>He thought this was impressive enough to get a trainer to spot him and record his "challenge" on the white board for all to see
>Gets out powered by a bunch of women
Post embarrassing shit from your gym, Veeky Forums.
>He thought this was impressive enough to get a trainer to spot him and record his "challenge" on the white board for all to see
>Gets out powered by a bunch of women
Post embarrassing shit from your gym, Veeky Forums.
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sorry i dont have pics brah
but i saw this one arab 15 year old kid wearing new balance sneakers (think dad type) and gym gloves while curling 20lb on his right hand and 15lb on his left
>How fast can you row 500m
>He finishes faster than all the women
The only embarrassing thing at your gym is you.
wtf do any of those numbers mean?
p sure it's more impressive to row faster, but i'm not a rower maybe rowing is opposite land
why is Paul under women?
Erg rowing is supposed to be done at 7 1/2, simulates the water the best.
And your form has a lot to do with your time, and how much energy you use on each pull.
Reminded me of that time some skinny fat bitch came with a girl to work out. The guy took for ever to do db military press with a 30 on one hand and a 35lb on another. Have no problem with a newbie and I would have gladly told him his mistake. But during the entire exercise, he and the girl kept shit talking everyone at the gym, saying they were all obviously on juice and that we were basically a bunch of douche bags. The girl did basically nothing besides sitting along side him and shit talking.
He stopped his lift after 40 minutes of basically nothing worth of gains and left never to be seen again.
pretty sure this means jake is rowing 500m faster than those people in the left column.
also paul is a woman.
So you're saying somebody doing an hour on a stationary at L1 is more impressive than somebody doing 10 minutes at L15?
>be at gym
>chad tries to row
it hurts every time
You all sound like bitter women who can't just go to the gym without looking down on everybody.
Rowing twice as fast at 1/3 the resistance. For man, that's absolutely shameful.
The resistance isn't as relevant as you think it is.
I'm saying a concept 2 rower only goes to ten, and those levels are related to something different within the gym.
Damper should be set at 4 to simulate water resistance. Where did you get 7.5 from?
itt people who don't row pretending to know anything about erging
I've been on those rowers, and the resistance jumps up significantly even from 5 to 8.
You want to know bout dem ergs?
Damper settings are like gears on a bike. The higher the setting, the harder it is to pull but the more energy per stroke at a given stroke rate. Higher damper setting will simulate being in a heavier boat.
But it doesn't increase by (8/5) as far as I know. Also it doesn't go up to 12 so the board means something else entirely.
>Yfw somebody actually had to explain this
Are Amerifats so retarded that they don't understand resistance settings on machines? I thought everyone on here was memeing, but jesus christ.
How long have you people been going to a gym? A week?
You fucking idiot, the Americans are sleeping. The only people onnn here are you retarded australians
it's 10:52 on the Best Coast friendo
Not twice as fast, he's only 31 seconds faster.
Seems like a good thread to ask - what are some good vids/links for learning how to use a rowing machine with correct form?
I'd like to start using the ones at the gym but I've never been on one before...
Is it really that hard to understand that the Level is some kind of rating? Depending on age, size and sex?
Really? There is already one posted in THIS THREAD. Open your eyes.
Its not. Its the resistance level on the rower.
It's difficult to judge whether a video is good or not if there's not an obvious consensus on it's quality.
>as fast as possible
>rowing for 1:39 on level 4
do you think that's even possible? Maybe if he is disabled or something... but not likely
>level 12 on a rowing machine
nah bro
video has 600k views and just a few dislikes
I don't get it.
What are the levels for, jake is faster but lower level and OP is claiming jake did worse but he is faster and the level is lower.
Fucking cardiofags man
It's probably just a nickname for Paulina. Just like Ahyu can mean both Ahyumi and Ahyuhavinagiggle
I was pretty dumb not to notice that, cheers senpai.
Nothing, OP is autismo who's never touched an erg in his life and the levels mean something else entirely.
yeah 4 or 5 stimulates water resistance, putting it on level 10 gives you momentum..like a big boat still going forward at speed when all engines have stopped
Think of it this way. If it were bikes, the girls were riding up a hill while Jake was fucking around going down a slope.