Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread -thread
OP goes first, I've been cutting for exactly 4 months today and I've lost 15 pounds without losing any strength or having to take steps back at the gym. I'm still not where I want to be my bf% is about 14-15 so you kinda see the abs are existing but no sixpack. So my question is should I continue cutting even though I've cutted for so long and I'm just 18 so I'm not sure if it's that healthy.
Anyone here do martial arts + lifting? There's a dojo near me that does BJJ and Krav Maga, and I'm thinking of working it into my routine.
I'm new here, but is it possible to just to be "fit", all I want to do is to go from skinny to light otter mode and maintain that (if that makes sense). Anything I can do to achieve this?
There is something you can do, it's called lifting weights
OP is a bitch for not posting in one of the other 3 QTDDTOT threads.
How do I fix a chit personality? Am I supposed to just fake it and basically never be true to myself? How can I ever find happiness this way...
join a book club. seriously, any sort of social club, somewhere where you need to make eye contact and talk with people will help you poor millennials so much
Pullups are impossible for me. I can do one and a half, and that's it.
Yesterday when doing squats I squeezed my shoulder blades together because I read that it was the correct form.
Had pain on my upper back and even today it feels strange.
Tomorrow I've got to continue doing squats and I really need to know what happened or what is the most common mistake that makes you have some pain on you shoulder blades (it kind of hurts when I move them).
>if it's summer where you're from
keep cutting until winter
Go for it, just make sure you eat enough. Grappling takes a lot more out of you than you think.
>read the god-damned, mother-fucking sticky
Do as many as you can then hang at your sticking point on your last one. Do these in sets of 3 or 5 like you would any other compound lift. If you're a fatty, as you lose weight, they will become easier
high bar or low bar? and where exactly? Circle the spot on a picture.
I've been doing pushups in the mornings on my off days, are there any benefits to this or am I just taxing my muscles unnecessarily?
For lunch is this a good choice? Was never fed right growing up
1/2 cup of rice
Equal that amount with a mix of mushrooms, carrot, celery and capsicum
Seriously learning to feed a human here
Read the sticky and it didn't have the info I need
I'm fatmode 240 lbs and the sticky says to eat 1g of protein per pound of body weight, do I seriously have to eat 240g of protein? Isn't that 2.5 kg of chicken?
How do I deal with uneven development?
Always feel like I'm hitting my right side more than the left, even my caluses looks more pronounced on my right hand.
>chicken is the only source of protein that exists
my shoulder starts to burn and my left arm gets numb after around 10 reps of any exercise. I have to stop for a couple of seconds and I can keep going fine for another 10 reps
>he fell for the 1g/lb meme
I'll presume that you're trying to cut right now. In general, a better guideline is 1g/kg bodyweight. The degree of protein that's needed varies on the individual, but for you, right now, 100-120g of protein will be plenty.
Why would you make a new thread when there's a perfectly good one with less than 100 posts you newfag
I sprained my ankle today on BJJ and now I need to rethink my lifting routine.
I was on the middle of Stronglifts. What's the best way to proceed now?
Right now I'm really just thinking of doing mainly curls and shit like most people in the gym.
i just started working out, im doing around 90-120 minutes a day, 5 days a week
on training days, i usually exercise first thing in the morning on a basically empty stomach and just pound back water
I used to be 5'6 and 130 (may 1) now i'm 145. My appetite is insanely big now that i exercise a lot. I want to get lean but i feel like I would starve if I ate any less. I dont eat any junk food, the only things i eat are fruits (quite a few as snacks), veggies, chicken, lean ground beef and brown rice.
>1g/lb meme
Should such a thing even be in the sticky?
i just finished reading the sticky; i want to lose weight, but feel very uncomfortable about lifting weights, mostly because lacking knowledge (how to setup the weights, how do i exercise correctly, how heavy the weights should be).
is cardio really not that good to lose weight? after reading the sticky i understand that actually i need to lose fat, not necessarily weight.. i just want to start running on the treadmill, but will that be mostly pointless? it will help me to lose weight, but in the end my body will keep the same fat/muscle ratio, making the exercise useless?
