Im fucking tired of working out, I've been doing it for so long now I want my results and I want them now and I then I want to be done with this shit
Im so fucking sick of the gym
But senpai, it's not a matter of obtaining the ends, so much as perfecting the means. It's the journey that's the pleasure.
Not gonna make it.
And you think you will ever be "done"? It's a grind of a lifetime sempai!
No the journey is a giant pain in the ass, its a long ass drive there and back, and its uncomforatable as hell to actually work out on its own
I dont wanna wake up later today and then go to the gym, I wanna fucking play hearts of iron 4 for 16 hours straight
faggot I've already lost like 50 pounds via hardcore dieting and I can lift heavier and heavier weights now
kill yourself already you attention whore
>being done with this
lmao fucking faggot you do realize you can never stop if you want to look good right? damn neets
You're fucked.
You're never 'done with this shit' if you want to keep your results. Its a never-ending treadmill run.
Life is learning to abandon pleasure
Continue lifting because you are an adult now, you must, this is simply what you do.
Today /fit made a man out of you
How about channeling the frogposter rage into gains?
Let out a REEE on the way up?
Dumb frogposter.
If you haven't been training for at least 5 years you haven't been training long at all.
switch routines, take a rest week, do a bro-split for 2 weeks or something, can't lift heavy if you dont enjoy it main
Look for a closer gym
>No power rack only half rack
>1/3 of the price
>Mostly empty
>10 min walk
Sure it has its disadvantages but having a gym so close cuts the excuses.
Also try some retarded brosplit for a while, they are fun.
I've actually mumbled about fucking chads and stacies when lifting
Helps me to get through
what are bro splits?
>what are bro splits?
Your new is showing.
1 bodypart a day, do some fun shit, lift for the pump and try some new shit
Zabij siÄ™.
Then you're doing it all wrong, faggot. It's a journey, not a destination. You should crave the catharsis of exertion, the sweat, the aching. Hitting goals and setting new ones. A certain dissatisfaction (not despondency) with your progress and the nagging knowledge that you could be leaner, stronger, faster, making quicker progress, if only you trimmed away some of the wasteful baggage that exists between your current state and perfection. Be both committed and hungry and though the gains will come they'll no longer be the point of training. And training certainly won't be "that thing you do until you make it, then stop".
Do you drink or smoke weed?
>wants to get gainz now
>wants to stop as soon as he has gainz
So roid for a few months then drop everything and never look back
Do an upper/lower split and go four times a week. That's what I do and it's way easier to stay motivated. Going 6+ days doesn't work when you have other obligations, at least for me. Also, start playing a sport. Lifting is dull as fuck.
Holy shit this is a great idea. I'm having the worst day and I'm trying to figure out a way to lift later on and I'm so depressed.
Speed up progress by throwing your natty card away if you haven't.
I like you user