Hey Veeky Forums how do you deal with hemorrhoids?
Hey Veeky Forums how do you deal with hemorrhoids?
My dad had them
Just go and fix them up get surgery
Push them back in
Nah but seriously just get homorrhoid cream and learn proper form
u learn to enjoy them, to love them
- less anal sex (you slut)
- stool softener
- less dairy products
- more fiber
- surgery
dont forget to clench your ass when you lift
Do not get the surgery unless absolutely necessary. If your doc is pushing the surgery, get a second opinion. Recovery from the surgery is absolute hell. The worst pain of my life. On the pain threshold it is equivalent with childbirth. You will no longer be you, you will be pain incarnate. And that's when you're not even having a bowel movement. Literally like shitting glass shards after you've been sodomized 100 times with a baseball bat. They prescribe you opiates, which don't do as much as you'd think and actually cause constipation. So you have to take stool softeners, benefiber, and milk of magnesia just to take a shit. You'll have anal leakage which includes blood and poo for at least 2 weeks. There's no way in hell you'll be able to exercise let alone lift for at least 2.5-3weeks. I had the surgery because I had 3 prolapses hemorrhoids due to an anal lesion that turned out to thankfully be a benign epithelial polyp. Don't get the surgery unless you absolutely must. It is hell on earth. There is a Chinese cream with 2000+ positive reviews on Amazon called mayinglong musk (something like that). Apparently works better than all the shitty otc creams. Haven't tried it, but I would if I were you.
How can I prevent haemorrhoids?
dont sit too much on the toilet, avoid anal sex, increase fiber, dont be a woman or old person
>Mfw I've been literally shitposting while having a shit for a whole year
I got them a lot when i was a kid because my parents were too poor to buy good food with enough fiber.
Go to the doctor and get the prescription pain killers and use the cream.
Make sure you have smooth poops and never strain. If you sit on the toilet for more than 2 minutes before anything comes out, you are constipated. Best way to have smooth poops is to up your water intake. You need to drink a six pack of water a day and also eat something that contains a high amount of fiber. Be warned though, fiber without water is a disaster. Also certain foods may trigger people. Eggs, bread, too much meat, too much cheese can cause constipation. Don't strain on the toilet. Hemorrhoids are veins lining your rectal cavity that fill up with blood and become engorged and clotted. They're caused also by the pressure on your rectim from lifting heavy things. If you are constipated, water, prune juice, and miralax are your friends. Hemorrhoids can also be genetic. Some people get them more easily than others but like 50%+ of population experiences them before age of 50. Very common. People are ashamed though to address them sometimes. Proctologists and gastroenterologists went to school and get paid to check out people's assholes. They do it almost every single day. Literally zero reason to feel embarrassed. They literally went to med school to specialized in the study of the asshole.
>less dairy
I thought yogurt was good for hemorrhoid prevention?
> hemorrhoid bursts, covering my favorite pants with shit and blood
eat fiber, take laxatives, don't push to hard when shitting
to add to this guys list.
OTC constipation solver: sugar free sweets with sorbitol I shit you not. take a whole packet in an hour and you'll shit your pants
>Proctologists and gastroenterologists went to school and get paid to check out people's assholes. They do it almost every single day. Literally zero reason to feel embarrassed. They literally went to med school to specialized in the study of the asshole.
One time I had food poisoning and after many days shitting liquid, it went away and suddenly my shit turned into a solid block of concrete, and as I gave birth to that thing I felt a lot of pain. There was blood when shitting for several days, then I decided to stop being ashamed and went to see a proctologist. Laying there with a dude examining your asshole was not nearly as bad as I thought, and I got it treated quickly. The nightmare was over.
tl;dr: go to the doctor
If it's stage 1, just stop pressing so hard when shitting. Relax and let the shit glide out, takes a bit longer, but that's the price you gonna have to pay. Try to avoid pushing at all if possible.
And try to only shit once every day. If your shit is too hard, eat less carbs. If your shit is too fluid, eat more carbs.
