Last one got archived
I'll start, I've been trying to cut lately and I am sticking to a 12 week lifting plan and doing 20-30 min of cardio after it. How much is enough? Usually I jog a couple laps around my campus or do 1000 meters of a rowing machine and 10-15 min of machine cycling.
Should I just quit the 12 week lifting plan and stick strictly to cardio?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm on starting strength, but I can't find the answer to this anywhere in the book so:
When on SS, do you increase the weight if you just barely got 5 reps for all your three sets (i.e. you were slow and about to blow your ears/asshole out)? What if you get all your reps but your form fucks up (e.g. one or two of your squat reps basically become Good Mornings)?
IIRC if it becomes impossible to reach 5 reps/ have proper form you either deload or change to another program
cutting without lifting is a one way ticket to auswitzch mode
how many calories you burn during cardio depends on height and bodyweight
How many calories does boiled chicken breast have? And grilled?
Monday will be my first time doin compound exercises. Im doing stronglifts. Im goin to a gym where the free weight section is small. Could i just ask fellow gym goers for help? Im a complete n00b.
Also would me being a cross county runner effect me if i run on the off days?
Another thing, i got an exertion headache while doing pushups and never went to doc. Should i put off lifting wieghts until i go to doc?
noone cares what happened to the last one
my shoulders hurt when i do shoulder exercises
my shoulders hurt when i run
my shoulders are very flexible
my shoulders are weak
it pops grinds and feels like tendons are being crushed
what muscles are causing this tomfoolery and what are some exercises to fix whatever is going on here?
>Monday will be my first time doin compound exercises. Im doing stronglifts. Im goin to a gym where the free weight section is small. Could i just ask fellow gym goers for help? Im a complete n00b.
Just ask gym staff for form checks if they are available. Also, watch Rips videos on proper form for the lifts
and related videos to feel a little more comfortable your first time
>Also would me being a cross county runner effect me if i run on the off days?
Make sure you are eating enough, cardio is completely fine.
>Another thing, i got an exertion headache while doing pushups and never went to doc. Should i put off lifting wieghts until i go to doc?
You're probably not going to get an exertion headache your first day of stronglifts since you are just lifting the bar. Definitely keep an eye on it and if it reoccurs contact a doctor.
How much bf% do you lose in 2 months if you eat 500 cal under and lift/cardio 3-4 times a week?
What advice can you give concerning diet for a guy with Type 2 dibeetus? My primary concern is obviously carbs. I am not overweight, somewhat active (standing job + gym).
Most dietary advice suggest that high carb diet is superior for fueling workouts and helping recovery, however I am kinda fucked in this regard. High carb meals don't really satiate me, nor do I feel energized.
Where can I read up on this topic?
sorry for posting a reddit link, but is this exercise possibly the greatest exercise known to man?
i have a tub of creatine from 2011. is it still good
Is this a decent UL split?
3X5 Bench Press
2X10 Overhead Press
3X5 Weighted Pull-up
3X5 Bent-Over Row
2X10 Barbell Curl
3X5 Squat
2X5 Deadlift
2X10 Leg Curl
2X15 Calf Raise
2X10 Ab Roll-out
2X10 Cable Twist
Veeky Forums halp
last week on thursday i got a stomach bug and had real nasty diarrhea and vomiting so i couldn't eat at all, completely fasted for a day, then ate about 1100 the next, and 1600 the day after that (back to my normal 3700 from then on)
I took from thursday to sunday off gym to recover, but since monday all my lifts have dropped by 5-10kg, is this a normal amount??
Lifts are pleb tier babbyweight but before they dropped:
OHP 35kg X5
Binch 50kg X5
Squat 65kg X5
Diddy 80kg X5
This week i couldn't even push out 5 decent sets of 45kg on bench, hardly even managed 1pl8 squat for my 3 sets of 5.
I'm eating the same amount of protein + calories as i was pre-sickness now, and still getting enough sleep.
Thanks dood
could this kid be natty?
fits really warped my view on whats natty and whats not
>glutes hovering off the bench
Did he say 20 reps?
100% natty.
Eric helms is the natty limit.
Seems worse than a heavy farmers carry, in all aspects.
You think i would lose my tits in 6 more weeks of cutting?
