Roid /fraud/ general

Previous bread needed some freshening up. Greetings boys. It's been a while.

I return with current body pics.

I told you i'd be back. I told you i'd be better than ever. Still ribbed for pleasure. And i return with striated glutes.

Who else on /fraud has abs like swimmerbrah and striated glutes?

Hell who else on fraud has striated glutes period?

We have a lot of catching up to do boys.

Other urls found in this thread:

Neat! Diet?

meal 1: 8 oz maki with a serving of spinach
meal 2: low carb whole grain tortilla and a can of tuna and pork rinds
Meal 3: 10oz chicken breast with a serving of broccoli
Meal 4: almonds and cottage cheese till my hunger is satisfied enough to let me sleep.

Oh sounds awful for maintaining positive nitrogen balance. Worked well for you though.

god damn thats you? still see the gym bathroom chick?

nevermind, im retarded that was cheerbro with the bathroom chick


>grainy phone pic
some random dude's gf

not 100% but it could be

face shape looks similar

thought she looked familiar, I remember the >she comments from the last time her pic was posted

Stop triggering me guys, your about to trigger my ex feels

Just got back from the store lads, did some epic shopping. Time for dinner then let's hit the gym.

Hopefully qt3.14 bitch who's ignoring me is there. So I can look like a total douche and kill PR's

why the hell are the treads so dead today

probably her, she apparently has good pics but doesn't post them anymore


That filter is god awful.

Welcome back though.

For the user who wanted the article.

Filter looks like shit, honestly I can't tell with the filter but I'm not a fan famalam. But as long as your happy, good progress

>not liking grainy, dry dickskin looking bodies

whats your goal then?

what are you running?

>insert a complaint about the filter
>something about you being a faggot
Looking good dude
Gotta say, I'm disappointed you're not wearing a snap back in this pic like your others

He's saying the filter distorts the image. Bodybuilding progress pics shouldn't have filters. Even pros don't use filters on ig. When they do its subtle usually to correct for poor lighting. Nothing about that filter is subtle I really can't tell what I'm looking at. Looks like someone drew on abs with a sharpie. Too cartoon to gauge things.

>Implying the face filter isnt covering my snapback.

I still wear the same sweaty smelly flexfit snapbacks i always do m80

nothing complicated currently. Was natty for 4 months after bulking hella hard but came back on cycle in may.

350mg test
350mg mast
tren started at 350, then 700, is currently 1050 but only a couple days into that so havent seen the full effects
just started 50mg winny ed today as well
also have been taking 50mg proviron everyday. snce i started this blast

Funny story. Had to ditch the dream of competing this year. I was homeless for 4 months since january, hence why i went natty. When i was homeless and went natty my coach dumped me.

So im currently just riding out the IG popularity. when i was homeless i had to resort to posting memes on my oage which actually boosted my followers. Now the social media gig is doing better than ever.

Point is, my followers love the filters. the outreach statistics on my #nofilter pics are significantly lower than the ones on my heavily filtered ones.

Jerry is a faget

and for whoever asked in the last thread whether ive done g4p yet. Being homeless makes you depserate for money. lets just say that.

>lets just say that.

maybe you and bimbo should get together and make a good one.

n-nno homo

Homeless? Damn breh I can't even imagine. No family help or anything?

Wtf is going on in this photo

Looks like a screenshot from borderlands.

Also not sure if that's MS paint or a towel hanging over his very erect dick.

what happened?

g4p edition.

You're just jealous of my love

Sounds rough.
Did you like sucking dicks?

Fun thread.

Fuck off chad

Family was the reason i had to go homeless in the first place.
Brother came into my room while i was sleeping in a drug fueled rage. held me down by the neck and started laying down punch after punch.

I call the cops on him and apparently that makes me the bad guy. Family spends thousands of dollars to bail him out of jail instead of picking me up for the hospital.

I knew that coach sounded too good to be true. Sorry how it turned out man.

I'm losing my spark for competing myself. I felt like I had something to prove. I realized I valued my social life and money too much. The reality of competing is sacrificing money time and possibly even health.

Glad I hear your page is working out. Are you using as a tool to make paper?

Well you're not alone bimbo hopped on the g4p train with no regrets.

Ah good good
All is right with the world

I am sure there is a lot more to this story but that's still shitty =(

My only regret is cum breath.

I use a tool to monitor statistics and such. But the money comes from shoutouts, product placement, and g4p.

And my fulltime job of course kek. But the social media and g4p helped me get back on my feet so that i could actually get a permanent address and get said fulltime job.

I didn't know you still lived with the senpai.
Don't forget MasT. He was asking for cam whoring advice. lol

Can I bulk while taking albuterol? Would I have to change my cycle up if I wanted to bulk on it?
Can't find much info about it

So much tren. Not needed, duder.

