Tell me how you got your heart broken and started lifting?
Other urls found in this thread:
> be me, college freshman
> meet cute girl in my class, got relatively close
> fast forward a semester
> after hanging out with girl so much, eventually find out she played me to get closer to my bro who was in a class with us second semester
> bro asked me if I still had feelings for girl
> "n-nah b-bro go for it"
They've been together for almost 4 years now. I've been lifting since and still keep in touch with my bro. As for the girl I saw her at the bars a few months ago and all she could do was stare in awe at me and how much I had changed..
stupid bitches
>itt: children of single mothers
Shit man, wish you the best, be glad that she was mirin', use that as fuel for lifting, you will find a better girl
I got my heart broken and started lifting
>fall in love with a girl
>never felt this way before
>we begin dating on and off
>she says she loves me
>we were gonna have kids and get married
>start lifting
>think about her every second of the day
>we fight but I always feel that love will shine through at the end
>she breaks up with me
>acts like it was nothing at all
>seems happy gets on with her life
>i'm fucking crushed, heartbroken
>realise I was an idiot for placing my happiness in another person
>realise I was too obssessed with her
>understand that I should have been focussing on myself and improving myself
>lift for me and me only
>finally move on with hard lessons learned
We were together for five years. She left because I didn't want to get married. I didn't want to get married because we just had nothing in common and weren't having sex pretty much at all anymore. We weren't fighting, we weren't UN-happy, it just... wasn't working anymore. We had drifted apart and were just going through the motions of being in a relationship.
She didn't specifically mention it as a reason, but the truth is I did put on 40 pounds during that time. It didn't really dawn on me until she left for the last time and the garage door closed. I was fat, and was going to need to do drop at least that 40 pounds, if not more, or no girl was going to look at me.
So I did. I put on my gym clothes for the first time in months, and was at the gym in less than 30 minutes after she was gone. That was last September and I haven't looked back since. I'm actually down 50 now, starting to actually show some muscle, and I'm going to cut 10 more before starting a bulk. I don't even miss soda anymore.
Nice job bro
Wish this lesson would finally get through to me, still missing her after almost 2 fucking years
Damn, mirin the mentality to head straight to the gym, you're gonna make it breh
we really need to ban ifunny posters
I don't understand how people as dumb as you exist. That image was obviously written/produced on Veeky Forums. iFunny just stole the screenshot of the text, and then slapped their logo on it. OP has probation never even been on iFunny. Instead, someone else did, and then posted it on here, and that is where OP got it. Please end your existence, friendo.
don't know where to ask, but Veeky Forums, there is a QT 3.14 at my work
is it worth pursuing her if she is just going back to school in the fall? Idk if I want a 2 1/2 month GF, but its better than the crippling feel of >tfwnogf... I think she likes me
Also I don't really care about making work awkward because she will be leaving anyways and I hate this place. It'd be nice to have a summer gf to get out of the house and do shit.
>Finally realize that all girls are shit
>Learn about a place called Veeky Forums
>Figure I will find people like me
>Go there
>Gay porn everywhere
>Figure no big deal, I'll just talk about fitness
>fast forward 1 year
>I'm gay now and I love it.
I've never been rejected until two weeks ago.
It feels shitty tb.h
Same. But eventually I realized I enjoy the burn and the results, so I stuck with it anyway. Am I vain? Sure, OK, I can live with that.
FF many years, I freakin' love my bod, easily in the top 5% in my age group.
Women come, women go. But you have to live with what you do to yourself regardless.
