have you ever been Veeky Forums shamed?
Have you ever been Veeky Forums shamed?
No because I don't lift and neither does most of this board
No because I look DYEL lol
No because that would require me to be Veeky Forums
Same here xd
I went to liberal arts college and when I started lifting a bunch of my friends would get all defensive when I brought it up (not autisticly just saying "I'll come over when I'm done at the gym" etc). Some of them would make remarks about things like bodybuilding and sports being "toxic masculinity" in my presence without them really being relevant in the conversation. Passive aggressive crab bucket mentality mostly.
Liberal arts students are fucking terrible
>go to party
>some kid ive never met is already piss drunk when i show up
>"Oh look who just showed up everybody mr bodybuilder is here!"
>ignore and start having a good time with friends
>30 minutes later kid confronts me
>"We get it bro youre swoll, if youre so tough why dont you punch me in my eye"
>Reject his offer, he starts yelling at me to punch him in his eye as everyones attention is now turned to us
>everyone is on board with it and is urging me to do it
>Leave the situation and go smoke a blunt with my friends
why cant i enjoy my gains in peace, i didnt ask for this
>We get it bro youre swoll, if youre so tough why dont you punch me in my eye
I've heard similiar things myself. Although I don't get why people think you automatically get in fights just because you go to the gym. I once met one of the strongest guys in my country and asked him if anybody ever tried to pick a fight with him and he said yes. And this guy was the size of a small car. People are stupid.
>smoke a blunt
Confirmed never gonna make it, I bet you drank alcohol and didn't get at least 8 hours of sleep that night as well.
socko has, kek.
the girls must have been real easy pickings if that was the type of male population
Idiots let their reading insecurities get the better of them and feel like they have to prove you're no better than then, even though neither you nor anyone else suggested that was the case
Used to be fat and people didn't think much of me, no I'm fit and they think I'm some Chad. I get asked if stuff is part of my diet whenever I go out to eat with friends. I end up eating twice what they do and they stare at me
nah i dont drink. Id rather get high than poison my body like a pleb.
Liberal arts student here. You're right, most are fucking scum. Not all of us though, and plus there's nothing sexier for most girls than a shredded dude that knows his arts and literature.
**raging insecurities. Fucking autocorrect.
its usually manlets just trying to assert their dominance
this fat fuck
>i was walking around in the street and i saw this landwhale and her minions rioting because muh fat acceptance
>she start babbling at me because i look like a monster infront of them, and called me names like "gym rat"
>ignored her
>she runs up to me and hits me
>pull CC and shoot
>im sorry officer i though my life was in danger
>get gun taken from me but i dont care i got others
>Relinquishing your firearm
>being a real American
Pick one
Did you do any damage?
>based on a novel on a true story
This is just sad
Holy shit man, link to news story? I've got my CC also but don't think I could shoot someone unless it was a nigger trying to rob me or something (california).
i dont live in america
i shot her in her right tit, does that count?
no news, since i live in a place where shootings are a normal thing
Manlets are the fucking worst man, I'm not mean to shorter people like most of Veeky Forums but they always look at me with scorn, especially nigger manlets. Asians and Latinos can deal with being shorter than most people and are generally funny and have good personalities, white manlets are antsy and a bit disrespectful around you, but when it comes to blacks they're just always trying to pick a fight with you for being taller than them.
>i was at a pool party
>got there late, because i was lifting
>Im 6'2 and only 77kg but ~6,8% bf according to calipers
>take off my shirt and one skinnyfat DYEL yells omg you must have no life
>other dyels join him and start saying gym is so boring and they'd rather have fun than ruin their bodies at the gym, you must be really boring etc.
>tell them to fuck off, its my choice to work out and theirs to stuff their face with shit and play computer games all night and go to my friends
fucking dyel cunts who have no discipline and like to blame it on the ones who do.
>this happened
I work in a small office with 2 gay dudes and 4 women. The gay dudes are into the Veeky Forums shit, too, so they know what the fuck's up, but the women all do their stupid Weight Watcher shit and shame the fuck out of me nearly DAILY for eating natural greek yoghurt and shit like that because it's 'boring'.
You fucking cunt this is why I can lose 20 pounds in a month and you'll keep being a fat bitch until the day you die.
Not America, but somewhere with fat feminists? I'm guessing... fuck I don't even know
Everyone I talk to has a friend that lifts. And they always start with the same kind of story
>yea bro, my buddy lifts
>he's, like, way bigger than you though
>6'2 and 77kg with 6,8% bf
>not dyel
Pick only one
there's alot more than you could imagine
"I may be a fat fuck bro, but underneath this fat there's a lot of muscle. I could totally kick your ass if I wanted to"
I hope this post was a joke
>1 marijonas kills all le gains XD
>things that never happened
>i dont live in america
>i live in a place where shootings are a normal thing
This is how I know you're lying.
russian crime is almost never talked about/shown, lots of guns and crime in russia.
different user.
>6.8% bf
Nice reading comprehension skills, buddy.
A fellow manlet bro was telling me how he could beat up Veeky Forums chads and how they didn't know how to fight.
Well, one time I had a fat girl ask me why I lift so much when I could be comfortable like she is. I simply told her that every time I see her I'm reminded of my new squat goal.
I bet he didn't even take a drink of that poison.
Hah, really? I've got the impression that Russians are more into physical activities than an average person. Being in shape is normal, doing some sort of training is very common or they at least throw a kettlebell around at home or something.
t. pribalti fashist
Those male friends sound like a bunch if women, pulling you down. Most guys would say "Dude, show me how!" at least that's what my friends say. I got my gf in fitness, too, and I didn't even need to try.
goddamn user I almost spit my tea everywhere
чтo гopoд ?
