Post em. Is this good for only lifting for a month?
Sym Strenght
No. Come back when you're an orangefag atleast
Why. I see worse ones posted all the time.
Post lifts manlet.
Manlet?? Im 6'1. Not the tallest but definitly not a manlet why should i type out my lifts. I did i SS already
You're a manlet to me. Now post lifts.
Well with that attitude i dont wanna.
I bet you weigh like 50kg, manlet. Duel me IRL.
Mfw i weigh a little under 230lbs. Im starting to think your a jealous cunt
Also sure Give me yourLocation ill fight you
You're one fat manlet.
Your probably actually a manlet skele and are just hating. Aka typical fight. Fuck off
i am the golden man
180cm, 6 years lifting, 90kg
6 years of lifting. Is a manlet. Not even elite. Or world class. Why even try.
Dam nice man. I hope to be at this point some day.
>6 years of lifting
>not even elite. or world class
found the person who doesn't lift
Its so good it looks fake. That's how good your lifts are.
5.5 months in, finally green after breaking OHP PR today. Feels gut. "Real" lifts still feel lifetime away though.
Idk i grew up doing farm work. I can assure you its real. Idk if your trolling or not though
RIP been lifting for a year, cardio really does kill gains
so if i do yates row 60 kg, would that translate to the same with the pendlay row? I have a feeling yates row is easier
Am i cool yet
Someday I wanna be just like you, golden man. I'm hoping to get through green and into yellow by the end of the year.
I'm surprised gravity hasn't crushed you into oblivion yet.
Still pretty novice, but making progress
started going to gym 4 this good?
At least my chin-ups are above average lol. I'll just go for freakishly big lats/biceps, I guess
1 year of lifting
5'9 (inb4) 160lbs
Bench: 245x1
Squat: 315x1
Dead: 405x1
OHP: 155x1
godspeed anons. if i can do it you can do it
Proud of you user, I'm just now staring to get some yellow myself
UPDATE: I thought it was done in kgs, changed it all in to lbs much better now!
You all look like skinless freaks so I don't know why you are so proud of being one color or another. Disgusting.
purple fag detected
6 weeks today
>tfw only 35kg OHP for reps
Subpar here.
Feels bad man.
>posted my SS on another thread
>got called
rainbow guy
mlp lifter
gay lifter
>why bother posting again
I can't stop laughing and it wasn't that funny