Nice on bro keep going
>be skinny fucking skeleton all my life
>with gf for all of highschool
>we were with each other through all the changes we experienced from age 14-18 (which is a lot of fucking change)
>we were with each other as we matured and went from a silly teenage relationship to an actually serious relationship even if we were only 18
>could talk about anything
>4 fucking years with this female
>was looking forward to future with her
>guess I wasn't as mature as I thought I was
>.she leaves me for chad at end of senior year of high school right before prom
>goes to prom with him
>I'm left fucking heartbroken, she moves on
>months pass
>I'm still a skinny fuck, still looking at her on social, still seeing her post pictures making out with chad
>decide that I'm fucking done being a pussy skinny cunt piece of shit beta male
>go in my dad's garage and slap on some 5's on the bar
>bench for the first time ever, feels breddy gud
>use my pent up anger/sadness to finish sets
>fast forward 1 year
>made solid gains, not at 1/2/3/4 yet cause I fucked around for the first 5 months but I'm serious as hell now and am going to join my uni's powerlifting club in september
>stopped stalking ex gf, blocked her, her friends, and her family on all social media
>last thing I saw about her online was over a year ago
>don't even use her as anger motivation anymore, cause thinking about her doesnt piss me off anymore
>lifting for myself cause I fucking love it with all my mind
Keep it up Veeky Forums bro , you did great
>Girl I know is going off to college
>Convinced she will find someone better/more attractive than me there and forget about me
>Think about her every time I go/every day
>Think she did forget about me
>I'll show her by getting swole (kek)
>She comes back for winter break
>She hadn't forgotten about me
>Turns out she missed me just as much
>But, recently had finally moved on and got a boyfriend
>All that time I thought she'd be having a great time while I did nothing
>In reality we were both suffering
>And in the end she moved on while I didn't, and I fell into the exact situation I was trying to shield myself from
They're still together and I recently cut all contact with her. For months I felt bad, inadequate, and I'm tired of feeling that way. I don't care if she still wants to be friends, this time I really am moving on.
Sometimes, like on the weekends, when I can't lift, I feel horrible again. But lifting always makes it better. It's the only thing staving off my depression. I'm dyel but I still fucking love it.
im a 24 yr old khhv
i only lift for myself
>girlfriend says she would date me no matter what shape im in
>begin gaining weight because i dont care how i look anymore and my metabolism is slowing down
>in the shower one day and decide that if a man is unfit and a girl cheats on him its his fault
>start lifting from that day on
fuark brah, I hope my ex also felt like shit about me when she went off to college several states away. I know I felt like shit
Youre doing good though, user. Just be sure to never contact her or let her contact you again. It's the only way to fully move one.
You're gonna make it brah. Keep liftan and keep eatan and youll be golden
> Go to uni
> Fall in love with a girl
> I'm her first
> Have the best two years of my life
> She talks about moving in, getting married etc
> Come back after a night out
> She'd drunk more than me and was pretty smashed, I was only slightly tipsy
> She lies there in bed talking to me about life
> Mentions that she thinks every girl should have a slut phase and every girl should experiment
> Literally yawns and rolls over and falls asleep like it was nothing
> No more talk of the future
> After a while she starts crying when having sex
> Turns out she has vaginismus
> On top of that, pill is killing her libido
> Fast forward six months
> Doesnt really text me that much anymore
> Looks physically pained when she realises I'd like a hug
> Even turns away in her sleep if I put my arm on her
> Hasnt touched me in months
> Been off with me and just says she feels funny at the moment
> Insists that she loves me, even gave her the opportunity to just walk away from it all
Realised recently that a girl can literally wake up one day and stop loving you, whereas with all my mates, they break up with their girls because they've found someone else or changed in some way. My parents hate each other, all my friends families are broken. Literally don't know of a single loving couple and feel incredibly underappreciated right now. As soon as this relationship runs its course, I'm just gonna stay single forever, it's not worth it.
Drop her man, you'll be better off in the end ive been there man. It'll be hard at first but after a couple of weeks you'll be fine.
that's how it works, user. women are fucking crazy.
Start ignoring her, too. Not to just "play her game" or to "get back at her", but really cause if she's not gonna focus on you and wants to be some crazy stupid "I-want-to-be-an-independent-slut" bitch, then she doesnt deserve your attention.
This marks the moment you focus only on yourself. Lift some heavy ass fucking weights, get fucking swole, get fucking strong, and understand women arent our key to happiness. Contentness with ones own self is where true happiness lies.
