>tfw on a 1500 cal cut
>ate a singular piece of bread to stop from dying
>it tasted like heaven
a-am I gonna make it brehs?
>tfw on a 1500 cal cut
>ate a singular piece of bread to stop from dying
>it tasted like heaven
a-am I gonna make it brehs?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
No, I know this for two reasons.
You're a retard for cutting on little girl calories unless you are homo floresiensis and bread is literally cancer.
Consider suicide.
>he doesnt just eat eggs ,pinto beans, lentils, and peanuts for a cut
>he actually is wasting his calories on empty cals
"""""""EMPTY CALS"""""""
Whatever the fuck you think that means
>eat 1,500 cals of cookies
>eat 1,500 cals of pinto beans
which one of these will allow me to stay strong and get big?
hint: empty cals are useless simple carbs and super saturated fats foods low in protien
Lold at the pic in op
No. Empty cals are things without macro nutrients
Addendum - You call simple carbs useless. Realize most fruit contains simple carbs
shit food is shit food
>things without macro nutrients
how many times did your parents drop you on your head? its basically food with simple sugars and complex saturated fats.
For the purposes of bodybuilding its also foods low in protein in comparison to its total calories
fruits are trash tier because they've been bred to be super sweet. Only good for a quick snack senpai'
Vegetables and Legumes are god tier
Enjoy starting from scratch
GF is 5'4" 133lbs and is eating 600 cals a day to lose weight, after 800 a day wasn't yielding any results.
She's lying.
lol you can't have calories without macronutrients
empty calories are macronutrients without micronutrients
I eat oat flour pizza crust with sausage and egg all the time and I am on cut.
I work my ass off though.
To each their own.
For a simple out flour pizza crust here ya go.
1 cup oat flour (just oatmeal blendered/food processed to flour)
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder.
-mix these together
add 1 egg and 1/4 cup water
stir and mix together, then flatten out by using oat flour or whole wheat flour so it doesnt stick to you.
Put sausage, and egg inside and fold over or use a pie pan and make 2 serving of the crust for the bottom and top of the pie.
Is around 1800-2000 calories if you use 2 orders of the crust.
So if at a 1500 cal deficit, eat a piece or 2 a day and leave for your other cals.
what happened to that chinese fuck fronk, is he dead? did he get split in half by bbc?
How long has she been doing this?
What is she eating?
How much is she working out?
However sounds like what the truth is, she is lying most assuredly.
>cutting at 1200
>buy loaf of sourdough on whim after denying myself all other junkfood, thinking to freeze 2/3 of it for another week
>2 days in, more than half of loaf is gone to my tummy
Still fit it into my allowance but goddamn this is more delicious than the fanciest, fluffiest cake could ever be.
Lunch past two days has been salad + bread, also had homemade tomato soup + bread. I have never had a bread so delicious before. This was clearance bread, too.
She is underestimating what she eats. Buy her measuring cups and/or food scale and make sure she knows what a portion is. I am 5'3, 125 and 1200 works for me. Unless she is defying physics she's full of shit.
Empty calories are denoted by a lack of nutritions, regardless of your own definition
You're right, of course
Absolutely no exercise whatsoever
She counts calories, and has lost 30 lbs
She has been doing this for 3 or 4 months or so.
She eats healthy, no alcohol. She has a huge capacity in one sitting however, she can out eat me and I'm 6'4" 200lb
Actually, I am very wrong. Forgive me
I was the demons all along
Could it be that she is 100% sedentary? Or is that still not explanation enough
>having a terrible diet on a cut
either way eating foods with simple carbs and complex saturated fat low in protein is a good way to feel like shit and lose muscle mass on a cut since your body start cannibalizing your muscles for amino acids (in a sense it acts like a micro nutrient on a cut because your body cant store it like fats/carbs but it needs it to function)
My only exercise is walking 30-90 mins a day and walking burns jack all. I'd rather starve than exercise.
Watch "Secret Eaters."
what the hell are you talking about, man; you don't know shit
your body can take protein you eat and store it as fat - obviously
fruits are great for you; they really are.
vegetables are also really good for you
She needs to exercise dude if she has no muscle then their is less calories needed for the body.
more muscle, more calories your body needs/eats.
You said she lost nothing
If she is stalled some times it stalls for a couple weeks.
One huge setting is fine but she still needs to exercise.
Have her do some body weight stuff at the very least to get some more muscle.
Once you have considerable muscle and are at your stable weight you can eat more and not gain if you keep working out and cardio.
Make it clear to her her that her body is eat less and less calories as she loses weight because it is supporting less and she has no muscle to eat more.
it's just a term you fucking aspie, not everything is literal
it's mean calories that are shit, like for example 1 calorie of everything you say
please post a picture of yourself, i need to see your empty cal ridden body
brekkie: oatz, nana
lunch: salad (spinach is 2/3 base green), bread, soup, more bread
dinner: potato and brussel sprout with pork
snack: peach
Next planned meal is black beans with ground turkey, onion, peppers, and greenz, seasoned with garlic and paprika. Also this is with poverty budget.
