>get my bench press up to 250lb x 4
>still no chest or tricep gains
do NOT do starting strength or strength programs, just hop on a brosplit from day 1 so you don't have to suffer like me...
>get my bench press up to 250lb x 4
>still no chest or tricep gains
do NOT do starting strength or strength programs, just hop on a brosplit from day 1 so you don't have to suffer like me...
>he fell for the SS meme
You fell for the SS meme? Damn, I feel kind of bad now.
Hopefully people don't start falling for the high test meme as well.
>dat back arch
>locking elbows
Have fun in your old age later in life if you can make it that long
>he fell for the bench press meme
Wow, I must say, that is rather hilarious in a pathetic kind of way. I have been doing the much superior exercise Weighted Dips and have experienced incredible strength and muscle gains in my Pecs and Tris. I do recommend that you try it, good sir.
whats the best bro split?
Need to lose weight breh, your muscles are probably hiding under your pudge. Also bring the bar down to your nipples, not below your tits.
I've done nothing but bench for quite some time and my chest and triceps are pretty juicy. Maybe you're just bad at it breh.
It's not polite to make fun of the mentally handicapped.
Delete this.
try cutting you fat 20% whale
hopefully that's not you because it's chit form. SS demands that you keep your form right before moving up in weight, which that fellow is not doing. With good form his 5rm is probably about 200.
Which routine is better:
Repeat (No rest days)
If you were doing SS, have you been doing accessories?
All you really need are chin ups and dips.
I'm going to assume you're new to lifting. SS.
>rebounding 250lb off of your gut
>bench pressing
pick one
that's probably right.
if you cant do dips, do lying triceps extensions.
the first one is definitely better, if ur just starting out thats exactly what u wanna stick with buddy!
You're fucking fat, nice bodyweight bench
anyone have that image of the dude on tinder asking a chick out and he types shit like *pulls collar* *takes big gulp*.
that elbow hyperextension scares me
So I'm newer to Veeky Forums and I've been wondering why people do this weird back arch thing when they bench press. It looks really dangerous but hell what do I know. Anyone want to spoonfeed me and explain why people do this?
>that arch
>that elbow lock
Nigga you gonna die.
Shorter range of motion = able to oress more weight
Retracts shoulders and helps engage lats. More solid set up like this equals a stronger bench. Also helps save the shoulders.
Do not listen to this person
>le brosplit or PPL routine will give you le sudden magical aesthetical gains that a full body simply wont give you!
i want this meme to stop, im betting its pushed by
Do not blame the program. I have a 205 bench and my chest looks good.
Heres your problem
>too much leg drive
>basically dropping that shit on your chest
Try controlling the weight down and bringing it up without leg drive. Do not be surprised at the lack of hypertrophy when you dont even train for it.
Muh 225 bench with no leg drive
Start doing 3x8-12 friend
stop fucking thinking that 3x8-12 is somehow going to give magical fucking gains
ITS ALREADY BEEN PROVEN, for example, 10 sets of 3 reps GIVES THE SAME FUCKING HYPERTROPHY as 3 sets of 10 reps, it's just that 10 sets of 3 reps gives more strength overall, which can lead to slightly more hypertrophy down the line when shit starts to get hard to progress on 3x10.
where is this proof please
>Do nothing but bench
>Don't go over 5 reps
>Chest blows up
k OP
Is there even a point in hopping on a strict hypertrophy orientated program for natty lifters?
I'm going to be bulking for like 9 months. Which should put me within 15 lbs of my genetic max based off FFMI.
I'm doing ICF. Which is basically a strength program like Strong Lifts 5X5 with some accessories thrown in for good measure.
Basically you bench, deadlift, squat, OHP, and row depending on the day, then you go and do some curls, tricep work, hit abs, and do shrugs and that's it.
Try benching without any leg drive.
I understand its good for lifting more but when you are looking for hypertrophy theres no point.
Guys real talk please
Can I just replace bench press with standing overhead press? The only time I actually feel like I am working my chest is if im doing shit like cable flys or pec deck
Yes you can. Theres no lift you are obligated to do. If you really dont wanna bench dont.
But i will tell you the reason you dont feel your chest is because you are probably benching incorrectly.
best girl
Just follow a "aesthetics" full body routine, like pic related.
I never learn how to use leg drive
This guy thinks hes gonna make gains doing sets of 10, hows that 1 pl8 bench treating you bro
This whole thread reminds me of how retarded Veeky Forums is. I'm just glad I'm not still trying to learn about lifting
elaborate you tripcoding faggert
These all contained either naivete or are trolling, these are examples for you, All the misconceptions about why and how to bench. Most of it is just memeing which is fine, but rookies can't tell the difference
Its also summertime, you gotta remember. But yeah it usually is pretty shit.
Also boardie yoire like my plg crush :3
>no homo
What about these posts? I noticed you did not select them.
:3 thanks user
Those posts were not particularly bad
>tfw doing SS
>tfw benching 90kg 5 reps
>gaining size
>chest sticks out and shoulders are broad as fuck especially when i wear tank tops
Loving life boys, put on loads of weight since i first started and not stopping until i hit about 85kg @ 6ft. Only shit thi9ng is no trap gains or arm gains on SS.
Your actual bench is probably about 185 without that atrocious bouncing
Hence nogains
Rippletits himself said if you're doing SS and care about arms, you should add at least one form of curls to your routine.
>implying you would've gotten big from starting on a brosplit on day one
>implying getting big and strong isn't done by adding assist lifts or even lifting days to your routine as you progress in strength and mass
>only recently made his first routine swap
You really havn't lifted long enough to be giving out any advice faggot
I know, that's why i added curls into my routine. Monday and Fridays 3x8. Only curling 30kg. I was also doing reverse curls but my forearms are already thick as fuck and they don't fit in size small shirts anymore or long sleeves.
t-thanks DL and weighted pullups.
Yeah man, I know those feels. I don't have issues fitting my arms in the shirts, but it's getting fucking impossible to get shirts wide enough for the shoulders and small enough at the waist. Everything made for my damn shoulders has a fatass waist size.
30kg curls ain't bad. Is that total or per arm?
Feels man, today i actually went out for jeans and none really fit my legs since my waist is 32. 33 and 34 were shit and extremely thighs on my thighs. Feels alright, was miring and tensing in the mirror with my pants half the way to my knees.
Total my man, EZ bar.