Ive lost a little over half a kilo a week for the last 10 weeks.
This is 66.4kg/145lbs at 178cm/5'10. read this part again...
I just dont know anymore, im losing weight, but i look no different from last month. Im not sure i can ever look lean even though im close to being literally """"underweight"""".
Do i just have to bulk anyway?
Not really...
You can train in ketogenic diets.
Shit doesnt really matter.
You just might avoid high volume workouts
Just calculate the calories in the raw meat, beo.
Depends on total weight, current bf%
How much cardio, etc.
Dont get too hung up on this stuff.
Use the mirror. Are you shredded yet? No? Keep cutting.
You have to cut a lot more to get rid of the fat.
If you are sick of cutting and a bit discouraged.. Take a break to eat at maintenance while focusing on progressing on the lifts.
You might get a kick out of
You are weak from being sick.
Your gains didnt disappea overnight
Calm down autismo
If I'm doing a vertical jump program like the Vertical Jump Development Bible, how do I incorporate upper body work?
By training the upper body, primarily
Not nearly enough volume and misses out loads of GOAT exercises.
Does anybody have that pic showing the difference between bodyfat stages for men and women.
So a man at 10% bf would look fatter than a girl at 10%.
> misses out loads of GOAT exercises.
For example? Don't want to do leg press or front squats at first because quads overpower hams and glutes. Dips? Skull-crushers?
>google: "body-fat visual chart."
Girls dont get to 10%, generally
Neither of you lift.
First dude, just do a proven novice routine like greyskull.
Unless you are an intermediate lifter, in which case, read practical programming for strength training, because you should not be this dumb (hence the presumption you are novice)
Volume was probably the only thing that wasnt an issu
I've lost a bit of fat from diet alone and am having a hard time getting past ~17%BF, so I just started SL because I kept hearing "muscle burns fat," or "with more muscle you'll be a fat burning machine!" QUESTION: how much muscle burns how much fat? Is there a rough formula of like
>X lbs of muscle adds 100 cal to your TDEE
Or something? Rough guesses? Because it looks like I'm not burning many calories by lifting alone. Thanks!
alright bros
this is it, I'm gonna ask her out
I just want to thank all of you magnificent bastards who helped me actually stop being a turboautist
wish me luck
>eat at maintanence
He should eat over maintenance and put on some muscle. Doesn't matter how much weight he loses, those bitch tits will be easier to get rid of if they have some muscle to sit on.
Whenever I ask about advice regarding volume or anything the only answer I get is: "hur-dur DYEL" or "omg lol no one can be this dumb." Hell, you're the only person to even suggest some kind of literature.
Plus, last time i asked I took a proven and well-regarded routine- substituted one exercise- and suddenly everyone went "that is the most abominable thing I ever saw."
Originally I wanted to do RP5X5 phase 3:
2X10 Hyper-extensions
3X5 Front Squat
3X5 Back Squat
3X5 Bench Press
3X5 Bent-over Row
3X5 Deadlift
3X5 Military Press
3X5 Barbell Curl
3X5 Skullcrushers
3X20 Calf Raises
+2 warm-up sets on everything at 50%RM and 75%RM.
But I simply don't have the time for 3X2.5h, 4X1.5h would work much better for me.
Just got myself a 185 cm (6 feet) barbell. It looks kinda out of place in my apartment because I used much shorter ez bar up till now.
Did i dun goofed? Is extra length worth it? (compared to shorter straight bar, around 150 cm).
Is eatting too much sodium a serious problem when cutting?
The other day I ate a whole box of compliments buffalo wings (still under daily calories) on a cheat day and those things are chocked full of sodium. So much so that I gained back 4lb in water retention.
It went away but I'm still worried.
>tl;dr is gaining temporary water retention weight a bad thing and can it ruin my progress?
Ab workouts give me the shits. What do?
Pic related.
I'm pretty sure it's in the book, but whatever. Rip says you can even miss a rep and get say, 5/5/4 and you should still increase next time. If you miss two or more reps, repeat the weight.
Jesus. On the off chance this is not a troll, read the sticky, you mong.
Worth it for what? What are you planning on doing with it?
Shit before working out?