>he thinks modern candy fruits are great for you
>he thinks the body can store amino acids
good diet senpai I take it back, bread is trash tier though id switch it with beans
this is common shit
of course modern fruits are good for you
they are full of antioxidents and phytonutrients
like, you're super dumb about everything nutrition.
what is your weight and bodyfat % and what is your goal
Peaches and Bananas are good for you.
Perhaps not if you are a troll shit posting on a fitness board. I hear dyel trolls hate fruit.
but hey since you are so awesome post up a time stamped picture. Unless you are just a lazy dyel troll.
I can wait a little before I go eat.
>he tries to make me post a pic but doesn't post a pic for his own
I feel guilty making her workout, but I don't have sympathy with regards to diet
She will stick to the diet I tell her to, what's wrong with her thinking that she's eating 600 (when I'm sure she's eating 1200) if it works and she loses weight?
I just need to keep lowering her calorie goal.
There's "bread" and then there's "sugary cake made with white flour only that the supermarket is allowed to call 'bread' for some reason". Take danish rye bread, which is by far my fave: per 100g it has around 200-220 kcal if you avoid the crap variants with sugar added, around 8-10g of protein at least, and around 40g of carbs at most, plus if you bake it yourself you can add flax-seeds and sunflower seeds for more protein and good fats, add replace some of the (already sparse) wheat-flour with oat-flour.
I also tend to add a scoop of hemp protein or quinoa-flour for extra protein when baking, though this doesn't go well flavour-wise with rye-bread. Also add stuff like nuts and seeds. These kinds of breads are also filling as fuck, and one slice or two at most will keep you going for a long time.
So just a troll, gotcha.
Dont feel guilty about bettering someone.
I always tell people I help get in shape to never, ever feel bad about bettering yourself (without hurting others of course).
When I first got into shape I was obese but strong due to labor jobs and had to run. I hated running by other people because I was fat and breathing heavy. I did it anyway and came to the conclusion that if I had felt guilty, embarrassed, bad, sad or whatever, and let it get to me, I would of never gotten in better shape.
You need her to gain muscle to keep the weight off and her to be happy being able to eat more of what she enjoys. She cant eat 600 claorie deficits for life friend.
Hope I help you and your lady.
>So just a troll, gotcha.
no I made that face because you're spewing shit when fruits are trash tier for a dude trying to cut. Yes they are healthy in moderation and when you have ample calories for different types of macros, but you are on a BODYBUILDING board so CUTTING is synonymous with LOSING WEIGHT and KEEPING MUSCLE at the same time with fruits do fuck all for especially since they are filling and lack proteins. But continue on le perfect tumblr diet meme summerfag
and before you go ask for body again pic related, im
Time to stop shit posting, troll. People don't need to listen to your shit spewing and get the wrong idea about working out.
Go away, what you say holds no water. As a quick google search shows you that 95% of everyone says what you say is bullshit.
The only reason you got this last reply is so no one believes the shit you are spouting.
No more replies for your shit posting ass though.
Fruit holds glucose and can sometimes make losing weight harder when eaten in large amounts. Meaning these fuckers would have to eat like 5 bananas, 5 apples etc. a day. If they are cutting and he has like he said 1 bananas, and 1 peach, he is getting jack and shit for glucose and it will have no effect especially cosidering he is still under his deficit and his body will be burning.
fuck off troll
>not posting a single link to back himself up
>mealwhile I posted multiple ones and im the toll
k buddy
This article debunks all fruit cutting myths and does so logically and wisely.
Thats been posted on fit before. Hope you arent saying you just took that. Perhaps a time stamp with the words "no fruit" or some shit.
You would still be wrong but hey we could know you werent fat.
you idiots seriously think
protein = good
carbs = bad
fats = bad
it's so stupid that it's not even worth addressing
for you
lol btfo
so pathetic
>he doesnt realize high protein diets help avoid muscle loss on a cut
I still will swear by vegetables and legumes + some meat on a cut. But yes from the article it does properly state you can get some of your calories per day in fruits just not a sizable portion
you are officially the memest poster here, m8
and if you knew what you were talking about at all, you wouln't be posting fake pics
No an empty calorie is a substance that provides calories your body can not use i.e alcohol, it is converted immediately in the liver without being used for homeostasis or respiration, but still counts towards daily caloric intake. 1,500 calories of cookies are not empty as they will still provide energy the body can use in the form of sugars and fat and will still contain micronutrients
>implying the pics were me
not even meme'ing vegetables and small ammount of meat is god tier just look at the macros and micros of them compared to fruit bud
wait, so I'm meant to compare a diet consisting solely of fruit to one consisting of meat and vegetables? Why?
Fruit is good for you. No amount of brofaggotry is going to change that.
