hi Veeky Forums I made a thing
idk why
hi Veeky Forums I made a thing
idk why
thx m8, will try it
did you take pics of the finished product?
no I didn't, I should have, I hadn't planned on making this recipe thing
it looks about how you would expect though
That sounds pretty good. Just moved into uni so recipes like these are a godsend. Thank bud
Corn? Are you a dyel or a skelly?
If you are going to try this do not use corn unless you are a literal skelly.
Corn is complete shit.
it's just one bag of corn fellas calm down
explain your reasoning instead of getting autistic and irate over a vegetable, jesus christ
Kill yourself DYEL.
This is a fitness forum, give good advice or GTFO.
People who are noobs here will actually take your advice not realizing you are retarded.
Good recipe, take the corn out unless you are a skeleton and really need to gain some cheat weight.
>just one BAG of corn fellas calm down
that a lot of fucking kcals. This actually looks quite good but I'd just take out the corn and serve it with a side of rice.
>storebought salsa
absolutely disgusting
remember this is mixed in with 3 POUNDS of chicken and 2 entire cans of black beans. That's like 6 meals at least
If you're the upset about 280 cals and 56 carbs spread over 6 meals you have autism
actually you just have autism
>buying storebought water
i know you do this, filthy pleb - if you don't get fresh water from the hidden mountain springs of the northern tundra then you're cancer and need to leave
Jesus, I hope you aren't trying to get gains. Corn contains (in very high amounts) estrocornamine. Every cup of corn you eat lowers your test levels by 100 no/dL. Why do you think the government subsidies it so much?
prove it with quantifiable evidence and reputable citations
Keep telling yourself that.
Corn is complete shit and anyone who is not on year 1 will tell you this.
The only exception is if you are extremely underweight and having problems hitting +cal
please tell me you guys don't eat food that has been microwaved in a plastic bag
Poorfag here, the struggle is real.
Fuck you rich fag
no, I eat frozen vegetables all the time, but you can't seriously use the ones were you leave them in the plastic to microwave them
that's carcinogenic as fuck
No, you just don't know how to cook. Enjoy your gyno.
God, you anti science people are the worst, don't you have a field trip to the creationist museum you have to attend to?
>eating eggs
My go to meal.
I normally use pineapple salsa and add a can of pineapples. No spices.
Screw the DYEL anti corn shills.
I each chicken breast for lunch and dinner every weekday, I love the stuff, and a little bit of honey mustard gives me enough flavor.
>I can't into cooking but so far I like mixing it with old bay
as a recovering fatty it's great because I can eat 10 oz or so max before I feel like my stomach is going to explode, and I loose my desire to overeat
I eat 8 every day. So much ultra efficient protein its like free gains.
did you rinse those black beans? This is important to me.
>name brand canned beans
>frozen corn
>name brand shitty salsa
Nah man
>canned beans
>frozen corn
>salsa from a jar
This is a slow cooker recipe, check out Louise Davidson crock pot recipes. Loaded with protein, easy to make, cheap on a budget diet.
Wow baby's first fried rice. Christ that is truly awful execution.
my god you sound like you're the most socially inept person in the room 100% of the time
This is good stuff. A recipe book that shows macros per serving.
>corn from a bag
>salsa from a jar
>beans from a can
>packaged chicken
absolutely retarded, the money your spending dude
>be me
>need food
>clog public toilets with paper towels
>go in after people
>pick corn out of shit
>find chicken in dumpster behinde kfc
>squeeze old salsa out of sleepy Mexicans mustache
beans beans the magical fruit
>more like beans beans the magical memes
now thats god tier cooking, thats why we make fun of your store bought foods, you could be saving that money for gyno reduction and roids
ebin, right onto /r/Veeky Forums u go xdddd
How to measure gorllion?
thank you for your contribution of orignal content
you may not be funny, but you sure know how to suck the funny out of someone elses post by referenceing reddit
>he doesn't know sarcasm
I make enchiladas using pretty much exactly this as filling.
You're all autists, I eat 1 tomato and a sodie pop with some papa johns every day then go to sleep. I still have 10/10 physique.
Go to bed Ethan
One gorillion = 10^3 oranguthousands