Of course moving on and dealing with women's bullshit is hard and you are no doubt going to feel bad, remember this is your life and you can get toxic things out of it at your own whim.
Are you me?
>Tfw still kinda heartbroken breh...
shit man I'm going through the same thing right now
girlfriends going though a drastic major change at college so shes spending time to "find herself". I can't be mad at her for any of that but shes so uninterested in spending time together, rarely says I love you anymore, we haven't had sex in easily over a month, can't even remember. truthfully asked her if we should break up and she assured me she didn't want that
I don't how much longer I can take this
Yeah go for it dude. You get experience dealing with women, and if it falls out you lose literally nothing.
Make that shit happen famalam, I believe in you!
She's probably cheated on you already and she subconsciously confessed to you while drunk. It's better getting out of there with the doubt of being cucked or stay and let her fulfil her dream of a "slit phase" and literally become one. Also the way she pulls away from you and is becoming distant is a sure sign she's up to no good.
Are you sure that you have put 100% of yourself into this relationship? Like, not "I wanna be with u 4ever" but more like, taking her out once or twice a week and listening to her.
Perhaps you should try to tell her how you feel, exactly as you've said here, and if she doesn't "care", go.
Let her find herself, but not on your time. Love is inherently selfless, so if she really did love you, she would prioritize spending time with you.
As it stands, drop that bitch and find someone who can appreciate you
Just break up with her my dude
Literally downhill from here; once that thought of "Oh noez I'm tied down I just want to live free as an independent woman" starts budding in their mind, it never goes away.
Unless you want to be broken up with, I highly suggest you break up with her while you still have the chance. Her mentality is extremely EXTREMELY toxic, and will make your life a living hell if you don't get rid of her.
Of course she says she doesn't want to break up because she's all conflicted and shit, but that shit doesn't mend. It will be hard to break up but it is necessary and you'll end up happier in the end.
I speak from experience. Cunt of an ex girlfriend nearly had me blow my brains out last summer due to her petty bullshit that is the same type of shit you say your gf is saying. What finally made me happy was getting rid of her and moving on
Having a wife of gf is the most comfy feeling, but for the life of me I can't think of a bigger double edged sword. The same thing that can make you smile can make you cry. That's what my grandfather said and it's always stuck in the back of my mind with everything in life.
Man, I never even made it past the friendzone before I started lifting, it's pathetic. Overprotective asian parents turned me to an academic sperglord of autism land.
>Be in high school
>Hang out with this kinda pretty jew girl, but was pretty sheltered.
>Wanted to be her bf, but was too autistic to follow through, she seemed receptive too
>Moving on to near end of sophomore year
>Barely see jew crush anymore
>Start talking to this average ginger chick, she's pretty cool and was also pretty herself
>Become friends in fall of Junior Year
>Ask her out to Homecoming
>Got friendzoned through text because I spilled spaghetti
>Spent days making her my oneitis and cancelled Homecoming
>Got pissed and started angry lifting for 5 or so months wanting to prove her wrong.
From acquaintances, I see she's kind of a LGBT loving weabo crazy cosplaying bitch these days.
sure hope this works
What he said.
If you stick with it, it will be worse in the end a whole lot of bad shit will most likely come up and crush you. End it on YOUR terms.
same familia
I hope you realise there are girls who have NEVER been single since they hit puberty. They breakup with the first by and miss the security of a relationship so they instantly get into another one, that one falls through and it continues. They are so emotionally weak to be on their own they constantly need validation from others. Hopefully your 'girl' isn't like that but it happens. She could be using you as an emotional crutch while she's off being an independent woman.