Fuck me, Pete
It happens the next day, like clockwork. I can't do abs if I have somewhere important to be the next day. They're starting to suffer.
Best squat variant with least amount of ankle dorsiflexion needed? Thinking box squats
Top kek mate. Honestly, I doubt it's because of abs work, but if you really think that is the reason, go to a doctor.
it's chrones m8
>Worth it for what? What are you planning on doing with it?
OHP, behind-the-neck press, cleans, etc.
I've been cutting for about 4 months, no strength lost but it has stopped going up for about 2 months.
Taking a diet break for 2 weeks as per Lyle McDonald's advice. Can I expect my lifts to go up a bit during these 2 weeks since I'll be eating at maintenance and not cutting?
I don't know man, it's such a weird, nonsensical question. Why did you even buy it if it's only ~30 cms longer? Any other reason? If not, you dun goofed.
No offense though, but based on your questions, I've got a looming suspicion that this wasn't the first time you fucked yourself over.
I'm going to start doing SS, should I get someone to spot for me when bench pressing? If so, how and who? I don't think I can get any of my friends to go to the gym with me.
Not really necessary. You'll start out with lower weights anyway, sou if you fail, worst case scenario is, you'll roll it off of yourself.
With time, you'll have enough experience to tell whether or not you'll be able to finish a rep even before starting it.
Any ideas guys? Are box squats even worthwhile?
What can i do about my skin? Working out makes me break out when I normally never do, and I'm developing stretch marks as well.
>Why did you even buy it if it's only ~30 cms longer? Any other reason?
I needed the straight bar and I choose the longer one because it seemed to me it would be more versatile (more grip positions). Other than that, no other reasons really.
Yea, I'm a noob obviously.
I do limber 11 for lower body mobility. What should I do for shoulder, rotator cuff and wrist mobility?
How exactly do you use fish oil? I have no fucking clue
Oh, so you didn't have the 1.5m straight bar already? That changes things. Yeah, then the 185 cm one was probably better.
You're on the internet, you can easily cure being a noob. Read the sticky and the website.
How do I get rid of circles, shadows or however you call them, under my eyes? I get enough sleep already, but there must be some other tricks. Any tips guys?
Opinions on lee haywards 12 week program.
How much volume should I be lifting?
How do incomplete proteins factor into protein synthesis?
Does anyone's forearms gets blasted when doing jump ropes? I figure cause of the wrist twirling but it feels like a exercise for the forearms. Anyone else gets this?
Whenever someone says they do a PPL routine, do they create their own or is there some established routine out there?
you swallow them... they're pills...
>Yeah, then the 185 cm one was probably better
Thought so but wasn't sure. Anyways, thanks for the replies.
This probably gets asked a lot, but I've been doing SL for quite a while, and have shit all arm/bicep development. Can anybody recommend a solution to this? The blog recommends chin ups but are they really enough? Is curling on the day you do rows a bad or good idea?
I'm doing ICF 5x5 for the summer and it has you doing incline DB curls when you row on the 10% lighter row days. Haven't had any problems.
Can anyone comment or critique my routine? I've been getting great results and really feel the burn with it, but I'm looking to see if I'm missing anything. Its a PPL modified.
Keep in mind I'm frauding, so systemtic stress or too much exercises isnt really a key issue.
Flatbed dumbell press 3x10
Inclined press, 3x10
Decline press, 3x10
Dips 3x10
Pec Flyes 3x8
Lateral raises 3x20
Front DB raises, 3x15-20
Rear Delt Flyes 3x10
Shoulder press 3x8-12
Tricep pulldowns 3x12
tricep extensions 3x12
Bicep isolation preacher curls, 3x12
Barbell curls, 3x10
Reverse bb curl, 3x10
Hammer Curls 3x10
Pull ups(wide grip) 3x12
Lat pulldowns (cable) 3x8
Cable rows 3x8
Face pulls 3x12
Latpull down machine (can do more weight) 3x10
Diddly 1x7
If I'm still feeling good I'll kick 3x10 chin ups out of the bucket
Legs -
Back squats 3x8
Front squats 3x8
Leg press 3x12
Wide stanced leg press 3x8
Calf raises 3x15
Leg curls 3x8
Leg extensions 3x8
Romanian Deadlifts (lightweight baby) 3x5
And i'll do those weird ass leg ass machine too, if i dont feel embarrassed
This is my routine on a PPLPPLR.