A lot of the time at the gym I feel like I have to piss, and then upon going to the bathroom I just end up standing at the urinal holding my dick and not pissing. Like it feels like I have to pee, but I cant.
Is there something wrong with me?
Im not really anxious though. Its a recent development too, about 5 months
Cardio killing gains is a meme just eat at a slight deficit
How do I progress on curl in GSLP?
I lost 100lbs. Do I have any loose skin/how noticeable is it? Will losing 20 more make it a lot more noticeable?
I don't see any loose skin
This might be a long shot but I need ways to curb anxiety, especially in regards to smoking. I always get a little paranoid and have heart palpatations but I really want to smoke and not have to go through this. Any ideas please?
Im no doctor, but I like listening to music to calm me down. I listen to classical or doom metal when I need to calm down.
Or maybe playing/learning an instrument would help. Its always relaxing to practice for me
See if these help.
is the Rumble Roller a memegymproduct?
or should i just get a regular foam roller?
Yeah I have found that practicing guitar has helped. Trumpet not so much. I'm gonna try the classical though. Doom metal can be cool have you ever heard thergothons stream from the heaven? It's incredibly trippy.
>have you ever heard thergothons stream from the heaven?
I hadnt before but im listening to it now. Its pretty good. I saw it on the /mu/ doom essentials I just hadnt gotten to it since im also working on the black metal essentials.
If you like trippy though you should try this
how long after static sketches should i wait until i lift? i really need to do them now but i usually go the gym in 2-3 hours from now
I'm keep stalling on my bench press. I've added dips and DB bench on my off days, but it doesn't help. It doesn't seem to be a matter of eating as I track calories, sleep well and every other lift increases. What do?
Coming from 145 skele to now 167lb @ 5'11
I'm making awesome gains but I seriously can't deal with the fat that has accumulated on my stomach and sides. I just dont fucking understand how people can grow their arms but keep their bf low. If I cut calories, my arms/legs will get skinny. If I keep bulking, I get more fat but I get small gains. What do I do bros?
Right now I aim for 3k calories a day. I lift 3x a week doing a variation of stronglifts but a lot of accessory work like curls/skullcrushers etc
Please, someone help me. I know its dumb to say I want to look like pic related, but I want to start working towards something like that; I have NO desire to become bulky which is what is currently happened. I just want to be fukin lean
meh just finished stretching, will report back in a few hours and describe how it went
what size are you arms?
How do I know if its gyno?
Here's a pic I just took. You can kind of see the bulkyness of my body compared to my skinny arms. When I was 145lbs it was even worse but at 145 I loved my lean stomach/midsection
anyone have an alternative recipe for home made ensure without all the preservatives and made by satan?
just start doing bicep/tricept isolation to gain more muscle mass in your arms if youre that worried about it. you either dirty bulk and be a fat ass or you can cut some calories and lose fat off everywhere, including your arms, which dont look like theyd look smaller if you cut bth fma
youre gam gam has a 10/10 guest room. would sleep in with your gam gam
>tfw stalling in bench press and ohp three times in row
What do?
So, how many calories do you recommend for me? I think maybe 3k is too much, at least from the results I'm getting. Is 2500 enough to make gains but cut some BF% @ 5'11?
I have 2 solid months b4 I leave to university in August and I want to make as much gains as possible
At what point will I stop looking DYEL
Not him but are you saying switch chest/tricep and back/bicep to chest/back and tricep/bicep
Thinking of eating healthier and getting my vitamins and minerals, but a thing I am worried about is: not absorbing what I eat. I hear if you eat certain foods together, you don't absorb the minerals and vitamins in them. I hear salt does that, milk can do it, nuts, seeds etc. can do it. How do I make sure that I absorb most if not all of the vitamins I eat? There is not really any reason of reaching my daily intake by following a plan if at the end of the day I have only eaten it, but not absorbed it.