I need some bros right now....
cant get heartbroken if you dont have a gf in the first place
Don't take it too much longer man. This is someone who is taking you for granted, not seeing you as a person but rather an optional component of her life. That doesn't make her hitler but it does show that she doesn't understand that you could also be "finding yourself" and why you're instead choosing not to.
has it right, literally say "I support you finding yourself, but I don't want you to do it on my time. It's clear we're looking for different things right now"
and just as a point of advice, don't give ultimatums. Decide whether or not you're going to tolerate her behavior before any discussion. If you want to give her a chance just say "x, y, and z things you said are all really disturbing to me." if she repeats x y or z dump her ass. If not just dump her ass now. But don't be like "you gotta change or i'm leaving u"
I'm almost 28 years old and have never known the intimate touch of a woman (or man), all you "heartbroken" anons need to stfu and be thankful.
Shit lads, I was expecting a few comments about getting my own blog or something, really surprised at some of the support here. Just needed a vent.
Thanks Frostychad, and believe me the thought has definatrly gone through my mind.
Cheers for the encouraging words bro. I've been an on-off diet and lifter for about a year but the last couple of months it's been such a good relief, and now I'm starting to just enjoy it as an activity, made my first few gains and dropped two waist bands.
Sounds very similar to me, hope it works out for you bro I really do.
I can honestly say I've put all of me into this relationship. I've stayed up late to walk her back from the club, I didn't sleep the night before the most important exam of my life so I could be with her at the hospital when her dad got sick. I take her on dates, I bring her flowers, I tell her I care. It used to be really appreciated, now it's just nothing. Lucky if I get a thanks.
As I've said, thanks for the support lads, just needed a vent because I don't want to worry my senpai or my bros. May your gains be steady and your lifts be true.
>Be a faggot
>Fall in love with best friend
>Get a ghetto black girlfriend who at the end of the relationship holds a knife to my abdomen threatening to kill me if I don't give her money for drugs
>Lol bye
>Find out she's pregnant with some other dude's kid, wants me to take responsibility
>All of my what, tell bitch to get an abortion and leave me alone, her problem
>Feel nothing because I like men and women are easy whores to get in bed
>Cue drinking heavily every night wishing I was with him
>Year or so later move into apartment with him, made my feelings worse
>Began getting fit in January to get over him and look for an actual BF
>Down from peak weight of 210 to 160 at 5'8"
I ballooned after moving in with him, from 180lbs with muscle, to a 210lb dyel.
I have a small frame so I'm getting down to 136-146lbs, as that should be a healthy weight for my height and frame size, and I'll make myself available in September.
Losing this weight has helped a lot with mental stability and overall happiness, and I'm going to keep going.
How did you know?
You're a man, and I'm willing to bet that you had a kind father, so you see love as sacrifice. That's noble.
Still, staying up the night before your most important exam for her dad? Walking her back from the dance club? I don't wanna say "cuck" but dude. You've gotta have some value for yourself. These aren't like "oh I didn't go see her band play because I wanted to finish the Witcher 3."
The exam thing is especially disturbing. Every adult I know would understand if you visited her dad at the hospital after the exam. And walking her home from the club? Why were you not in the club dancing w/ your woman and why does she value being in the club at all?
>deeply concerned for your self esteem user
thanks bud, hope you work things out too, /fit is in a strangely nice mood tonight
i lift so if i ever see my whore ex again i can tell her im too good for her and i can truly mean it.
You said
>and believe me the though has definitely gone through my mind (regarding breaking up)
Fucking hell man. Look at what you have done for her. And what has she repaid you with? You're on Veeky Forums asking for advice... You know deep down in your heart of hearts she's taking you for a ride and you're right there in the fucking passenger seat with your head through the sunroof enjoying every second of it. Please don't fall back into the mess which has now came to the surface. You sound like a decent dude if what you said is the truth and a honest representation of both sides of the story. You're in uni too for godsake so there's pussy and potential rgrateful gfs everywhere, Don't settle for an emotionally void relationship because you're scared you won't get another. Fuck.
Sometimes I wonder if I'd be better off in your shoes.
I genuinely think women agent worth it anymore, I had better companionship from my dog than any relationship I've been in.
Women are parasites, the vast majority don't understand loyalty, you will always be dropped when someone better comes along. I'm just focusing on being successful now, will eventually get another dog (mine died) for companionship. Sex is easy to get these days as most women are sluts, tinder is full of them, failing that you can always hire a professional.
