Is this true Veeky Forums?
Her tweets are all about bashing meat eaters
Is this true Veeky Forums?
Yea, fat makes you fat
Once your glycogen stores are full your body starts to turn it into fat.
Carbs are just transformed to fat if there's no need for more.
>listening to shit vegans say
they're like creationists, twisting facts or outright lying to push their agenda
It's neither carbs nor fat.
It's a combination of high carbs and moderate to high fat that causes weight gain.
this is where the saying 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing' comes from
Source: medfag
Source: Very base common knowledge
>Generic cunt spouting ignorant claims on twitter
yawn.What else is new
Source: these guys: ,
When the fuck will americlaps get nutritional education in their fucking schools
when will u eurotard? macronutrients have their own independent metabolic processes, if u dont eat fat at all, you'll never gain any
>fat stores infinitely in your body
How is nobody reacting to this? Fucking lol
reminder that Veeky Forums is braindead about everything except lifting, take their meathead tip on bulding muscle and ingore all other advice
I don't take advice from somebody who has never competed in a sport.
you realise your body can turn carbs to fat right?
I heard that non-heme iron has inherent absorption problems from plant based sources and as little as 2% of non-heme iron will be absorbed after a regular meal.
Turns out vegans aren't getting proper nutrient intake as we all suspected. Enjoy your shitty lives
> if u dont eat fat at all, you'll never gain any
cmon dude you're making us look bad
Most people with B12 deficiency are, you guessed it- vegan
Iron deficiency, also a huge problem for women, affects vegans disproportionately
>implying there's anything wrong with bashing animal murderes
I love it when stupid fucks with no idea about nutrition spread their half knowledge around like it's church.
What does she suppose happens to the rest of the energy from carbs. Is our body so inneffective that it ignores that energy from the glucose and simply discharges it again or does it get stored somehow. Maybe in certain cells in our bodies? Fucking idiots.
original tomato here, you are still here m8, what's up? You don't give up !
>What is lipogenesis
is this bait?
She has to be trolling...
Better bash your boipussy.