I wish I could get my friends to lift, I know that a few of them are interested but I can't seem to motivate any of them enough to actually go
>tfw no gymbro
>had a skinnyfat friend start lifting with me
>was making good gains GS for a few months
>I switched up my programming into 2 day schedule to boulder more so I couldn't be there every session with him
>he stopped going to the gym, making excuses
>It's been a month now and I've stopped asking if he's coming
>he's still skinnyfat and a high functioning alcoholic destroying the gains he worked hard to get
>implying getting high is not the same as poisoning your body
Confirmed not gonna make it stoner degenerate
>6'2 and 77 kg
>~8% bf
Total bullshit. I can't believe normies don't understand how difficult this is to actually achieve and that you have to have a good amount of muscle mass to do so and not look like death
He had a comma, not a decimal point, which is exactly what the OP put. Might as well have been copypasted and you're trying to call out the guy that just copied rather than wrote it. You're a fucking idiot
That's what you said in you fucking mongoloid
>~6,8% bf according to calipers
>~6,8% bf according to calipers
>~6,8% bf according to calipers
You're talking about the home of Pussy Riot.
>I'm not going to get in shape because what if I get made fun of for doing so?
I love this website
I know what I'm talking about. My city is about 35% Russian.
>140m people
>1 pussy riot
Hardly representative.
>320m people
>0 Pussy Riot
when i was training a lot of people told me that im too big
I can see abs now, but it's not a real six pack. I'm curious what you guys think my bf % is and how much fat to lose before I get six pack lean. I'm new to lifting
Same here. One of my friends started getting into it. He started looking for gyms and creating a diet plan. This went on for like two weeks then he just stopped talking about it. Hasn't brought it up since.
Read the sticky.
You're somewhere around 20ish percent body fat. Get it down to sub 15 percent and you won't have to flex to see your abs.
Upon realizing this I hope you also realize that you're in better shape than 90 percent of the population, except for those bragging ass little African faggots walking around with their cut ass bods and AIDS.
Tallinn? Tere-tere.
Still a DYEL, but up 30 pounds and bartender womanlet said, "Your shoulders are looking buff! (I was wearing sleeves) I bet you could toss me around like a rag doll!"
That really hurt that she would mock my gainz like that.
Lol that roughly translates to what? region
There are plenty of things sexier than a liberal arts major m8
Yea what a bullying cunt
Probably ~15%, give not take
Definitely not this , in fact, I would be wiling to bet you are stronger and look better than that guy
1/10 try harder
Yeah, she only works at that bar on Saturdays, so I guess I'l be going to a different bar on Saturdays.
"reading insecurities" works too kek, most people project the fact they're dumb as shit on others - you ever seen the average highschool english class? 80% of the kids can barely read an excerpt of a story out loud
He is, but he's not better looking than
I'm telling my therapist about this :'(
but he is already trying this hard
you can literally see the despair oozing off each of his words in his pathetic attempts of a provocation
give this boy some credit man
Tere jah. Kus käid? Sparta siin.
Only in America could a story like this be told and the audience wouldn't be instantly incredulous.
Ma olen ameeriklane. Eesti on imeline maa. Ma sooviksin külastada Eestit ühel päeval.
samefagging is sad; stop it
topest of keks
No. But I'm 6'5, so most people who comment on my physique go "woow user you're so tall".
Then you know them for a while and they want to know how much I work out and how they'll get my results without trying as hard.
>be 6'6" tallfag
>meet girl
>"I bet I can beat you up user"
Every. Time.
Is this g-translate or you're actually learning Estonian?
>there's alot more than you could imagine
Yeah, nah. Now I know you made this up.
Sounds like me, except my lifting friend always harasses me to go to the gym. Hit a new pr of 215 on a bench press and haven't lifted since and he's been on my ass to stop being a bitch.
On one hand, it's motivating, on the other hand, we have friends that don't lift at all. Asked him why he never gives them shit, because he has higher expectations of me.
Not sure if I should be annoyed or glad that he thinks better of me than them.
>learning Estonian
What a waste of time.
Ma pean oma eesti keelt harjutama.
Not Google, I'm learning Estonian for HER
Kes see nägus näitsik on?
>mfw gym girls rush up to me at parties and want to show me their 7sec instagram vid 2.5plate deadlift thinking I'll be impressed
It is. All Estonians speak at least 2-3 languages and nobody speaks ours. It's a prefect secret language when travelling tho.
But then again,
>implying one could simply learn Estonian
>be at friend's birthday
>walk in and start having drinks
>fat shit dyel construction worker says "bro, gym muscles are useless, it's not functional"
>he then proceeds to ask how much I lift on everything
>is visibly impressed, then gets all defensive and tells me that he can lift up 250kg objects above his shoulder and run with it all day
>tells me he can throw a 150kg bag over a 10m wall
>tells me that he would destroy me in an arm wrestle
>i challenge him and he declines
Why are construction workers so delusional?
>not proving them right.
Beta fag-lord.
How dare she imply that you would use violence. This is what modern feminism is like.
You should have thrown your drink in her face for mocking you so cruelly.
>gym muscles
Kek. Reet from Saaremaa.
Some other site says it's Krislin from Valga.
I have a buddy that lifts very heavy carpets every day, I couldn't do it, Never goes to the gym, the difference is, that's all he can lift.
They get very strong muscle recruitment patterns, and learn to lift things in the easiest;/most efficient ways. Which is also why it doesn't build muscle. The gym is about lifting in unnatural perfectly lateral patterns to gain muscle.
In the gym couldn't even put up 1 plate. Gym muscles are very functional, hence why athletes hit the gym, not do factory work
Factory work destroys health.
Needless to say, it's my "regular" bar but I won't be going there when she's working anymore.
>said no one on this board ever