What you're missing out on its not as good as you think it is.
>start dating girl in my chemistry class
>relationship is going great for a few months
>suddenly, one day, out of nowhere
"user, you aren't religious, and I can't deal with that."
>tell her I've had very bad experiences with religion in the past, and tell her the stories, and why I can't be religious
"Well, you need to convert anyway. If you don't convert, we can't be together."
>tell her I don't do ultimatums, and walk away
>she messages me a few days later
>suddenly a few messages per day, turns into hours talking to each other again
>she convinces me that she's realized she needs to be more compromising, and convinces me that it'd be worth trying again
>I tell her ok, but here's what I'm willing to do (only read the Bible, nothing more)
>she's ecstatic and agrees
>together for a few weeks, and it's great again
>suddenly starts trying to get me to convert again
>I refuse
>she explodes, and screams that she only wants the best for me, and since I'm refusing God, I'm refusing her, and she doesn't want this relationship
>she storms off
>she blocks my phone and Facebook immediately
Fuck me that bitch was crazy.
To put it shortly
>fall in love with girl
>She broke up with me
>Her friend forwards me a conversation she had with her basically berating me and thinking me being heartbroken was funny as shit. And that she never had any feelings for me.
>Crushed my confidence, have not been with anyone since
>I still think about her and it been 3 years
>I would be surprised if she remembered me a week after
i've actually never had my heart broken, am i missing something?
Are you pumping and dumping user?
Trust me, you're not better off. You don't jerk off every day in order to alter your hormones to get rid of your crippling loneliness until the next day. I have a promising career and education. None of it is worth if nobody cares about you, if there is nobody for you to care about, and if there is nobody to share your feelings with. I'd give it all away to just be with someone and then get my heart broken.
Ask her out on a date in person, none of that limp dick texting shit
have 2 "real" exes but broke up with both, everyone else i just kinda fucked
It's better to shit your pants than to die of constipation
Was she a virgin?
>be me 2 years ago
>no education doing drugs everyday weight under 120lbs
>freind of a drug buddie moves into flat
>holyshit she's hot
>get high a shit tonne
>end up fucking out of proximity
Needs to be noted that I was pretty much as beta as you could get till I discovered drugs at age of 18
>fast forward a few months
>we semi serious ish, relationship is based around sex/drugs/mutual freinds
>o crap think I'm in love
>Christmassy her ex visits while I go down to chill with my family
>pissed as shit but not much I can do, if she cheats me fuck it I deserve it all I do is drugs and play WoW
>she cheats on me
>devastated but hold it in, break up with her
> she goes back to her own country
> cut all contact do a shit tonne more drugs
> few months later she comes back
>user I want you back, I love you I'm sorry etc
>get back together as it what the fucks the point in life if you arnt getting laid
> start to like her, turns into genuine affection and love
>6 months go by, happiest I've ever been, got the girl, got the drugs, sorting my education out
> user I can't do this anymore, your life's going nowhere and it's making me sad
> cry like a bitch when while seeing her off at the airport
> visit her a couple of times, make effort
>this ain't working
> cut all contact and start to properly sort my life out
1 year later I'm off the drugs and alcohol, starting at a good uni in September. Started lifting 2 months ago after seeing her with another dude on Facebook. No longer look like an auchwitz survivor and am DYEL as fuck
never felt better
It gets better but fuck do I miss chilling in a single bed doing fuck all but drugs and sex
Not him
In today's day and age everyone is out for a quick fuck. If you do find a girl who wants a relationship it will always be on her terms, they are very evil user and it's not a meme. If you tell them anything that pushes your buttons they will use it against you to make you submit to them. If you're into being the submissive then it's ok. But remember as soon as something better comes along she will be gone without a doubt unless you can buy her back and sometimes even that doesn't work. Concentrate on yourself and girls will flock to you and you can have things on your terms brother. Don't think for one second a gf will solve all your problems. It will only Create more problems
It can help if you're a shy person but it's really not worth the energy sap, the constant attention you need to give,
Although somehow other girls know when you're taken, so if you want to be a utter scumbag and beat her at her own game. you can get a cheeky fuck on the side and then break it off with her if you find out she's cheated on you. Atleast you come out even.
