Veeky Forumsfags

Veeky Forumsfags,

I never thought I'd be doing this. Since I can remember, I've been a fat ass.

But today I decided no more. I bought some food from the first two rungs of Michi's ladder, and I tried a body weight circuit.

I couldn't even make it through the 2nd route. I threw up.

But I don't even give a shit. I'm fucking doing this. I'm so fucking tired of being a piece of shit.



good for you buddy


Good luck friendo!

Keep that determination going and you'll see results, and fast.

Your only regret will be to not having started earlier.
Write you current weight with a marker somewhere you see often ,like the palm of your hand or your wrist and upgrade it every week or so
t. lost 110kg (around 220 lbs)

A year from now you'll know why you started today.

One year from now you'll think "what the fuck was I doing with my life all this time?"

And I say that as a recovering fattie.

This dude looks like a spike on the shore of Normandy lmao


Why is everyone encouraging this guy? We all know he is going to quit

We always encourage people trying to get better in Veeky Forums I mean, why not? Are you that weak faggot that gets angry when people don't meet your expectations?

Doesn't hurt to say "hey good for you bud" and move on with your shitposting, doesn't make you a reddit cock sucking hugboxer either. Get out of your basement.

>Says the fag shitposting on a board that's had the slogan "We're gonna make it" for over five years

If you're really really fat just focus on eating veggies meat and fruit to a lesser extend, try to avoid eating too many carbs in a single sitting (>30gr)

Consider swimming cause that's less demanding on your joints

not that guy, but "good for you" for what? for posting about some shit you'll never do on Veeky Forums?

when did that become worthy of praise?

For deciding to get fit.

He didn't decide to do anything except post about how he's decided to get fit

I suggest posting something like this on Facebook and telling all your family and friends. That way you will feel accountable and actually stick with this. It's a good way to motivate yourself and stick to your word. Just a suggestion.

You mean like a tank trap?

>michi's ladder
>real food
pick one.

Just eat oatmeal, chicken, rice and plain shit you fucking normalfag. You're not going to get in shape over night.

I agree, OP could give up on day 2 as many fatties do in which case he deserve no praise or respect. Realising you're a fat fuck isn't half the battle it's half a percent of the battle, the hard part is making a change and sticking to it. Come back when you have 2 different photos for a progress thread OP