>lift for 2 years
>14.3 inch arms
Lift for 2 years
flexed or unflexed?
flexed of course
and btw, 5'7 manlet here so it makes it even worse
>lift for 5 years
>13.9 inch arms
>lift for coming up to 2 years
>17" flexed arms but they still look like fucking garbage because I'm like 16%
>genetic dead end bench at just under 2pl8
just kill me
My arms are bigger than yours while starting as a skelly that's 5" taller than you. Wut r u doing bro?? Supposed to be milking those manlet gains
i remember having something around 15.1" at the end of last year before the cut. Looks like i lost all my gains
Those are very short arms. Are you a manlet?
How do I get not shit at curls
>lift for 2 years
>less than 2pl8
Literally how
i have 14.5" after 2 years cause I never rowed or curled for the first
dont become trex like me Veeky Forums :(
>lift for 18 months
>16.5 in arms
I'm even 6'2
>when you literally go t-rex mode
This. Im a reverse t-Rex. I have to actively try to not isolate my arms so I don't look top heavy.
Lifting 18 months and 15 inch arms. 6'1 know the small arm feels OP :(
I know your pain ...
I don't even manage to look top heavy because of my 25 inch quads.
hahaha fatty
> I have to actively try to not isolate my arms so I don't look top heavy.
post them guns,arnold
Only in my dreams m8. Chicken legs for life. They're lean and muscular just can't pack on mass.
>Lifting for 4 months
> 16.5in arms
> But be 6ft3 and probably 18-20% body fat so they still look small
>lift for 8 years
>still 5'6"
Literally all I do for my legs are back squats, front squats, deadlifts + variations, hyperextensions, and good mornings and once every month or so I'll do leg press.
Hello me
>lift nearly 2 years now
>13 inch arms flexed
>6 foot 2 inch/ 187cm
this me
>lift almost 2 years
>still cant bench 1pl8
>almost squat 2pl8 but i cant
>6 inch wrists
Are are you me?
Tfw lifting 3-4 years and:
15.9~16 inch arms
24 inch quads
110kg x 11 bench press, yet still a tiny chest
4 plate deadlift
120kg x 4 squat....
>6.5x6inch dick
>Polish GROM's
Nice dubs tho..
LOL I started lifting last week and my arms are about 14 inches. Kys, OP.
>36" waist
>doesn't change with fat reduction
why live
by doing chins
The fuck are you complaining about?
I'm like 5'9" with a 7.1x5.5 dick
You've got the girth and the height so shut the fuck up about your bellyaching!