>never had a gf
>always thought I'd be alone and no girl would want me because I'm not popular and not very out going socially
>dropped out of school in grade 10 from anxiety etc etc
>never had a real social circle outside of 3 unique friends that basically only wanted to hangout with me because of my video games
>had my first enormous crush on cutie girl from grade 7-8
>we became friends in grade 8 and she knew I liked her but it didn't workout due to various things
>spent countless nights master baiting to her :,(
>we didn't see each other again after grade 8
>I moved to my dads house in a new city
>she went to a new school
>still thought about her everyday
>still creeped her Facebook and nexopia
>still jerked off to her pictures
>fast forward to when I'm 18. She messages one of my 3 friends on fb. Asks about me
>he gives her my number
>we arrange to hangout
>we go see 21 jump street together. Our first "date" I suppose.
>immediately there's a connection
>mfw this seems too bizarre that it turned out this way
>our third date, I've gain huge confidence. I show her a picture on my phone of my abs and gains
>she seems very impressed
>tells me to take my shirt off
>lift up my shirt to show off the abs
>she blushes
>I tell her now she has to take her shirt off if she wants my shirt off all the way
>she takes her shirt off
>fucking heart is pounding. Never had this with a girl before. It seems surreal. Happiness like never before showers over me
>take my shirt off
>she says I should take more off
>I tell her we should take this upstairs
>we go upstairs. I see a girls tits for the first time
>I finger her Pussy
>she gives me a handjob
>that feeling you get at the beginning of a good relationship. It's fucking magical and powerful as fuck
>we become obsessed with each other
>hanging out everyday
>I eat her pussy and she blows me on our 5th hangout
>I lose my virginity to her about 3 weeks in
Yep. And so am I. I was also her first boyfriend.
She was homeschooled in a crazy religious household. I knew she was homeschooled, but I didn't know how insanely religious they were until a month or so into the relationship. After her, and her other homeschool friends, I'm 100% convinced that all homeschool families are insanely religious. Even though she has been going to all of these homeschool kid get togethers, apparently, no other guy ever showed interest in her.
Making it bruh.
THANKS frostychad
dude she definitely cheated on you already if she had to mention "i think ever girl should go through a slut phase" that means she definitely had intentions on fucking other people honestly just drop the bitch right now and go lift the hate from your heart bro and let nothing but love for the weights replace her
Good for you bro, warms my heart to hear a story like this
>we decide to have our first drunk night together
>the night turns sexual fast
>she can't keep her hands off me
>I can't keep my hands off her
>she's teasing me with quick blow jobs. I'm teasing her with fingering her pussy
>we end up upstairs. I eat her asshole for the first time
>we fuck savagely
>fast forward 4 years
>were happier and more open with each other than ever
>she wans to marry me. She tells me she wants my babies
>I'm so in love with her
>mfw I can't believe I was jerking off to her ass in jean shorts in grade 8 and now I'm literally the one removing those Jean shorts and sticking my tongue up her asshole and pussy while she swallows every drip of my cum
>mfw our sex life is heslthy as fuck
>we basically fuck every day. We fuck twice a day regularly.
>she gives me anal once a month
How is it possible for my first gf, my first relationship ever, to be perfect? Is this what people look for in relationships? Honest to god. Sometimes I wonder if I'm in a simulation or something. I don't get how me obsessing over this girl for 2 years in middle school resulted in me getting with her in the end. It still boggles my mind sometimes. Seems to good to be true.
are you me by any chance?
Crazy is best to stick your dick in.
I'm trying to fuck this single mum who is a ice juny as well.
God I get hard just thinking about dat ass
fuck thx bros, needed that. Actually asked her out (in person) and have plans Saturday. But I was just getting into my own head if she actually likes me if she is just going back to school in fall and shit.
