How do I get my gf to come to the gym with me?
She's not fat or anything I just wanna work out together
How do I get my gf to come to the gym with me?
She's not fat or anything I just wanna work out together
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Please don't bring your gf to the gym
unless she actually asks you to, she's just gonna sit around and complain then get pissy if you accidentally zone out and stare at a cardio bunny
you waste time and you have to babysit
plus she will talk to other guys and this is bad news for you
Ask me how I know you're under 25. Are you gonna hold hands on the way out?
Just ask her to come with you
If she doesn't want to, no need begging
yeah bring her
need someones ass to stare at in between sets, you dont mind if I talk to her too right?
>plus she will talk to other guys and this is bad news for you
pls be trolling.
/r9k/ please go.
Just ask her OP. if she is into it, great. If she doesn't like going, then you can't force her.
Old Dom is best Dom.
girls are human, if she sees a better looking guy she is going to cheat
or be naive and think she wont, your choice
>need someones ass to stare at in between sets, you dont mind if I talk to her too right?
uhm didn't hear that, could you speak up? thats what i'd say if i heard you mumble that in real life because its only behind a keyboard that you speak to me like that, in person and not online you're the first person to quake like a japanese schoolgirl and hasten to address me as "sir" when you realize that, at 186cm and 110kg, I tower over you and you find yourself staring into my massive chest
A lot of older married couples go to he gym together but they usually do their own thing or do classes together. I think it's cute.
>girls are human, if she sees a better looking guy she is going to cheat
and I am a trained killing machine? if some guy fucks my bitch you can count on needing to dig two graves you fucking pussy
>She's not fat or anything I just wanna work out together
Fucking why
maybe in your shallow world constructed by spending more time on the internet than real life, but here in the real world, girls are generally emotionally attached to their boyfriend until they tired of each-other
>refuge for a man to be at peace with himself and his weights
>wanting to bring a woman into this equation
fucking why
is this new navyseal copypasta?
sides = orbit
how are you going to kill someone if you dont know your girl is fucking them?
she could already be cheating right now. you dont know, do you?
you watch too many romantic comedies
the chances of a) me finding out who fucked my bitch and b) you surviving an encounter with me are inversely proportion, as the former is 0% and the later is 100 percent of the time
so how about you stop responding to me and giving me IP details to track your ass later, I'd hate to have an easy time hunting you the FUCK down
you spend too much time online getting trolled by feminist clickbait and sadfag MGTOW
try not being a creepy looking social retard and you'll hold steady relationships
>try being chad and you'll do fine!
>cardio bunny
>actually believeing the "women are mindless fucking machines meme"
time to get off the ch0n, friend
no ignore MRA bullshit for a second
girls are like you and me, pretend you could fuck a 10/10 supermodel instead of the 6/10 cow you are currently with
tell me it would be easy to resist the temptation.
>the chances of a) me finding out who fucked my bitch and b) you surviving an encounter with me are inversely proportion, as the former is 0% and the later is 100 percent of the time
>Considers acting normal and adjusted being a Chad
Confirmed for wizard.
im saying girls are like guys, they arent robots that are programmed to stay loyal, they are liable to cheat just like we are, if not moreso.
define normal and adjusted, I am not trolling as I have had problems with women but feel as if I am normal and adjusted despite evidence to the contrary
females are not like males, they generally need a bit more going on than just horniness to fuck
sure there is a hookup culture, and a lot of 20-24 yo girls try it at least once, but that's short-lived for them because it fucking sucks dick (source: most girls I've talked to)
but now in the same situation, where a girl is already emotionally invested in a guy, there's very slim fucking chance she's going to fuck around with the 10/10 supermodel unless he's offering her something emotional as well
Based album cover.
We've all got wood and nails,
And we sleep inside of this machine
think of it in terms of supply and demand.
girls are always in demand.
who is going to have a harder time in a breakup: a guy that has to work to get a girl? or a girl that has an endless supply of dick at her fingertips?
girls cheat. girls cheat on longterm relationships, or during marriage. there is NO guarantee they will stay loyal.
who initiates the majority of divorces? women.
missed chance
girls get much more emotionally invested in a relationship, MUCH more, than the average guy
breakups are generally harder on girls, and it takes them much more time to recover
everyone cheats in the right situation, the right situation is much more common for a male than a female
get off the internet and go talk to girls and experience some relationships before you try to form an opinion
>breakups are harder on girls
they can be on a new dick in 10 minutes after a breakup.
this is not easy for a guy to do the same.
