>Makes a long involved post >Expects people to care about his shit opinions >Expects people to care about his namefaggotry and drama nonsense >Calls people autistic but doesn't post boipussy >Complains about aids but doesn't post boipussy for me to fap to forcing me to relieve my sexual urges in some STD ridden whore >Telling some autist not to start with me but too autistic to post boipussy >Fills out namefield but doesn't fill out boipussy field
>My fucking face when I ravage cute tomato's tender, virginal boipussy >My fucking face when I turn him into a cock hungry slut >My fucking face when he relocates to Seattle >My fucking face when I make him crawl around on all fours nude 24/7 and he accepts his new role as my sex pussy >My fucking face when I take him anally in public and he's exposed as the little cockhungry whore that he is >My fucking face when his cute trap feminine penis ejaculates a thin stream of superior seattle semen and I force him to eat it >My fucking face when he enjoys it like a good little dogslut
Carson Gonzalez
Because he was famous and assertive, and that was probably more important than the way he looked.
Nathaniel Sullivan
Are you expecting to end up like the picture on the right by accident or something?
Aiden Ramirez
No, just wondering what the deal is with all the posts of roided guys bragging about girls loosing their spagghetti over them.
Also trying to shed some light on the truth before some people turn their life around to achieve something that won't actually get them what they want.
Isaiah Ward
>implying you lift at all
gtfo twink faggot
Daniel Baker
Firstly, even if 2% of the 3 billion+ eligible women are into bigger muscles, that means you'd have to narrow it down from the 60 million available if it worked that way. You'd rather weed through 2.8 billion?
Second, I wouldn't 'expect' anything from evolution. It doesn't work that way. Women weren't breeding with men who "looked" like they could gather food. The ones who couldn't died and thus couldn't breed in the first place. If anything, women didn't have a choice in how guys looked during that time.
Further, IF it worked they way you said, and it doesn't, you would really want to find a girl who's ONLY criteria for finding a mate is how efficient he looks at gathering food? Are you still a fucking ape? That's some retarded logic.
Earth today isn't Earth of 200,000 years ago. Humans look at MANY factors when selecting a mate because we can. Thinking otherwise just proves how little you know of the world and how few women you've been with. I can go pull a girl right now who doesn't "prefer" my body type because I have more going o for me than just fucking muscle size.
Nathan Robinson
>big >lean >natty Choose one. You will never reach a point where you'll be so big that women find you repulsive. Unless you get fat of course.
Brody Hall
you mean choose two you retard jesus chirst
Adrian Gutierrez
the thing is that you have to look like the second picture on a good day to look like the first picture after a night of drinking and skipping meals/workouts
same goes for 1st and 3rd, 4th and 2nd.
Thomas Perry
the bigger i got, the more attention i got. Even the feminist, dyed haired bitches would touch me up.
i dont know why more bodybuilders dont put this fucking meme to rest, ive never had it easier with females, they come to me.