Post you are aesthetic pets
Veeky Forums related topic:
If I squat 135kg 3*5 at 6'2 105kg and around 20-22% bf, how much can I expect it to drop if I want to cut down to ~12-14%?
Post you are aesthetic pets
Veeky Forums related topic:
If I squat 135kg 3*5 at 6'2 105kg and around 20-22% bf, how much can I expect it to drop if I want to cut down to ~12-14%?
Ayy what a gay cat
Ur cat looks like mein cat
ur gay
Based pirate
Cats are aesthetic af.
I love this furry asshole.
Zyzz brah
Corgis love leg days, to bad they ain't got no legs.
Yiff in hell
Cute af 10/10 would play with
I love your cats and I'd like to meet them, but I don't want to interact with you -- just the cats.
L-lewd, user! He's my baby.
Please vote my cat 1-10
Have another picture of him as a kitten
>people actually have cats
never going to make it
>not having a cute catbro just chill around while you do your own thing
It's like you just don't want to be comfy
>not having a cute catbro chill around while you do your own thing
It's like you don't want to be max comfy
i fucked up
Mein cat
>having an animal literally shit in a box in your apartment
this is my kitty, there is many like him, but this one is mine.
Norwegian forest cat? I have brothers.
tfw allergic to cats and dogs.
Why does god hate me?
:3 floofy tummy
My two male cats are the embodiment of Veeky Forums. The constantly say no homo to each other in cat language.
My cat seriously will not shut the fuck up at night guys, he's a huge asshole/spaz and he yowls like a damn fog horn. What do?
He's 17 btw
17 is pretty old user, he could be in pain (arthritis).
What did the vet say?
Check out my cats golden ratio aesthetics.
This can be a shot in the dark, but try taking him to a fucking vet.
9/10 would pet
I can't believe there are this many losers with cats.
If you squat so little at that bodyweight, your bodyfat is much higher than that. I"m 6'1 @82kg and squat 150kgx3 at probably 13-14% bodyfat
Muh doggo
I know a hot guy with a few cats like this
>northen dog in hot climate
You are literally retarded.
He is an inside dog, he swims in the ocean, he has never once showed signs of heat stroke, he will actually lay out and sunbathe sometimes and I have to drag him inside after a few minutes because I'm afraid.
Get over yourself, cuck. These breeds, while its not optimal, can be in warmer climates if you pay attention to them and allow them to cool off in water often. You imply that I leave a thick furred dog out in the sun all day--he's literally laying under a chair indoors rn.
Wow you are so different from all other husky owners that I have hard time trusting you.
sounds like youre the one never going to make it brah
This is my cat. His mother looked like cats from , so his father must be Siberian or something.
anyone elses cat have a a head which is flat on the top and has a fairly sharp point on the back of the head?
giving the skull sort of a stealth bomber shape
Are you sure you have a cat?
yeah that's a stealth cat, they're more adept at stalking prey because their head is more areodynamic
yeah i assume its some sort of thing that male cats get cause he was pretty aggressive in fighting other cats etc.
female cat we have has almost spherical head
Thats my cat. He is a lazy motherfucker but all the woman and lady cats love him. He will never make it thou
Here's one of the two princesses
The second