So I injured something in my left shoulder 3 months ago. I have completely stopped lifting and some time ago I started doing some rotator cuff exercises and stretching. My shoulder felt completely fine so I decided to warm up good and OHP some baby weight today. Well, the pain was back. Maybe not that bad as in the beginning, but I definitely felt it. What do? I just want to be able to lift again. I've thought 3 months break + some preventive exercises would be enough to heal it. Maybe some joint supplements?
Also it might be worth to mention that I got this injury from pull-ups and dead hanging, not OHP.
Get a referral to an ortho doctor or something. You took good steps I think but there's still something wrong.
And no, supplements won't get you past injury
Recently hopped onto this routine after dicking around with other unhelpful programs following SS/SL.
Seeing as I'm not a beginner (but still lifting some babby weights so I clearly need this) I decided instead of 3x5 linear gains for squats/deads/bench/press to periodize the weights and do ramp up sets of increasing %s (think 5/3/1) and that's worked good for consistent gains without burning out.
However now it's really hard to deadlift heavy after doing front squats because my core and my legs are already taxed. What can I do about this?
well thats one way to do it. he could also just add isolation to whatever he's doing
seems reasonable. i mean you added a full 20 lbs and its definitely visiable that youve lifted from your pic. you could easily gain 10 lean lbs by august as long as you stick with it. but honestly it might be too late to save your body for summer since you intend on bulking. i dont know youre goals but if you want to leave humanity behind you could just keeping dirty bulking through the summer/fall and get big af
I just went and vomited up the entire bulking shake I drank, that put's me at lest 1000 calories below my gains number, should I bother working out tomorrow morning? will I be fine if I eat plenty of protein tomorrow like will I just end up having a micro cut tommro? or will it be a wasted work out
what the fuck are you talking about
Even if you were on a cut, you woulnd't just stop working out
Go lift, faghett
sorry to break it to you, but you are just skinnyfat.
Cut down to a reasonable body fat percentage, and then clean bulk (and never exceed 14% bodyfat again). Also, do your fucking isos.
Start SS on Friday and I'm not sure whether to bulk or cut. 6'2 and 174 lbs. pic related
It's about facial aesthetics. How can I get rid of shadows/circles under my eyes?
Bulk after you give me one good reason you don't SS start tomorrow.
Careful bulk
No benefits.
If you do the exercises correctly with uneven bodyparts, they will eventually fix themselves.
If you only do cardio, you have a much higher possibility of losing muscle. If you really insist on it, make sure to eat enough protein.
The best solution would be reading SS, so you would know your shit, but you're not going to do that, because you're a lazy piece of shit.
You should stretch after lifting, not before.
Check form. If that does not work, deload.
Take a lesson from and provide adequate information when asking a question.
Read up on things that don't absorb well together?
But really, you're probably asking this question as a lousy excuse to not eat well to begin with, so there's that.
I don't lift, but I'm currently cutting (pretty damn hard too, currently at 1200kcal)
How worried should I be about protein? I'm apparently only getting 40 or so grams a day.
Is it the caffeine or the creatine that makes me need a shit 8/10 times I take pre? I don't go to the toilet to crap every day so if it is the creatine helping, would that be a viable supplement to take?
If I turn the resistance very high on my stationary bicycle and pedal rather slowly, is it still cardio training or does it already have the effects of weight training?
i've been cutting for 41 days and i've lost 15lbs
As a beginner (I have some muscle mass already due to garden work etc. and I'm comparatively strong and sturdy) should I stick with bodyweight training or buy a weight set? I have a dumbbell with about 5kg, but I think it's to light and requires too many repetitions to get any effect, so I rather do push ups or so.
There are relatively cheap 30kg barbells on Amazon (Germany) like this one
are they any good?
