, rugby etc
right obviously it is mostly a change in the structure of the heart in response to cardio but it seems like PEDs must push that process further than it would otherwise go, and supposedly there's a lot of steroid use even in high schools now.
>I can't figure out how to spend 6 hours a week doing something without it derailing my whole life.
>Living a life so devoid of stress and responsibility that you don't need to decompress with something mindless and simple.
>So useless you can't learn something/better yourself without spending thousands of hours grinding at it.
Not going to make it.
nah. soccer players dont take PEDs, and PED use is also pretty rare in rugby as it impedes cardio output which would make you a crap rugby player.
>He thinks top tier athletes are natty
Come on bro. Do you believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny too?
>there are no PEDs that improve cardio output.
>PEDs impact cardio output forever not just when on them.
>Most PEDS are used during the season not in the off season.
>You are a fucking retard with no idea about what you are talking about.
One and only one of these is true, guess which one.
>humans were never meant to jog.
>literally designed to jog at a moderate pace for multiple hours daily.
Multiple forms of cardio effect the human body in different ways. Much like lifting, eventually you will flatline and make no cardio gains.
A mixture of SS and HIIT is what we are physically designed to do and what we are best at.
Anyone who says otherwise does not understand the human anatomy.
We were meant to walk almost an entire day, When an animal trail was picked up our ancestors would jog/run and follow the trail for multiple miles. When the trail was fresher they would switch to sprinting to close the distance quickly.
>I'm such a simple minded person 6 hours per week is all I need to experience something
>My daily life is full of stress and responsibility I can't handle that I need something completely mindless & pointless to decompress with
>My life is shit I need something that numbs the pain instead of trying to fix the real problem
I see this Goddess everywhere on Veeky Forums.
Would rape /10
>World Class athlete making millions of dollars
pick one
Someone hasn't played System Shock 2.
Whoa faggots I'm not even talking about vidya
is me, and I play vidya... but I'll never understand why people WATCH people play vidya, or 'lets plays'... shit is stupid.
I've been doing rope jumping for a few days. First time killed me, but now that I've been doing it HIIT style for a while (40 seconds, jumping, 20 seconds rest) it's getting easier.
How many minutes of this should I do daily? I've been creeping up slowly and I can do 10 minutes without being destroyed now. Should I go up to 30? Reduce rest time?
>all athletes take PEDs
i know that your all millenials and youve been taught that you have opinions and they have merit and validity, but in the real world tjhat's not true.
PED use in cardio sports like soccer, rugby, cycling is so rare to be ignored.
>hurr durr what about that guy who...
yeah. rare.
Nigger, that movement evolved from energy saving to cover huge distances.
>walking behind the prey
Coonprince stop it
depends on your goals.
Add time if you want endurance and reduce rest if you want intensity.
do both if you're not a pussy. 40 on 20 off is way too easy. Come back when you can do 90/10. Not even kidding.
A rower currently holds the record for highest lung capacity. So row.
>I never said they all took them nigga,
>cycling is so rare to be ignored.
Said almost no tour de France where the testing wasn't later referred to as 'flawed' or some other euphemism for corrupt as shit, ever.
Thanks, I'm still a bit of a fatty so I've been starting slowly. I'll reduce the rest.
they werent roiding, they were using EPO etc
We all gotta start somewhere. Jumping rope is god tier cardio, an excellent choice. Best of luck.
"jog" something means to nudge or knock something - it's used of running at a slow pace because form breaks down at a slow pace and you can see it "jogging" the person at every step - that's not biomechanically efficient or anything we've evolved for.
if you mean "running comparatively slowly" which is what some people mean by jogging then you may well be right although I'd still suggest running with a cadence above 180.
>PED's refer only to steroids, because if they refer to all Performance Enhancing Drugs my argument is invalid and I look like a retard.
you're all so clueless. heartrate training is the basis of cardio work, look up Phil Maffetone to find out more.
ok, name as many rugby and soccer players as you can who've been busted for EPO or other blood doping offences in the last 2 years....
PED is a broader spectrum where EPO and roids fall under. Understand that, or are you just baiting?
ok, name as many rugby and soccer players as you can who've been busted for EPO or other blood doping offences in the last 2 years....
PEDs are not involved in sudden cardiac death anyway, according to this:
>Bille et al. published a systematic review of the literature concerning sudden cardiac death in young athletes between 1966 and 2004.
>Furthermore, Bille et al report that “underlying cardiac diseases account for approximately 90 percent of exercise-related sudden deaths” and that doping as a cause of sudden death as “unlikely”[6].
I don't know how they worked out it was unlikely, though.
I'm glad our resident etymology major is out tonight.
>Ok so I said rugby, soccer and cycling and you proved I was wrong about cycling. Now please prove I was wrong about a different thing you never disputed.
I never disputed rugby or soccer.
delete this
here's a youtube vid that explains why it's excessively hard cardio that ruins your heart:
>quit vidya
What? Were you fucking addicted to it? Learn to control and moderate yourself man. I can go weeks without playing anything but sometimes spend a whole Sunday on EU IV or some shit.
I'm a goal-orientated person, so no I can't.
grow up.
>person defending video games telling someone else to grow up
both is good.
Do what is more fun for you. Chances that you will stick with cardio are higher that way.
