Do I stop SS once I reach 1/2/3/4?
What comes after SS?
Do I stop SS once I reach 1/2/3/4?
What comes after SS?
>Do I stop SS once I reach 1/2/3/4?
the book that you read before doing SS will tell you
>What comes after SS?
texas method is the most natural continuation
You stop SS once you can no longer make squat gains.
>What comes after SS?
Whatever you want. Texas Method is similar if you enjoyed SS.
Gay sex.
I'm stuck at 155. I'm 6'0, 160 pounds. To what weight should I continue?
who are the people in this meme? i thought this board didn't have any celebrities
Stop it before you start it, do PPL or UL
>deadlift tiny's parents
Lost it
Wait, you guys actually do SS until you hit 1/2/3/4? Holy shit
IIRC linear progression generally takes the average trainee to:
>.7 x BW OHP
>1.1 x BW Bench
>1.6 x BW Squat
>2 x BW Dead
If your numbers are floating around there you've just about exhausted your noob-gains - gotta mix up your routine to get much stronger after that.
usually fatties
What are some decent UL routines I could use?
it's more like 1/2/3/3.5. using xBW makes no sense since strength doesn't increase linearly with BW. for a 150lbs guy who refuses to gain weight those numbers equate to
105lbs press
165lbs bench
240lbs squat
300lbs deadlift
if you finish SS with those numbers you fucked up, even if you weigh 150lbs (which you shouldn't). for a 200lbs guy your numbers are more realistic, but if you're a tall, bigger guy you might weigh 250lbs and it's highly unlikely you'll finish SS with a 500lbs deadlift and 400lbs
Source on this?? I've been cutting since day one on SS and have stalled now around these numbers. I'll probably do madcow or Texas method now.
there is no source on that, at least not a credible one. just read the book.
The 1/2/3/4 standard applies to most people, but you should really be stopping SS once the consistent gains have stopped even after several deloads. Move onto any intermediate program. Madcow, Texas, etc.. You can probably move on to some powerlifting programs if you want to continue with your strength gains.
I stopped making linear squat gains and haven't even reached 2pl8 yet. Still progressing in my other lifts about once per week. Do I keep going?
Deload 10% off your squat and work your way back up.
Done that twice already. Didn't help. I feel like it actually hindered my progress in that I had to waste time working my way back up to my pr only to stall again. I probably improve my squat pr about 2.5kg every 3 or 4 weeks atm. Does linear mean increasing weight every single workout?
Then it might be time to start eating more, sleeping more, or changing programs. I stopped progressing on SS around 95kg squat. Kept going back and forth around that weight missing reps until I decided to move on.
Like for reps? Not me at least