Lol it is very erect
Does it really be pointing up like that

whats your height and weight? also do you run var. fuckin jacked bro im mirin

proviron, mast, and caber work wonders for the dick.

you have an oddly shaped dick bro

how about posting pictures without a massive boner and IG filter

mirin though, no homo

205lb, 5ft 10in
No var, haven't run var since i was 17.
Not really. Like i said that pic was the result of 700mg tren, i only just recently upped it to a gram. the results of a gram of tren have yet to show.
No, it's classic swimmerbrah style

>No, it's classic swimmerbrah style
jerry was right, ur a faggit

Yeah really. I've run over a gram before. Indistinguishable from 700. Waste of money.

350-500 is all that's needed. This was 150/350/350 test tren mast, 215 lbs.

pic of legs?

>inb4 twiggy masT legs

holy fuck man, could you pls post your routine and stack?

what do you eat to maintain nitrogen balance, and can you notice any significant difference?

>asking this other fag and not bimbo
it's like you don't even want to make it user

Casein throughout the day. Fast acting whey post workout. While foods for dinner: ground turkey, chicken or fish 1.5-2lbs.

Casein is perfect. Non insulinogenic, slow acting product that allows a slow but steady stream of aminos into the bloodstream.

A positive nitrogen balance is the determinate factor in anabolism be catabolism. The anabolic effects of gear are so outrageous that these processes maintain for far longer that naturally and they're much more efficient; you can shuttle aminos for far longer and shuttle more of them. Eat a lot of protein and often, just understand what forms to eat when.

Dicks aren't supposed to point straight up?

They're supposed to spiral like a corkscrew breh.

That's the pussy

> bloat up 25 lbs on MK-677 in 2 weeks
> be drunk on Tinder, hit up a 4/10 chubby 18-year-old since I'm not getting any while bulking
> she's seems alright, 4th Armenian-Russian Jewess off Tinder
> ask her out, have to meet the parents first for some reason
> dad is loaded, losing a million dollars in one bad night at a casino loaded, definitely connected to crime
> he actually approves of me, her mother and sister are 10/10's
> she's alright but says a lot of cringey shit
> hit 3rd base after first date
> then again the next day (today)
> now I'm invited to a big family get-together, she's clingy AF, nags me about not letting her pay

Currently on 2 g of Tren-E and I feel fine.

Also, Chem has good shit. Welcome back brah. Did you get your shit pushed in?


Can confirm.
That's what mine does.

So why are you hating on keto in particular, since that generally includes complete sources of protein?

I know carbs are great for growth (especially when timed correctly), and personally use TKD and consume 50-75 non-fructose carbs post workout. This keeps my insulin levels stable throughout the day and my insulin sensitivity high. (I also separate fat and carb consumption by 2-3 hours, which you've talked about previously)

am i fucking up senpie? what does your diet/routine look like

I eat a lot of chicken/turkey (cheap, on a budget etc) and buy nuts/peanutbutter (with no additives) in bulk for healthy sources of fats, broccoli/spinach for fiber -- whichever is on sale, generally

Keto is dope as a tool, but I don't think it's effective or practical as s lifestyle. Keto is golden for 6-8 weeks as a means of dropping excess water and resetting insulin sensitivity.

Everything you're doing sounds perfect though. The biggest difference I could imagine is I ate no food for the first 6 hours of the day.

Why do you think I like wine so much?
but in which direction does it point? Mine always points to israel

>fucking the brains out of a spoiled, fat armenian russian jewess

considering not even 3 months ago you were deepthroating some trans chick, you could do worse

thanks bambi, I'd still like to know what you do for bulking though, if you don't mind sharing.

sounds like you just keep carbs light (oatmeal+eggwhites is what I used to do, would like your thoughts on that)/mct/creatine (or don't eat at all) for breakfast, then fill up on carbs intra-post workout, when you really need it.

don't you feel fatigued during your workout if you don't eat before, or are you running suppressants/stims?

thoughts on white rice post-workout, or do you just use dextrin?

>Mine always points to israel

I'm fully reverse on a bulk. 760-900g carbs 300-350g protein 50g fat.

I do absolutely no food in the am, aside from VPX bang which is dope on caffeine and aminos. MCT could be okay but I've never tried it; on paper it should be used specifically for energy.

I love white rice. I love jasmine rice even better, in terms of how it makes me look. As a whole white rice is dope post workout.

>I do absolutely no food in the am
Not even creatine? Huh, wouldn't've guessed. I was thinking something like creatine+MCT in the AM, so you get energy and protein without blunting insulin sensitivity. That's the theory anyway

Do you also run mk677 or is it too much bloat for you?

since you control insulin so well already, you'd probably do well with a secretagogue

thanks for all the help doggie

What's the RC site these days?

I think when I was here last it was mpresearch which is apparently busted.

Looking for T4.

Anyone remember that shit website that was always sold out of T4? Think it was sun pharma or something.

Wtf do you want t4 for?

I looked around for mk677 but didn't find any sellers I liked. I do enjoy ghrp2 and mod grf though.

Yearning for the part of it that was snipped away by ze happy merchant.

>Looking for T4.
y tho, you can get T3 from maxim peps and it's fairly good quality

don't know if capitalist is planning on stocking it, but it's not illegal so.. there's no reason why you can't find it.

heard there's some degenerate selling highly tested mk677 powder on ebay, but he's out of stock afaik

I always knew this board was full of cocksuckers

Hey! I'm only degenerate when your mother wants me to be.

i-it takes one to know one, pal!