>muh brotein
>muh cut
you are definitely a fatass
yes because in my original fucking post I stated legumes and vegetables were better for cutting you nitwit. Notice how I was talking about a majority diet too, so a diet consisting of a lot of fruit
notice how I also said ealier in the thread they are good for a stack meaning they are shit for meals and large ammount of your daily carbs. THEY ARE SIMPLE CARBS meaning they are fucking processing QUICK. I NEVER EVER SAID FRUIT ARE BAD FOR YOU. so get out of here with your shit thinking I said overwise.
>muh brotien
>muh cut
post your fucking body DYEL if you cannot fathom why a high protien diet is essential for a cut. Why the fuck else is GOMAD so good for a bulk when you're a skelly?
I don't even know what your original post is, faggot
the person I was talking to said >fruit are trash tier
if you're not that person, why the fuck are you responding to me at all?
>Only good for a quick snack
exactly what I said, they are trash for meals
please try and refute me by somehow giving a reason they're better than legumes and vegetables on a cut from a bodybuilding perspective
>protip you cant
pic related on pinto beans, give me a fruit that has even 1/3 of the protein for the amount of calories
Lets not forget Fiber and the fact they fill you up and complex carbs will digest faster
Notice how I never said FRUIT IS UNHEALTHY so stop trying to argue that I did
omg what are you talking about?
nobody said legumes were bad. what are you even arguing? that guy said fruit are trash; they objectively are not, even on a cut
holy shit stop talking to me
digest slower*
>stop talking to me
meme poster go away
im the guy who said fruit is trash for meals dumbass, why? because vegetables and legumes are better. l2 read before your kneejerk shit.
Im arguing fruit is only good as a snack which I state in the post you replied to. Please inform me why they are good for more than that on a cut form a bodybuilding perspective. Include a fruit with good macro nutrients that you eat in sizable quantities that will actually help you preform well on a cut
>I'd rather starve than exercise.
>posting on Veeky Forums
right, eating only fruit is worse than eating a variety of things
good job, fatso
>arguing that legumes and vegetables >>>> sweet sugar fruits
nice strawman though notice how I said fruit is only good for a snack but im asking you to show me where including a sizeable amount is good for you PAST snacking quantites from a bodybuilding perspective
neo-Veeky Forums folks
>PAST snacking quantities
and you're fat because only fat people obsess about cutting
try staying lean all year round, fatass
Reading comprehension is trash tier
Lmao, post stats and body if you're above bulking and cutting
p.s. Vegetables and Legumes are cheaper and more filling while having great nutritional value which makes it great to use year round even if youre not cutting so argue fruits with me senpai
god you're stupid
"snacking quantities" is a meaningless term
I don't know why you think I hate vegetables and legumes; I"m a vegan, that's pretty much all I eat
Friendly reminder to NEVER take advice from Veeky Forums.
>, that's pretty much all I eat
Because they are better than fruit senpai for the actual content of your diet. Fruit is expensive and its Macros arn't so great (simple sugars make it good for a snack) thus they are trash unless you wanna snack on them AS I SAID IN MY POST
Snacking quantities is a small amount of food which is derived from snack which is a small amount of food between meals
The actual content of my diet consists of vegetables, fruits, and legumes and random other shit.
I don't know what a snacking quantity is because that's not a fucking measurement
and since I'm not a fatass who cuts, I don't distinguish between meals and snacks because I just eat when I'm hungry in a quantity that will satiate that hunger
that is what it's like to have ordered eating; not cycling between fat and a little less fat that you fatasses do
>tfw also on a 1500 cal cut
>tfw when you pick up running and you enjoy it so much you run 5ks for fun now every other day
>tfw you gonna lose your gains
you sound lie a dumb DYEL who cant fathom what a snack is
hint: eating something up to ~200-300 calories can be considered a snack
You're right, I don't know what I snack looks like for me, because I'm not fat
2-300 cals can be a meal for me or whatever, and then I can eat another just like it 2 hours later.
again, this is what it's like when your body works
when you jump from fat to still fat, your body needs discrete "meals" because you can't control yourself
sure is skelly in here, why dont you post your body since youre so quick to call people fat from BULK/CUT cycles
>sure is skelly
sure is, so long as skelly means I'm not so fat that I even ever think about cutting. good god, that is like the definition of disordered eating.
skelly means you have no muscle mass, now post body since you think you're above BULK/CUT
why are you so keen on my pics, homo
keep asking, but I'm not a big enough loser to give anywhere near that much of a fuck
>DYEL's talking shit but wont back it up
m8, you already admitted you're fat - you're "cutting"
aka, you're fat
I guess it's summer
not op, but this is my 1850kcal cut at 5'9 155 lbs 21% bodyfat.
i've lost 10 pounds but i think all of it except like 1 lb has been waterweight. i'm just starting week 2.
yeah expect some weight loss and gain(muscle) with exercising, just remember consistency is key
eat the same constantly for the same results dont change it half way when you get bored of it