>mfw someone takes forever using the squat rack
Mfw someone takes forever using the squat rack
I do my entire full body in the rack, 3 days a week. I am literally the most hated person at my gym, I've had multiple complaints issued on me.
Here's how it goes.
>1. Sumo Deadlifts
Deadlift in-front of the rack, because i like how the plates are stacked in that area.
>2. Front Squat or Back Squats
Obviously actually use the rack for this
>3. Push Press or Incline Bench or Flat Bench
Use the rack for all 3 and even move an adjustable bench into the rack (i'm the only person who does this)
>4. Barbell Rows or Weighted Chin-Ups
Similar to Deadlifts, I'll Barbell Row in-front of the rack, if I decide on Chin-Ups I'll use the attachment on the rack for them.
After my main 4 lifts are done. I'll move onto my aesthetics.
>5. Dumb-bell Lateral Raises
I'll bring about 4-5 individual dumb-bells of assorted weights to the rack and do 1-arm side-laterals while holding a firm grip onto the side of the rack
>6. Dumb-bell Hammer Curls
Similar to the Lateral Raises, I'll go get 4-5 individual dumb-bells of assorted weights, and do 1-arm hammer curls while holding a firm grip onto the side of the rack
>7. Barbell Calf Raises
I prefer doing Calf Raises with a barbell due to the fact the Calf machines don't seem to work that well as I max them out too easily. I'll usually watch 20-30minutes of YouTube on my phone while doing these Barbell Calf Raises.
After all of that, before moving on, I'll proceed to put all of the plates back in uniform order on the rack. People have sometimes interrupted me as I was doing this and said "It's okay bro, I'll take care of it". I no longer listen to these requests as the last time I did, the person didn't end up putting all the weights back properly. I want to be sure that the weights go back properly after I've used them.
One day you won't make it back home
Judging from your routine, you are fat as fuck
lol, sincerely hope this b8. I'll squat, do the press, row in the squat rack, and deadlift in front of it as well but I go at 6am and usually the cage and other squat rack will be open the whole time. If they're not I'll squat then do other exercises elsewhere.
Do you guys care if someone takes long but he is actually doing squats? I take like 50 minutes. But i do warmup about 20 reps, and then 3x5 real reps, and go onto 60-70kg 4x10. I love squats.
I got angry reading this. No meme.
Jfc, can you walk two days after that?
I walk fine the next day, i don't really get affected at all. I did at the start but never again after like 2 weeks. Full ATG squats as well, i guess my legs are completely used to them.
>that tryhard sweaty faggot fatass powerlifter doing squats in my dedicated curling rack
I spend an hour to an hour and a half in the squat rack.. and that's fast as well.
Its not a problem though because I'm not a member of a "fitness centre" or sjw gym. If your gym has only one or two squat racks it's third world tier and you should change.
Is that a threat?
Pic related
Don't let other people tell you what to do man.
That's all you, not me.
kek at the skinny thighs
Actually, they're well proportioned. They got way to big when I was specifically pulling conventional and back squatting. Uncomfortably big, started having chaffing issues.
Hence why I stick to mainly pulling sumo and front squatting now, now I am a lot better proportioned and don't suffer from chaffing.
>tfw the only spot in the gym with enough space to do deadlifts/rows/cleans is in front of the squat rack
>tfw the only decent Olympic barbell is in the squat rack
>tfw the only place in the gym where it is possible to rack a barbell at the proper height for overhead pressing is the squat rack
I don't give a shit. Your 0.5pl8 quarter squat can wait until I'm done.
Nice blog post faggot
>how much longer?
>Only 2 sets m8
(with 10 minute breaks)
Looking good. Height/weight/lifts/time lifting?
Saved pasta.
i've only ever trained at home and will be visiting my parents for a week next month. normally i would just take the time off, but have decided this time to get a couple of day passes for a modestly sized gym (only 2 power racks as far as i can tell).
how much waiting is involved in an average gym going experience? are you obliged to shorten your breaks between sets if people are waiting? i personally like to lie around on the floor like a mong for 4 minutes before/after heavy sets. do people look at you funny if you grunt and heave? do people generally bother you with questions/staring at you waiting to finish etc?
redpill me on gyms lads.
that guy is literally 5'6 iirc.
kill yourself
I feel bad for diddlylifting in the squat rack and that's because there's nowhere else to do it
bet this is you