I really really like this image
>they can be on a new dick in 10 minutes after a breakup
are you trying to tell me guys have an easier time dating than girls?
cause having a vagina puts that game on easy mode.
even if they could, they don't
because it's a negative experience they have to recover from
because of the emotional investment they've cut/been cut from
yes, guys tend to not get as emotionally attached as their counterparts
yes, I am.
an attractive man begets attractive women, meanwhile any girl above 5/10 gets fucktons of beta orbiter attention and has to deal with filtering them out.
so the man has more options and potentials.
Spotted the robot.
>talk to friend girl about relations
>She tells me about her experiences
>Shamelessly telling me how many one night stands she had and all that
>Tell me that one time she broke up with her ex and got in another guy's arms 1 hour later
>Eventually just slip the bean and say "Seems like it's way easier to be a girl on that level"
>"But user, I was already done with my ex. It had been clear in my mind for months that I was done with him"
>"And if you'd been a guy, you would've both stayed single for a darn while and been shamed for staying with a girl you didn't like anymore for that long"
>She then proceeded to play the moral high ground for a good chunk of conversation telling me I "didn't understand"
Girls can and do get anyone the moment they need someone. Women simply don't know what it's like to stay single against your wish for months at a time. Not talking bitterly here. Just that I've seen some of the fugliest shits getting guys way "out of their leagues" just because the guy couldn't score with anything equipped of a vagina.
Then again, I've seen a 9/10 turn down a 9/10 redhead for a treesome by telling her "Are you fucking crazy? I have a boyfriend. Fuck off" and when the redhead said "We won't tell him! Don't worry!" she raged hard at her and called her a bitch. Gave me some hope.
you know, women arent all emotionally vulnerable
and men arent all emotionless.
a LOT of women fuck with men emotionally. but we're expected to suck it up, and not show it.
there's always going to be individuals and stories that make you question the game, but it's really the minority
from my experience & environment, a UCLA student with 2 previous eight month relationships under my belt and a ~10 month active one, most girls are generally not whores
are you, by chance, a female?
majority are
majority are
a lot of men fuck with woman emotionally, but generally it's the other way around
you speak like your only experience with relationships is youtube videos
>a lot of men fuck with woman emotionally, but generally it's the other way around
er, I meant yes a lot of women fuck w
studies have shown literally the opposite of what you just posted, congratulations on being a fucking retard
how can women have it worse than men when men have to work 1000x harder to date
do you have any idea how much easier it is for a girl to recover from a breakup than a guy? do you have any clue how much stuff a guy has to worry about just to get ONE girl interested in the first place?
what does a girl have to worry about?
-dont be fat
>majority (of men) are (emotionless)
are you fucking retarded? are you a man? do you personally have some sort of emotional or mental disorder?
to claim that the majority of either gender is something as absurd as "emotionless" is astoundingly stupid. do you even know what that word means or implies? you see displays of emotion from men on a literally daily, hourly, often minutely basis
no they haven't
You're retarded.
they absolutely have
Say you don't want to have sex with her for a while and let her catch you jerking it to me. It'll give her a goal to shoot for.
Top kek
because most men are extremely insecure and down on their luck; any secure male with positive outlook on life will have no trouble finding potential gf
emotionless =/= less emotional than a female
my real world experience and conversations I've had with my 19-21yo peers in 2016 prove it wrong
>emotionless =/= less emotional than a female
what are you even trying to say now? you started with
>majority (of men) are (emotionless)
and now say that being less emotional than females is not equal to being emotionless, I'm having a hard time discerning your meaning.
tfw anons personal experience trumps years and dozens of studies
>my anecdotal evidence gathered by interacting with a statically insignificant number of children proves it blah blah blah wrong blah blah blah
yeah I guess that guy did say emotionless, but I was just going with my original statement:
>yes, guys tend to not get as emotionally attached as their counterparts
my bad, i'm not paying that much attention to this
>any male with a positive outlook will have no problem
you dont seriously believe this do you?
girls are more shallow than guys are, why do you think they wear makeup
the few studies I've actually seen conducted on females and relationships that were produced in the mid 2000s are actually in line with my statements here
look some more up then, and why dont you include both genders instead of being a retard
right, we should instead rely on clickbait nonsense that states woman or whores and will do nothing but hurt you, or the exact opposite of the extreme
i do believe this, if you're also attractive lol
can't be asked, feel free to post some yourself and i'll skim through them
>if you're also attractive
oh, really
so why not just state that in the first place?