I don't get this. If you had a reasonable level of maturity you'd realise video games aren't anything to do with being 'grown up'.
Just look at it objectively without your parents opinions on the subject diluting yours and you might learn something.
Either that or continue to shitpost in caps.
The bottom line is gaming gives absolutely nothing in return for your time spent, and provides an easy escape from your problems should things go south, distracting you from fixing said problems.
I completely understand the desire to have something to decompress with, or to just switch gears once you're done with your daily grind, but consider...
It's healthier to have a more productive hobby that is also entertaining, such as being an avid film watcher, reading novels... playing an instrument & recording yourself ect.
There are so many options for a past-time that isn't devoid of any return for time/effort spent, and when you look at it like that-- you will see video games are absolutely a curse, and be put in the wrong situation, can become extremely addicting.
>such as being an avid film watcher
please explain how that's productive and playing video games isn't.
video games even have a social component, watching tv or movies is literally nothing.
I get you user.
Gaming doesn't give you much in return, but neither does watching films or reading novels. It's all escapism.
Sure reading certain books and watching documentaries is productive but sometimes you need to do something mindless. I find I'm more productive in work and other aspects if I've had time to 'switch off'.
>and provides an easy escape from your problems should things go south
spoken like a true teenager. Grow the fuck up, and become a well rounded individual.
>implying you can only have one way to spend your free time
>implying the examples you mentioned are any better than vidya
>implying you're even old enough to post on this site
also the social component if video games (playing online) is a fucking joke, the fact you consider this a plus is pathetic
yeah I am a teenager, and I'm glad I see the red-flags that gaming promotes so I avoid becoming a total fucking loser, like yourself.
>doing something literally because it makes you feel good
might as well go buy drugs, you fucking weak-willed faggot
that single word made my day
>might as well buy drugs
What the fuck is wrong with doing something because it feels good?
Have you ever been laid? Guess what? We're not all relentlessly trying to have kids.
now explain why catharsis doesn't apply to video games
also explain how the social component is a joke, without going all "ARE YOU KIDDING ME"
>yeah I am a teenager,
nevermind we're done here
t b h nothing, but this is a board about self-improvement and if you're doing something that only return is making you 'feel good', you're doing it wrong.
sex is a very rewarding, and should make you feel desirable, successful, and of course pleasurable
I'm not saying everything you do needs to have a purpose, but it SHOULD have a return that's more than 'this makes me feel good, that's why'.
if you're playing a story driven game with a primary character, of course... is that really all you're playing though?
>i'm in my 20s and I'm the one passionatly defending video games, yet I see no problem with this picture
lol okay champ
>I see the red-flags that gaming promotes so I avoid becoming a total fucking loser
>instead i spend my afternoons shitposting on an anonymous image board
>which is a much healthier habit
>and prevents me from being a "total fucking loser"
you assume everybody either spends all their time with vidya or can only spend time with self-improving habits, which is plain wrong. And I've said multiple times now, grow the fuck up. It's not all black and white.
>sex is a very rewarding, and should make you feel desirable, successful, and of course pleasurable
In other words, it make you feel good.
in this afternoon alone I've participated in 3 debates, and read some very entertaining stories that brought an unhealthy amount of laughs
Veeky Forums isn't the cream of the crop of past-times but I'll argue to the death that it's more stimulating and healthier than video games, faggot.
>sex only makes you feel good, there are no other emotions or mental gains in the front end or back end of a sexual encounter
wanna know how I know you're a virgin?
>Veeky Forums more stimulating and healthier than vidya
>very entertaining stories that brought an unhealthy amount of laughs
would you say that this... makes you feel good?
nah m8 I'm only here for the summer :^)
>lemme just link this wikipedia article, that way I don't have to come to terms with the fact that he actually pointed out a conflict in what I've said in my previous posts
nice try kid.
>Learn to control and moderate yourself man
I guess somethings are either learnt by discipline or years of experience.
What a waste of time and life...
i'm sorry it's hard to find the motivation to type out meaningful replies to stupidty when the bottom line is you're butt-hurt somebody is telling it like it is: video games are useless
laughter on the other hand has many health benefits, and people go out of their way to find ways to induce it
>video games are useless
I like the fact that you still haven't come to terms with the fact that everything you do is useless. Just have fun, don't be so obsessed with what has benefits and what doesn't.
>gives absolutely nothing in return for your time spent
it's mental exercise.
I agree with you there.
I'm not ready to come to a conclusion of the philosophical question of the meaning of life & what we're here for.
Nevertheless, I hold the opinion that one should always do something that is, in same way (small or large) a progression to their real life. Anything you do should have a return that benefits your personal world.
If game was the only way to have an enjoyable past-time, I'd understand-- but there's so much one could do that brings enjoyment AS WELL as gives them something to take away once they're done and ready to move on.
Gaming is completely useless, it does not promote emotional health, and does give you any meaningful skill-- unless your active goal is to become someone getting paid for their gameplay in someway, it is completely useless and in 20 years you're going to regret all the time you've spent.
>it's mental exercise.
there are mental gains to be had in games, but they only exist within the game-- once you walk away all those gains are meaningless.
generally nothing you gain within a video game, friendship, items, whatever, translates into your life in anyway
he says, as he promotes watching movies
you're so dumb man. you can't even explain your own logic and you're hoping to convince people on Veeky Forums of all places