Bro I'm shitting 3 times a day during this bulk
Well then better plan in some time for extended periods of shitting. Get something good to read.
> don't be a woman
See, this is what I don't get about God (or evolution), why the fuck did He think it would be a good idea to lump all this nether bleeding junk onto females? Like, guys don't find it attractive and girls fucking hate it, so why do we have it?
>Proctologists and gastroenterologists went to school and get paid to check out people's assholes. They do it almost every single day. Literally zero reason to feel embarrassed. They literally went to med school to specialized in the study of the asshole.
Thanks for the lol user. I'm sitting with my first really painful hemorrhoid today. I'll follow your advise to prevent any future damage. I think my problem is straining when shitting.
Do hemorrhoids ever go away if you take care of yourself? I mean, does you asshole ever go back to it's original healthy vein self?
Not with out surgery, the problem only gets worse with time
I've been having so many health issues lately. It's really not helping my suicidal ideation.
Jesus, that's not fair. The only thing railing me up the ass is life. I don't deserve this.
Get it fixed, idk what to tell you
you're a good man
Take the shower head and spray your hem with hot water to shrink it, then use a medicated witchazel pad like Tucks to wipe your ass, this also shrinks the hem back into your ass
Yes it gets better. I was dealing with hemeroids for the first time ever 3 years ago, went to the doctors, got prescribed a strong steroid based hydrocortisone cream, was careful not to aggravate them and had it clear up in about 3 weeks. Never been an issue since.
This is a good temp. solution. Sorbitol seems to not work for me anymore. I chew a lot of sugar free gum, though.
It is stage one I haven't shit since today so wish me luck. The symptoms just begun today too.
>went to doctor for hemorrhoids once
>told me to eat more fiber and gave me a prescription for 'rectal rockets'
>basically a waxy, medicated buttplug that melts in your asshole
good advice, also if you can, try to shit in the squatting position. It helps you while shitting
did anyone else notice shower gels affect your hemorhoids? like my ass burns after I use shower gel, but if I wash my ass with soap and water, everything is fine.
whenever i feel like i could have them if i'm not careful, i drink like 5 cups of coffee so my shit flows like yoghurt and i'm pretty good for the days to come
I am strict about making restrooms an absolute #nophonezone ever since I wiped after a movement and looked at the paper to see a quickly expanding Rorschach inkblot of bright red blood and realized it wasn't normal to feel like ants were circling my anus and having a feast every time I passed a stool or even sat in an awkward position. Doing a lot better now with regards to my bum.
Because god didn't do it, natural selection did it
See, it's logical for caretakers to have more complex reproduction organs, since all you were ever supposed to do was to sit on your ass and shit out babies while males did other (more dangerous) shit like hunting animals, building shelters, scavenging for food, that sort of shizzle
Women were always more valuable than men in the terms of reproduction, since it's harder for women to go through 9 months of pregnancy, childbirth and then a period that you are supposed to take care of children for, than for men is to bust a nut and fuck off
So who do you think needs more complex organs then? Or do you think that males were just supposed to somehow get impregnated with a seed by something - I don't fucking know what, maybe a slug - after 4 months ejaculate a fetus into a woman that would bear it for another 5 months and then crap it out? Just so we could share few of our reproduction organs? Where's the logic in that?
Just read up on it ye cunt, just because guys don't find it attractive and girls hate it, it doesn't mean that it's not bearing a great significance
Last question, are you 12? You were supposed to have sex ed in high school already
Not this user but another point i want to add about the bleeding.
The monthly menstration period in which you shed your uterus wall is unique among all species on earth, because through natural selection, humans have developed the ability to breed any time of the year instead of select "breeding seasons".
Youre able to have sex whenever because of your period.
As for guys not liking it well yea, bleeding is usually a bad thing, plus its not something we personally deal with so its a bit jarring. I was traumatized one time by watching my girl finger herself trying to tease me and this big glob of blood oozed out. It was a darkish red. And it smelled too.
It was embarassing for her but it was really hard to see that.
Good point family