Overthinking things as usual
Majority of people in the world wish they had a highschool/middle school sweet heart they married. There's just something about growing up together.
You're lucky af user. Don't screw it up. Don't ever cheat on her and treat her right because girls like that rarely come around.
I got horny reading this
Oh man, I know she was just a sexual freak, just waiting to be released from her religious oppression. She let it slip from time to time (she explained once, in great detail how she wanted to rape me. It was fucking hot as hell), but she'd always freeze back up later, and go full pious again. That's probably the thing that actually pushed me to give her the second chance. Hell, going by the conversations we were having during the second go, I was very close to getting her to put out. And I think she realized it, which is why she froze up again, and started making demands again.
There are very few 28 year old girls who are looking for a quick fuck and I'm not attractive enough to attract them anyway, much less younger girls who want to fuck. Having a gf will solve my loneliness which is the only problem I have or care to solve.
>yfw be with your school crush
My man! You know what's up!
Altho to be honest this didn't work for me
This is so true desu. I feel like I've missed out on not having relationships in school. It's just not fair
Girls are vicious, a lot express their pain as cruelty. They do it with each other too, not just in HAES hating on thin chicks but literally any girl a woman feels threatened by will experience tons of gossip and terrible comments by threatened woman.
This impulse is where all of the "I cheated on you because your dick is too small" comments come from too, they just try to do as much damage as possible to avoid confronting the reality that they're a shit human.
The only reason I'd put up with crazy religous bs is if she was a virgin (til she met me lol). It's hard to find women that don't want to go through a slut phase. But you made a good choice too.
I realized I hated myself for ignoring what my family has thrown at me. Working out has made me closer to both my mom and dad, allows me to focus on programming and feel better about myself and realize how to maintain a healthy life style... thanks Veeky Forums
Yeah. That was a paraphrased last conversation. And in it, she made it very clear she had no interest in understanding or respecting me, my beliefs, or my needs, and that her word was worthless. To her, I was nothing more than a sperm bank with an attached wallet, that she expected to control 100%, while she literally cucked me with God. I wasn't going to stick around for that, because that's literally my definition of hell.
She did unblock me a week later, and a week after that, she sent me a friend request on Facebook. I sent her a message asking her what her intentions were, but there was no response. So after a few days, I asked a mutual friend about it, and mutual friend asked me if there was a chance my ex and I would get back together. I said there wasn't, because I couldn't trust her, and she burned every bridge with me she could. The next day the friend request was gone.
Imagine you have a gf right now, everything is amazing. You're doing activities together, laughing and having fun. You're the happiest you've ever been. Then one day she decides she wants a change (this thread is proof of how the female mind works and it's happened twice to me) she completely changes on you or she uses the famous 'I'm bored' line prior to the big 'change' that they want. What would you do? You'd be far worse off than when you first started. You'd be absolutely crushed. It's all fun and games in the honeymoon phase when you're getting to know eachother and that's all women really want. They enjoy the thrill of connecting and finally figuring somebody out and knowing everything about them then they move on. If you're lonely then I can understand your frustration and how badly you want a partner but it's not all rose petals and nicey nicey all the time. You think you've got her cracked and figured out and she throws a massive curveball and you're left wondering did you know her at all? And that's when you feel the most alone.
Here's to you getting a gf user.
never had my heart broken, but i had my brain broken
pretty much had a severe traumatic brain injury that completely stripped me of my sense of self, not to mention my ability to speak and see, both of which i had to recover myself
basically i rebuilt myself from what felt like borderline complete destruction
the injury i sustained also left me with a broken part of spine so i couldn't do much, but i did what i could as safely as possible with resistance bands and a 10lb dumbbell and super high reps at home for 3 months, hour and a half every day
when i got the OK to hit the gym again (i had only been going for about 3 months prior to the injury but wasn't pushing myself nearly as much as i could) i pretty much went balls to the wall, determined to get stronger--same concept as the mental strength i recovered.
that high rep stuff really helped me get through some fucked up months. it's pretty much all i could do at the time.
