downed a liter of water and still felt thirsty. got blood work done. just got the results earlier
i'm not gonna make it lads.
downed a liter of water and still felt thirsty. got blood work done. just got the results earlier
i'm not gonna make it lads.
But user, were all gonna make it
Type 1 or 2?
2. I know it will happen eventually (mother's side of the family have it, but grandma had it at old age), but this is still too early.
Now I'm afraid I'll be like my aunt who went blind because of it.
congrats on letting yourself get fat you dumb piece of shit
Just stick to the diet and don't be stupid when taking insulin. Cycle the injection places often and STICK TO THE DIET. Most people with decompressed beetus I have to deal with thought that somehow lying to themselves about their food intake will somehow cheat the disease. The other part are the dumbfucks who think that they can adjust te dosage of insulin themselves. And take care of your feet, it is much easier to lose them in your condition than you might think. Other than that you'll be fine, man.
If you got that from over eating then I wouldn't feel even one bit sorry for you.
My dog had diabetes....
Doc hasn't prescribed insulin, says that metformin will do for now.
But fuck it man, I feel like I'll never make it.
Get Veeky Forums you /fat/ fuck
And the betus goes away
I'm T1 and only started lifting after getting diagnosed. Wasn't fat either, just bad luck and genetics I guess.
Do you have diabetes? Can't think of a diabetic who would suggest not adjusting insulin dosages. It's one of the most important skills you need to acquire.
think it like this bro: not getting Veeky Forums will only make it worse
Yeah, metformin is usually prescribed first. It's not gonna be a smooth sailing living with diabetes but it's not as bad as you imagine. Trust me, just take care of yourself and get in touch with diabetologic nurse or diabetologist so they would teach you everything you need to know and answer your questions. Some shit they will tell you may sound a bit redundant, mundane or pointless but it isn't. Just a few days ago we had a guy with beetus that thought it's a good idea to cut open a fresh blister on his heel and then cut it out. Now he has two less toes on said foot and the inflammation is still going strong. So don't you disappoint us user doing stupid shit like that. Listen to that nurse and doctor and you'll be making it with us without a problem.
I have had a constant, unquenchable thirst for years but all my blood tests come back as perfectly normal every time.
I'm a nurse. Yeah it would be perfect if everyone could manage their dosages well but there's shit like somoygi rebounds and dawn effects to take into consideration. i guess what I want to say is to be responsible with what you do. I've had tons of patients that would inject insulin whenever they feel like it, sometimes too late, other times too early and most of the times the dosage was pretty much random when I asked them.
Getting beetus from being a fat fuck is the ultimate punishment for being said fat fuck.
If that's the case you have two choices, lay down and die like a beaten mongrel or stand up and fight like a man.
People don't go blind from diabetes anymore. Just be lucky that you're living with it in 2016 and not 50 years ago. My aunt died at the age of 27 from juvenile diabetes (back in the 70s).
Life will be difficult but you'll be fine (until scientists start growing replacement pancreases in petri dishes).
Eh you totally can. I lived with unchecked T1 diabetes for some years and it significantly affected my eyesight.
>If that's the case you have two choices, lay down and die like a beaten mongrel or stand up and fight like a man.
I'll try and slog it out. I pretty much think I'll fail though.
I never said my aunt died. She still lives and is blind. She said that she woke up one day and can't see. She also has skin allergies on her legs that haven't healed since the past year.
She works as a nurse, so my grandma is still puzzled why that happened.
Help a breh man
I always be a thirsty motherfucker specially at night but I've checked myself with one of those finger blood things and my readings are normal at night and in the morning
Did you felt anything else?
Should I get some lab shit?
Get a blood test and have an endocrinologist screen you. Set up an appointment. I asked my mum, and she asked her diabetologist for an appointment to screen me.
Other than thirst, I feel hungry even though I'm full, frequent urination, weird fatigue-like feeling, and feel disoriented sometimes.
People still go blind. It's either a result of living years with undiagnosed or poorly managed diabetes.
You can make pretty sick mass gains while you have diabetes. Since you have insulin prescribed to you, it helps immensely with building size. Just take a look at Virtus from /plg/ he's super lean at 93kg.
Lol, no, if you've tested your bloodsugar you will be fine.
Tbh i hate poeple with type 2 diabetes, fucking ruin it for us type 1s. They're not even the same disease yet you fattys manage to drag us with you through the dirt.
You dumb
Blood sugar being normal does not rule out diabetes.
Blood sugar being abnormal does not confirm diabetes.
What? if his blood sugars are normal both fasting and after eating, both in the morning and at night, how does that not rule out diabetes? If he had diabetes he would notice a spike in bloodsugar at night since his body can't keep up with insulin production.
What is A1C?