>when you're cutting and you have a really good workout and you don't wanna eat a deficit cause you wanna build dem mussels
Just broke my fibula and legs going in a cast today. I can basically do bench, seated military press, db rows, and ab work. Is this fine?
What to do with a gymcrush?
I'm 30 and she looks like 20.
I feel autistic when she is present, I don't even know to look or blush or look away. It's like I'm 14.
Today I saw her and she was chatting to a guy she clearly knew.
That alone filled me with rage. Was good for my lifts but I'm your typical Veeky Forums social autist so I have no idea what I should do.
>Today I saw her and she was chatting to a guy she clearly knew. That alone filled me with rage.
Talk to a counselor.
Why exactly? I assume jealousy is a normal reaction.
Then eat more around Workout.
I bulked like a dumb ass and now probably have 10-15 lbs of fat to lose. I was hungry skelly before, made gains too but I'm not at all where I want to be. Would an aggressive mini-cut (aiming for -2lbs/week) for a month and a half work or is it better to take it slow in my position?
how are you supposed to progress on a cut? i imagine i soon wont be adding any weight to my lifts
jealousy over a person you hardly know, having a conversation with someone they clearly know makes you sound like elliot rodger
I'm starting a lean bulk either later this week or next. How much weight should I be looking to gain on a week-by-week basis? Cutting is easy (if you're losing weight, you're doing it right) but how do I know if I'm gaining too much or not enough weight?
Keep in mind this is a lean bulk and that the numbers would probably be pretty different from a dirty bulk. Anyone have any experience with this?
You don't progress on a cut. Ideally all your lifts should stay the same if you're maintaining your workout schedule and eating enough proton
When should i stop bulking? Is there an ideal bf?
No. Each time you pedal is a sub-maximal display of force. If you're pedalling for any length of time, it's a VERY small part of your total strength being used. Unless you're a total novice, it therefore won't make you stronger.
Strength training (i.e. training to get stronger) has you employ a much higher proportion of your maximum capacity to cause that capacity to increase.
it's all personal preference m8 but generally once you hit 20% you might want to consider cutting.
>Cutting is easy (if you're losing weight, you're doing it right)
that's not true. If you're losing weight and losing strength, you're doing it wrong.
there's no mini bulks or cuts. Your body doesn't just flip a switch between the two, it has to transition into one or the other. Just take it slow.
Depends on how much fat you're comfortable gaining. 15 is the lower limit for novice lifters, 20 is the upper although some powerlifters will just kinda bulk indefinitely
I'm That was an oversimplification on my part for the sake of brevity, obviously you don't want to lose strength on a cut.
That aside, do you know anything about lean bulk gains?
> tfw captcha is 'select all the food'
they're slow. Just add on 250 calories a week until you stall and then add on another 250 calories.
I'm stalling on OHP, what lifts would you recommend for me to progress?
I'm not skinny fat but ok lol
I've been sedentary for the past 3 years and now I'm starting to see the impact on my body, I'm fat and start puffing my lungs out from climbing stairs, it finally hit me hard that I got to change this.
I'm only eating vegetables, white meats, any kind of fish and soup, I want to start jogging again because I used to be able to run 12km in a hour and now I can't run more than 500m, how do I go back to an active life ?
I tried long bar rows today, I didn't feel it in my lats, only my rotator cuffs, in fact one of them keeps having muscle spasms. any guesses as to what I did wrong? my only guess is that my thumbs where under the bar
Hi guys, im new with Veeky Forums
I started lifting this week, i am going 5 times a week to get that dank frank medrano look.
I am 74 kilos, with 17% fat and 181 cm tall.
Should i start drinking shakes or should i wait witht his?
a friend says i should wait because i will go over my maximum protein or something like that.
Hi bros, got massive sleep problems. But i have been on insane amount of stress lately. Any tips on improving sleep? Haven't had a good night sleep in 2 weeks
How do i show of gains on facebook without looking like a dick (preferably in ways to make my ex jealous)
go to sleep.
never, dont be a fag dude