> Looks physically pained when she realises I'd like a hug
> Even turns away in her sleep if I put my arm on her
> Hasnt touched me in months
> Been off with me and just says she feels funny at the moment
> Insists that she loves me, even gave her the opportunity to just walk away from it all
She wouldn't do that because then it'd be her fault. She wants you to do it and to take the 'blame' and to tell all her friends and herself that she tried as hard as she could. Some people are just passive and fear taking action they know is necessary, females have a higher probability of it.
>As soon as this relationship runs its course, I'm just gonna stay single forever, it's not worth it.
You should go ahead and do it, you'll both be relieved, and it sounds like she'll be less and less into it until one day you find out she cheated because she doesn't even care to cover it up anymore because she really wants out.
Don't look to get into relationships any time soon, you have the right idea on that. Try not to be too angry at women either though. Just understand their nature, and accept it, and let bygones be bygones.
this is a smart user. When I read the story I assumed she was just looking for this to happen in the future, but you're actually right that it's more likely it already happened.
good post, as someone who has been there. Blogposter, pay attention here.
> Mentions that she thinks every girl should have a slut phase and every girl should experiment
This is why I hate living in current year, all of them believe this liberation shit and with all the social media is obvious they are going to do it, disgusts me.
>Try not to be too angry at women either though. Just understand their nature, and accept it, and let bygones be bygones.
Probably the best advice you can give on this topic. Encompasses truth from both sides of the spectrum; acknowledging that all women are no-good lying whoores, but also realizing that being an always pissed-off misogynist is not gonna do ya any good.
>current girlfriend is a piece of shit
>no friends, very little personality, has gained 30+lbs since we started dating a little over a year ago
>low sex drive, controlling, that type of stuff
>all my friends tell me she's not good enough for me
>mixing into a new place 900 miles away this month
>leading agent is hot as fuck and wants to go to pound town
The issue is I for whatever reason still love my current GF Eben though I'm not happy 98% of the time, and I can't beat to break her heart by breaking up with her, but it's killing me to stay with her.
I stayed going to the gym seriously in the last couple months and have gone from auschwitz to DYEL, in hopes that she would catch on and realize I'm out if her league and gaining steadily hoping that she would get the picture and lose some weight, but she hasn't. Just bitches and moans about how it's so easy for me but difficult for her.
What do I do Bros?
>wonderful relationship for 7 years+
>loved this girl so much, she not only was my gf, she was my friend and one of the few people in the world with whom i could overcome my social ineptness ( i have a really hard time talking to people, getting a conversation going, breaking awkward silence ) and talking with her felt so natural.
>even get anxiety with good friends when we are alone and there is silence so i rarely meet with anyone anymore when i know its just us 2
>then something felt odd and i know when people are lying so i checked her phone and found out she had sex with my best friend whom i knew for 25 years.
>fell into a deep depression and used my hate to fuel lifting and it helped me a lot i guess but then..
>moved 5 hours away to go to college, naturally i made 0 friends in 3 years cause who wants to be friends with someone who never talks?
>depression back again, barely lifted anymore, lost all my money and dropped out with debt
now im 27 and live with my mom again, gonna get drafted for the military in 2 weeks to pay off debts and be able to finish college
my cardio is shit and i have not been doing lifting ( got into calisthenics to go regularely but its real hard if you have 0 energy and hate yourself )
on the side note, for the first time since our break up 4 years ago i met a girl and instantly fell in love...ive seen her like 4 times and we werent even alone yet but its so damn hard to get a conversation going, i just dont know what to talk about since my live is boring and empty but shes all i every wanted out of a woman.
gets drunk, loves breaking and entering, stealing bikes etc and is a complete tomboy.
i dont even know if she likes me..yesterday she rested her head on my shoulder and we had body contact (on a couch) but her friends are all male and maybe she is like that with everyone ?
sorry for the TL:DR i just wanted to talk to someone :(
Ok yet there's nothing wrong with males doing the same thing?
you're an idiot.