I took T3 at the time and had thyroid storm symptoms. It's been 3 years and my thyroid is still fucked, so...yeah, fuck mpresearch it was WAAAY OD.

Why not? I'm 50 over minimum for get prescribed the shit.

> you could do worse

Yeah, that's one of the things I tell myself.

Part of me thought this Jewess was just fucking with me. We're in a cafe today and there's beautiful aryan children nearby and she said aloud that she wants her children to be like that. No way in hell is an Anne Frank lookalike going to have aryan children naturally. Thus I did research and found news articles about her father stealing a million dollars and getting away with it so... it checks out.


A lot of potential reasons. I take it in an attempt to regrow hair.

>but it's not illegal so.
What country are you in? Pretty sure that stuff isn't legal in US. Better not be. Shipped that shit from fucking india last time.

Embrace the sugar daddy life. Give her beautiful children

Make sure you get in good with her father though

he's probably just happy she found someone who isn't completely ugly/sketchy looking kek, so the bar's probably set low enough

americuck, it's not a controlled substance. completely harmless :')

websites usually sell it no problem, just with a "not suited for human consumption, only science/research purposes" label, for obvious legal reasons.

I skimmed the studies and in one they were dosing with 200mcg t3 a day? I thought anything over 75mcg was considered highly dangerous?

Contradictory to what I've read; t3 is supposedly one of the more mild substances you can supplement, with natural production bouncing back in a matter of days/weeks after a high suppressing dose.

not sure I'd go much higher than 100mcg though, but i won't tell you not to

two fucking grams what the fuck, are you trying to be mr olympia?

I have also heard it's a quick recovery taking at most two weeks. but I was under the impression that 25mcg was a trt dose and anything over 75mcg was a one way ticket to an exploded heart.

Depends if you're treating thyroid failure. The 'dangerous' aspect of T3 is you're overriding the body's safety guards. It's like T3 is GH and T4 is MK-677.

Eh, it's probably for the best. That gives me a week to learn how to blend in at a massive elite Jew party. Fuck.

Seeing how it is with low-dose Test. Always experimenting.

I thought the dangerous aspect was blood pressure and heart rate. Both of which I don't want to mess with. I would much rather be healthy than shredded 365 days a year and die early.

If you experience tachycardia (and you'll fucking know when this happens), lower the dose. It's rare you'll find a source that genuinely sells good t3, so 100mcg+ might not even effect you. If it's pure, you're probably going to be looking at 50-75mcg, totally.

It's only supposed to be ran for 3-4 weeks anyway iirc, and it's inferior to DNP by far

safer and more effective than clen, but not DNP under ideal circumstances

>It's like T3 is GH and T4 is MK-677.
Good analogy.

>I would much rather be healthy than shredded 365 days a year and die early.

t3 is very mild, it wouldn't make you shredded alone (a slight enhancement only) and if not abused, won't cause you to die early

> dangerous aspect [of T3] was blood pressure and heart rate

Yeah, as you're supplementing T3 directly instead of allowing the body to attempt to control blood pressure and heart rate by regulating conversion of T4 to T3.

Well I don't plan on messing with t3 or t4 especially something ugl. It's too hard to dose micrograms. Maybe if you made a huge batch of suspension with a gram of t3 and a good scale but even then.

I can understand your concern. Unless you can find (or become, hint hint) a trustworthy source, it's probably not worth fucking with.

yohimbine is eaasier to dose and arguably safer, but arguably not as potent

Oh I can get the raws. I DEFINITELY don't feel comfortable selling raw t3 to some Yolo. If I buy a more expensive scale I could make accurate suspensions though. But that's way down the line. Just trying to focus on branding, a website and getting bottles and caps made for the next 60 days.

tfw sittin on pharma t3 that i got off sst

mmyeah, pharma's really easy to get on sst, too

you should probably try t3 before you consider selling it down the road, just so you know what to expect and how to deal with customers

but im probably preachin to the choir

Really excited for your website btw duder, can't wait

A lot of T3 can fuck up your nerves and adrenal glands. Just speaking from experience here.

I don't know why you guys even fuck with cutting agents.

Mid test, mid eq, PSMF.

Ya I used to have a good source for pharma t3 but now they only carry t4 and some t3/t4 blend.
Thanks me too. Just trying to get money together and get back on my feet.

Why EQ? TRT doses of test is plenty to maintain mass on PSMF. EQ is only going to increase e2 and hunger.

Because the dnp heat makes me feel aliiiiiive

Eq has never made me hungry. Mind over matter, dogger.

I like eq on a cut for the visual aspects; intense vascularity and it keeps me fuller.

test+deca also works well, but I'm afraid of eq because then I gotta drain my blood into my tub

or donate it but frankly seems like a bit of trouble

Yohimbine really is good for fat mobilization, though

just get your nipples on cardio, bp problems solved


Do you guys switch your routine while on gear ? i'm doing a full body with more volume but i'm thinking of switching to a PHAT or push/pull

>DNP during summer

Fuck that.

It's winter in the free world you fuck