A girl posted her youtube channel yesterday. Is this her from cbt??? If so, good job disguising hips in video.
A girl posted her youtube channel yesterday. Is this her from cbt??? If so, good job disguising hips in video
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If it's the video I'm thinking of, her hips were huge, so it wouldn't surprise me if the pic was her.. Hopefully she slims down, becomes qt and shows the world her STACEY genetics (and fixes her head)
Why you post this
link to video?
Shes a frequient poster of Veeky Forums and shes an autismo
Little jeremy had nothing else better to do with his time i see
Hope she doesn't lose too much weight and become boring.
give us a link m8
Bound to happen if she listens to summer faggatory who some how think being ironic is funny
thanks m8, she fat but not too fat
>highschool dyel manlets with high standards
Never change Veeky Forums
i think he means fixes her autismo m8, she admitted it yesterday
Ah, now I remember. The hips aren't disguised in the vid that much. Unless you're really unobservant. Few people complemented her on them in that other thread.
probably Irish, wide hips but flat ass
I want her to get healthy,for no benefit to myself, and that means I have high standards? Or are you under the impression that I don't think big hips are a good thing?
How tall is this cutie?
Her face is qt, but those hips look like some kind of deformation, wide but no ass at all.
I'm a faggot, though, so dunno.
Fixing girl autismo is hard as fuck because they're litterally taught to trust no one. Someone could fix her but the need to put your cock in her would pretty much ruin that, then she's back to square one and less trusting.
Thristy niggas ruin EVERYTHING.
She's 5'11
Manlet wet dream but still short to real men
5'11 but looks taller to me
i think she's just too fat for anything to show besides hips
but the cock might fix it
Thanks m8s. She does look taller to me as well
>tfw no slightly tall wide hipped gym gf who likes cats
If cock fixes everything then why did your ex cheat on you?
She's small tbqh, cuddleable
But then again i am 6'5 280
Someone set her up with Genova
cause black cock fixes everything
Women love piss stains in undies
the fuck is with this editing
actually her autismo is opposite of genova's
Here we go with cuck nonsense
anyone got pic from back ?
I wish, she has videos where she squats so if you can figure it ou from then, idk kys i guess