>just be a 10/10! why let genetics get in the way of your goals?
>Im going to make broad generalized statements with no evidence to back them up based on anecdotal evidence but if you want me to take you seriously why dont you post some for me :)
you are an insufferable sexist piece of shit, please kill yourself my man
you don't have to be 10/10 to be attractive
you also don't have to have top-tier facial structure to be attractive
as long as you're not suffering for a facial defomrty, having a style, being well groomed and comfortable interacting with others is good enough in most cases
classic Veeky Forums
"good enough" is subjective
average doesnt mean shit when you are competing with hundreds of other guys
My girlfriend would go to the gym with me but I don't want her to get in my way so she just does yoga
if you get responses like that often that must mean you make a lot of retarded broad statements with nothing to back them up
wtf are you mingling if you're competing with hundreds of guys?
get off the computer and come to real life, join a club or start classes, there's more girls in these places than there are guys, because today's youth a lot of men are really confused emotionally, which I blame largely on the internet
this subject isn't one i'm out to write a paper on or say i'm an expert on, never sated as such, i'd like to think i'm having a normal conversation with you guys & trying to give you a gimps into the real world so maybe you stop being petty little pussies and start talking to girls irl
ok I have news for you
we have this thing called genetics, that determine how you look, your skin color, your bone structure, you name it.
if you arent attractive, no matter how much you work out, that isnt going to change. you can polish a stone all you want but it wont become a diamond.
you cant just tell a guy with a 6/10 face to be more attractive, can you?
Or... you know, destroy your relationship.
the problem is the fact that you think that everyone who disagrees with you or has a different opinion must be some pale motherfucker who hasnt spoken a word to anyone in months, youre so fucking obnoxious and the worst part is that youre wrong while taking some moral high ground on the topic
and none of those things prevent someone from having a dating life, currently at my school an overweight middle eastern guy who's facial structure is less than perfect is dating a cheerleader
the way you guys talk about relationships & girls leads me to believe as such
maybe I am obnoxious, fair enough, but I think I have much more experience than the average guy here
real life is not a disney movie
girls dont date ugly guys unless they are rich
if you keep you standards in line, you will get a gf
that doesnt work when ugly girls want a 10/10 guy
or a rich guy
or a guy with a yacht
fuck that, im not going to be used like a wallet
nigger you just told me a fat dude is banging a cheerleader what does this have to do with standards
Im single now but I used to workout with my last gf, she pretty much only did squats and cardio BUT i had read an article about how having a girl sit on your lap while you lift can produce a rapid but temporary spike in testosterone. I was skeptical at first but figured id give it a shot. I had her mount me while I went for a PR on bench, fucking killed it. I dont know if it was placebo or fear of embarrassment for not completing the rep but it worked regardless.
Some food for thought.
kk well this isn't too far off from being a reality, soon all will be well for you my friend
It's actually the opposite man, breakups are harder on men, it's proven
well if you have other things going for yourself, such as a 10/10 personality and being super funny like this middle eastern dude, you can bypass looks
otherwise, keep it in line and you will get a gf
so because I dont want someone to use me for my money im wrong?
you enjoy your golddigging gf
you're thinking of divorces
i'd argue youthful relationships in the 16-24 range are almost empowering for a male, while still bringing on some negative emotion of course
Instant hard on. You're a literal 10/10. Face pic?
yes friend you're absolutely delusional
Wouldn't advise trying. You're asking for a headache trying to drag along someone who hadn't expressed any interest in going.
As far as your pic is concerned, I just want to bury my face right in that mound. Fuuuuuuuuuck
>be yourself and you'll get a gf
no, that's delusional
you seem to live in a world where looks and status dont matter
Copypasta potential?