What are glycogen stores?
What does glycogen stores have to do with anything? if anything he would get a even higher bloodsugar reading, plus the body don't store glycogen when you're insulin deprived since it needs it all for energy, hence why you lose muscles when your body goes into ketoadocis. And theres no way he would get diabetes symptoms if he had a normal bloodsugar value both at night and morning, since you don't get those until you reach around 10-12 mmol/L for several days.
>I know it will happen eventually (mother's side of the family have it, but grandma had it at old age)
But that's environmental then, sure theres a slight genetic disposition, just don't eat like a fat fuck
Also how fat are you mate? Are you on pills already or did the doctor recomend diet/exercise?
What are the diagnostic criteria for diabetes?
>one leg randomly gets numb once every couple weeks
>inner thighs are darker
do i have beetus? im fucking 160lbs @ 6'2 hows this possible
Are you my old roommate? He was doing psych research on people with diabetes and had to endure people talking about muh genetics while he's been dealing with type 1 all his life.
There's a few to consider.
isn't necessarily wrong, but symptoms can be largely temporary such as low blood sugars, high blood sugars, polydipsia, polyurination, neuropathy, poor circulation etc. A lot of it can be acute and not chronic but almost all are symptoms of uncontrolled diabetes.
An A1C test at or above 6% is usually the best indicator for chronic diabetes and is the usual blood work they do to diagnose it
Yeah most cases (read MOST) cases is just because of shitty lifestyle
Not necessarily, could be a pinch nerve or some other issue but diabetes is very unlikely. Go see a doctor if you feel so inclined.
Also this isn't a health board anymore you ninnies.
When I got diagnosed with type 1 a couple years back I went to my doctor with an ear infection and asked him why I was losing weight, he then pricked my finger and put blood onto what I now know is a common test strip to check the sugar levels, then he seen it was at 33. He seen I wasn't overweight but was actually very underwieght 65kg at 6ft then asked if I was always thirsty and craving sugary foods and drink, if I used the toilet very often...
I told him yes to everything then he faxed the hospital straight away and within an hour I was on a hospital bed in ED with a slow drip insulin in me. Was in there for 4 days before I could come home. The same applies to type 2s but they don't lose weight because their body still produces the same amount of insulin to stop the body going into keotacidosis, it just can't get around the body that well so they need extra
>I hope you enjoyed my unsolicited story and answered your question at the same time
The usual bloodwork is a fasting blood glucose test. Sure A1C is also valid, but it's not the usual test, as a tolerance test is most often the second choice
Medfag here.
Lose 10 kg. You will stop being diabetic.
Question is, do you have the balls you fat fuck?
Mate I was responding in the same manner the other user was...Ophto here, would like to not laser people's eyes so Type 2's take a jog and watch what you eat
Type two can go away if you watch your diet and take care of yourself
100% serious.
Thanks brehs for mixed replies, I guess I'll ask a doctor since it runs on my family
I've been checking with strips when I feel funny and the result comes fine, but I guess it could be prebeetus or some shit
I started going healty over the course of the last 3 years with great results but I guess I cannot scape my fat ass fat past
>tfw i'm 65kg at 6'0
Kill me pls
>it runs in my family
are they all overweight?
You have the perfect frame to start from. Cut to lose your skinnyfat then do a perma clean bulk your way up to your desired weight. You will remain 14% body fat all year round that way, and if you have a holiday coming up or something you can do a couple weeks of cardio beforehand and be at 12-11%. I was angry that the beetus meme caught me so I dirty bulked my way upto 98kg out of spite. I still regret it to this day because cutting is a bitch, and although it's good having a big frame to grow from I'd swap bodies with you in a heartbeat. Don't get disheartened user. You're in your prime.
Very. Your body could be in ketoacidosis (body can't get turn glucose from your carbs into energy because your insulin supply has stopped, so your body uses fat as the primary energy blood turns very toxic and you could die without warning. I never went to the doctor for a diabetes check up, I went for my ear infection. Normally type 1 diabetes gets triggered by an infection so if you have one I wouldn't put it off any longer. My heart was beating irregularly, I felt like I was on the verge of a heartattack it's very scary. Please get yourself help... Even if you don't have diabetes it's just for your peace of mind you know? But if you don't have it that doesn't mean you should relapse back to your same eating habits and daily life habits. Change it and use the scare as motivation. if you can't go to the doctors today then we can talk and I can try to answer some of your questions to my best ability for you. I'll keep refreshing every 20 mins.
Are you for real ?
You're still able to reverse it with a strict diet and workout.
On metformin until the next visit. She also recommended exercise, but I lift already so that's a given.
I'm overweight now edging to skinnyfat due to cutting for the past few months. Just started lifting two months ago.