> cutting at 1500 calories
>accidentally eat 1501
>get fatter
Just end my life
> cutting at 1500 calories
>accidentally eat 1501
>get fatter
Just end my life
is this suppose to be a joke
also sauce on gril
My girlfriend
Not bad
But....posting her pick on 4chins ......really......?....
she's like 12 guys.
Naw at least 16
Go back to /b/ you retarded fuck.
straight man poo poo
She's 17
>minions anything
Absolutely disgusting.
>She's 17
>Posting Minors on Veeky Forums
>Dating Minors
It's only acceptable with insane curves bruh
>those eyes
better get the fuck out of there asap desu
Kill yourself
> 17
What shit hole do you hail from, lad?
She doesn't look that fat
Oh so youre still in highschool and shit right?
A true gentleman would cut to 500 less than his TDEE. Only barbarians would round to 1500.
That kid got hella wing chun'd.
Cute gif
> reeee it's unfair your gf isnt an old dried up hag like mine
and nah dude im 18
Is that donnie yen?
>not ugly disgusting and evil
It was pretty hard to watch, i thought they would start eating each other
>What shit hole do you hail from, lad?
Fucking devils Armpit of the USA
>cutting at 1900 calories
>eat 2100 calories
>say fuck it and eat 5000 calories
why do i always do this? I was still in a deficit by a few hundred calories at 2100....
Kek, how's the taste of chads and tyrones dick taste faggot boi
>Kill yourself
Did this today. Accidentally ate 1800 instead of 1500, my cut is ruined for the whole week now.
Hold on a sec fatty how the fuck are you only cutting at 1900?! Are you aiming for 0.5 a week?
I'm black myself and im the first guy she's been with
So, yeah
Am I the only one who's bothered to calculate my tdee and subtract from it?
Keep thinkin that deonte
Bitch already had dick before you nigga
Already got dick on the side
You aint nuthin but a bitch boi cuck
Taste dat dick nigga, TASTE IT
This post has extremely high sodium
Hey now. Racist 14 year olds need to be somewhere on the internet.
>damage control
Guess you're right. Figured they'd stay on pol and b though.
>some nig is fucking this
>i cant even get a gf
>wanting a gf
Just have OPs girl as your side bitch, assuming its ops girl ofc
Welcome newfriend
Summer has only begun
Calories in < Calories out
What do you mean where is this justice? This is justice. He went after her and got her. Man the fuck up instead of crying on a Cambodian knocker ball emporium message forum.
Simple, cuck OP by being better
But im fucking white. She should be my gf. Not that niggers.
>white guy
>better than a non white guy
>this is what fatties actually believe
>worth a damn
Pick one
>white guy
>better than a non white guy
Stop being a beta ass bitch, my latino ass could easily pull a bitchbetter than that so stop your crying and just take her for fucks sake
>considering skin color
Cuck plz go
She should be whoever's gf she wants dumbass.
Hnnnnggggg. This tickles all my incest fantasies
I know what you mean, i wish my brother had breasts too
>mom knows I'm cutting
>she makes my favourite kind of pasta
>doesn't even fucking eat any
What possesses any self-respecting male to cuckpost? Even as bait, the concept is just too viscerally repulsive.
>I'm black myself and im the first guy she's been with
>So, yeah
Get the fuck of fit nigger
You gotta make it
We gotta make it
Were gonna make it bro
I didnt know obama phones could access Veeky Forums
Keep that insecure /b/tard bullshit with the rest of the scum
>Hating on someone because they ask for sauce
>Hatting on someone that tells some nigger posting pics of his girlfriend on the internet especially Veeky Forums is retarded
>Complains about other boards on the same website
Fucking Kill yourself
>leave my wifes sons father and wifes lovers alone
You're beaner ass absolutely cannot compare to my White jeans. Don't even fucking reply to me again taco nigger
Let's dox this nigger ans lynch him. Who's with me?
Said the Pedophile
So you think im mexican? Kek
>damage control
...she's no longer attractive.
Fuck dude I feel you
I rejected girls because I would rather play video games and they end up dating niggers back in highschool
You're probably not even "latin" and are fucking Spanish if you can pull girls that easily anyways.
Implying there is a fucking difference. Learn you're place shitskin kike, i dont give a fuck if you think you're one of us, you will NEVER be master race White Aryan. Kill yourself you fucking useless shitkin faggot nigger
Good :)
>You're probably not even "latin" and are fucking Spanish if you can pull girls that easily anyways.
Was that english?
So edgy. Oddly im on the whitemans side 100% but edgy little faggots like you give the master race a bad name.
Do you even lift you little manlet bitch?
Are ....are you trolling?
> im on the white mans side
be on your own side. dont be a hive mind conformist cuck. this comment is not hostile, btw.
Not at all, i cannot discern what he is trying to say at all, and no i do not speak spanish at all.
I was raised white. I can be on any side i want.
>tfw same situation as you except black
If i promise not to impregnate white women, can i join?
>everything i disagree with is damage control
your alt righters are as bad as sjw's
Breh, any oreo bro is a friend of mine
I dont hate blacks, i hate ebonic ass nigger ghetto mentality.
Doesnt matter what race does it. My cousin is 7/8 white and acts ghetto as fuck, tatted, talks shit non stop. Skinny dyel. Loves knives. Annoying cunt.
>>tfw same situation as you except black
A nigger
On the white mans side.
Are you retarded?
>If i promise not to impregnate white women, can i join?
Fucking adopt or don't have kids and you are in.
Breh, reading comprehension.
He's raised white.
Now youre being a racest little shithead
Judge by character, not color
>He's raised white
>Now youre being a racest little shithead
>Judge by character, not color
Reminder Africa is a shithole and culture does not make the people but the people make the culture
I have only meet one black who was not retarded and he fucking stuggled af fuck to reach my level
They are inferior faggot.
But whatever niggs like Carson are alright.
Population needs to down like 90percent though.
Who was talking about africa?
>I have only meet one black who was not retarded
Confirmed for poorfag
>They are inferior
In what ways? Be specific.
Woah, calm down on the edge son. You mommy wouldnt be happy with you, nor her boyfriend.
Refuses to acknowledge Caucasian and Asians built everything even Mudslimes managed something
While African Negroids did nothing because they can't and are Inferior
You should check out Tumblr or Reddit bro
There is a reason over 100 Million people died in the past 200 years from war related deaths.
Thanks man.
So, how were you raised white? If you dont mind me asking
You had literally nothing to do with what your ancestors accomplished, my man
Promptly end yourself
>Refuses to acknowledge Caucasian and Asians built everything
Where did i say that exactly?
>You should check out Tumblr or Reddit bro
Oh hey a non argument to go with your non argument
>There is a reason over 100 Million people died in the past 200 years from war related deaths
What does this have to do with anything?
How much meth have you smoked today?
Adopted parents, old man was a marine, mom was italian.
Interesting. Were you an only child?
Nope, one of 3
She has a manface, but, god, those tiddies...
you're probs a dyle anyway
but seriously your post is leaking autism. Or you're a poor troll, can never be sure.
Dude she looks 14 at best. Your probably just a creepy social media stalker to her.
naahhh, she's older than that, belive me ;)
lmao your girl is a nasty slut that fucks niggers HAHAHAHHA
Seriously though, it's fucking repulsive.
This guy gets it, just eat clen, drink plenty of water and do cardio.