Why do you lift Veeky Forums?
I lift so that I can stop Muslims from throwing me off roofs and attacking me with knives.
Why do you lift Veeky Forums?
I lift so that I can stop Muslims from throwing me off roofs and attacking me with knives.
I lift so I can train my body to be so thick solid tight that it resists bullets when I'm dancing in the clubs
I lift so that no matter how many niggers surround me with their cowardly tactics, I will destroy them so hard their dindu ancestral spirits in Africa will feel it
t. /Pol/
I lift because of memes
because i have nothing else
because I want a beautiful gf with assests, and I feel I won't be able to attract true beauty unless I also fit that part
i want to be a classical statue
I lift so I can throw gays off the roof and attack them with knives, insha'allah
Muslim here. I lift so I can throw fags like op off the roof with a knife.
Do you also play "It's raining men" when you throw the homos off the roof brother?
at first it was to improve myself/boredom, but now I can't stop thinking about >tfwnogf 24/7 and need to lift my way out of it.
I lift so I can pin Muslims to the ground and protein fart in their turbans
Why even lift as a homo when the Muslims have guns now?
Masha'Allah, you know it habibi!
I lift so i can find a loyal boyfriend before the inevitable gay death at 28 years old, so i won't have to resort to renting broke college boytoys when i'm 50 to get slivers of human affection to fill my emotionally void existence.
le summer bad ass
u wana kno how i kno u dont actually speak arabic
I lift cause I am cancer
>can't handle the bant dubs
go away smelly muslim, you can't sit with us
what u mean habibi
I'm obviously completely unironically a serious muslim that can speak arabic
Is eating cereal without milk halal?
yes habibi, can't get much more halal than that unless you spill the blood of the mushrikin
"George-O Armani"
honey, that's milo yiannopoulos, so please take your musty, old "guns are for red necks" meme and shove it up your weird gay thawb
I lift so one day I can become a masked adventurer. Occasionally stopping evil, occasionally stealing jewels. That type of thing. I'm 21. Hopefully by 25-27 I'll reach my goals.
I want to go back a few hundred centuries and live life as an adventurer
I love how Milo has become a mini-god for impressionable young conservatives, that'd otherwise would - at the very least - sneer at anything remotely homosexual a few years ago, just for using common sense while being a faggot.
I bet he has fucked tons of republican young boipussy on his tour, kinda jelly tbqh.
What's wrong with bisexuals
Being sexually attracted to the same-sex in general is wrong and dangerous to societies, and it SHOULD be stigmatized into oblivion.
You should not have an easy and comfortable time being a homosexual or bisexual, and trust me in 50 years the world will return to that notion.
It's crazy that all it took was someone with some common sense and charisma to make people cheer.
kind of a faggot, but mine's the same. also you're 5 years younger than you say you are but that's ok, you have more time to learn how to get killed like a faggot
>b-b-but my i-imaginary friend s-s-said homos are bad
get a load of this faggot
They're more insufferable compared to lezs, but more tolerable compared to trannies, hons and queer snowflakes.
It's probably because the vocal minority gays have been such annoying worthless faggots.
I think they feel like they still owe liberal parties a favour for the support 30 years ago.
I lift so if I see a little faggot in a mask one day, I can rape his boipussy with ease
fuck off gordon
2bh, if you're American, the Republican party isn't all that accepting of homos, despite the trump is daddy memes.
But, yeah, liberal parties in yurope are absolute kanker and it still baffles when fags support liberals, when even traditionally right wing parties fully support our rights.
because im alone and it's the most productive thing you can do by yourself
It was always going to be choosing between a dick and a douche, I'm just glad homos might actually stop being faggots and choose the one that stops Islam from wrecking western society
Gay death only exists at 28 for those who do not know about Thailand and the magic of plastic surgery.
but keep lifting, homos who don't have good physiques are shit tier desu senpai
more comics pls user
I lift because it makes cucks and feminists salty
Don't insult daddy user
>"guns aren't just for rednecks!"
>cammo trump hat
k boi
I mean the parties, not Daddy
I mostly have gay shit on my laptop, not many comics, sorry user.
>homos who don't have good physiques are shit tier desu senpai
True, our subculture is a lot more obsessed with good bodies compared to heterosexuals, for better or for worse depending on one's perspective.
>muh trump supporters are rednecks
you really need new propaganda pleb boi
>implying 90% of trump supporters aren't inbred retards
>implying 100% of shillary supporters aren't mindless cuccs
Milo used to be a chubby little shit, but then realized how gross he was and got Veeky Forums. He's one of us lads.
>implying I'm voting in the election taking place in that shipwreck you call a country
Shillary is US status quo. If you retards actually elect a walking meme president, you're done for when your next annual recession hits
So I can creampie this qt and her qt friends and cousins.
>implying i'm Amerifat
>why aren't you voting for hillary? everyone else is doing it you know, I don't even care because I'm not from america but why arent you voting for hillary? why? huh? everyone else is doing it, you don't want to be unpopular do you? that would be dangerous for you.
classic shill
noblest goal ITT
I lift to make boysluts bite the pillow
>so, why do you support trump?
>m-memes... h-he'll build a wall...
If trump has given us anything, it's a litmus test for people who shouldn't be allowed to participate in politics.
Pic related, said test.
Does anyone have a link to original video this is from? I keep seeing this fat bitch, but never seen the source.
Any real reason why you would vote Hillary over Trump? Logic and fact based reasoning appreciated.
It's be hilarious if he were forced to be around actual conservatives and they lynched him.
that would be literally a clockwork orange-tier of absurd violence
I can't even tell if you people are serious anymore.
Literally your only reason for supporting Trump is
>muh librul shills
when every other nation on the planet is howling at you for letting a reality TV star slip into the conservative nomination.
It's from Milo's speech at UMass.
all the reason you need morons:
and also to prove I'm not a hillaryshill
Bernie Sanders is the only one who wouldn't run this country into the ground and Shillary is a symptom of the abomination the democrats have turned into, sadly the only way to be elected is if shillary gets indicted before the nomination
>Bernie Sanders
Stop reading right there.
well that means you watched the video then or haven't you?
stay in denial, trump will turn on you just like if not worse than shillary
Why is everyone getting so fucking baffled by the whole event?
I literally said, "nothing of value was lost". In fact, he did the world a favour. Not only is Trump more likely to win now, but some fags are even turning against Muslims.
50 Hillary voters died.
So what?
Better dead than red desu
Someone hand Bernie a calculator pls
Its not even funny anymore
gee whizz, check out all those flaming hot assumptions
I was voting for Trump because I know Hillary is the far worse option, but now I'm voting for Trump because it makes you mad fampai :^)
>in 50 years the year will return to that notion
In 50 years being homophobic will be like being in the KKK today lad, sorry to break it to you
Careful on that edge, honey. :^3