Anyone has that video of Jason Genova struggling to pronounce the name of his clothing line? I can't find it.
Anyone has that video of Jason Genova struggling to pronounce the name of his clothing line? I can't find it
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Can't locate it.
But wow, that pic makes it so obvious that poor Jason really has FAS. That fucking alcoholic mother of his really ruined his life. Poor kid.
well if this is true, he's doing fine. Strong dude pretty... "fit" and has a business of t shirts and stuff
It's also obvious that his mates and him are playing on his "retiredness" to advertise his products and get attention
Yeah that's it, thanks a lot man.
have you even read the fucking pic you posted? 7 out of 8 criteria listed simply don't fit and the last one is debateable.
Janoy's only fucked on the inside, he's been on heavy medication for years and it's slowly turning him into a vegetable
watch his vids from 6 or so years ago and you'll see he was just a little weird and not full blown autismal like he is today
Can you link a video of him not full autismo
Literally the oldest you can find
Ratprick era
dunno man just type jason genova 2010 or something into youtube dude
how fucking lazy are you? I can remember him talking in full sentences coherently and grammatically correct, been following this dude for a while
Hindenburg v piano boofay eating contest
He used to look better too, I think. His face wasn't as bloated and puffy as it is now.
Sting like a bee sting like a butterfly
Me as jenova
He doesnt have FAS user
Fuck I actually wanted the PEACEOUTBYE shirt and its sold out
lost brothers
>that nose
He not Autism bro
It's not autism bro i keep telling them it's ADD, ADHD, Dickslexia, and autism bro
That's cause Nate hooked him up with his dbol skittle cycle. It's water bro, he's bulking. It sick
post nose please
also, what's wrong with it?