Am i missing any groups? Any low stress on a particular muscle? I dont see myself lacking anywhere except maybe calves. I feel like I could do more for rear delts by looking at this.
If anyone ask why so much emphasis on chest, I'm a bit lacking rn.
rate my overhead mobility.
what else can I do to improve it:
>dislocates (both with band and stick)
>overhead shoulder stretch
>lat stretching and foam rolling
>pec stretching and foam rolling
>thoracic mobility and foam rolling
Been doing all this before and after training and on rest days, but I haven't really seen much improvement.
Lifting for 3 months still skinnyfat around 18% bf. I'm currently cutting on a 30% at 1600kcal a day deficit IF and IIFYM with 30% protein (120g), 35% carbs (140g) and 35% fat (62g).
Should I cut out sugars out of my daily calories. Mostly lactose and sucrose (I don't like fruit). I usually eat at least 20g of sugar a day and I've had days where I made some cheat meals fit my macros and ended up eating 50g of sugar in a single day. Right now I've got no issues with weight loss or strength gains (only stalling at OHP) but I'm just wondering if I could do it more effectively by minimizing sugar intake or does it make no difference?
calories are calories.
from an overall health perspective it makes sense to minimize sugar intake though.
Does anyone have any experience with bulimia? Last night i realized i had it and that its probably not too healthy (i dont force myself to puke, i just either fast or go back to my diet the next day). Is there any treatment for it?
Strict eating routine. Don't make excuses for yourself.
My muscles just fucking stop working so often.
I'll bench press, or preacher curl, or some other upper body/arm workout, and around my 10th rep, I just can't go on. It's not exhaustion, it's not pain, my muscles just "lock" and prevent further lifts.
The other 9 reps beforehand are done wonderfully with no resistance. It's like I just shut down. I don't even struggle, my muscles just stop.
I know this is a problem because of a few things:
1) This'll happen even on my first fucking workout of the day. Out of nowhere my muscles will just start quivering and become too tired to do anything else, but I'll be fine and wanting to do more.
2) I don't feel sore or like any repair is happening the day after. I just look a bit puffed but my muscles continue to quiver.
Please help me out, I've been benching a shitty 75lb for over a year straight, and if I even TRY to bump up to 80, my muscles "shut down" as I've mentioned. It's embarrassing.
I messed up one of my knees with some bad squat form and haven't done squats for 3 days now and my knee feels like it's getting worse every day and is making horrible popping sounds when I bend it too much without distributing my weight correctly.
Is there any chance that getting back to some very light weight proper-form squats will actually help my knee recover? Or should I just stay off until it feels better?
If I do intermittent fasting skipping breakfast, will I die working out in the morning?
How much is safe to do, taking into account I'm not a fatass but have 30 BMI? I'm just starting the Couch to 5K program
>not a fatass
What's your bf%?
If I skip breakfast I usually work out in the evening since I feel stronger after a meal.
See a doctor
... No idea. I'm 180cm tall and weigh 86kg. Total DYEL obviously, can't do a pullup (yet!)
So you have very little muscle mass and a bmi of 30.
Mate you're at least chubby
Figured that that might be the real answer.
Yeah, I guess I'm used to thinking in murikan terms.
W-will I die if I jog in the mornings after a glass of water? The plan is to keep calories on maintenance
You might feel like shit, you might not.
I can't stand it but I have friends who run before breakfast
Visit a doctor, brah.
>this fat
>calories at maintainance
No, cut until you can see your abs then you can start a slow bulk increasing 100kcal every week. until you reach 100kcal over maintainance.
I thought undermaintenance on fasting would wreck me. I'll go with that, thanks senpai
I'm trying to cut down for boxing by doing IF but I don't want to burn too much muscle. The boxing workout is a lot more cardio so I thought I'd supplement it with lifting 3 days a week to maintain muscle, but doing it that often leaves me too sore to fight some days.
I'm wondering if anyone knows if there's less taxing methods of maintaining muscle or if I could maintain while lifting once a week or something?
I'm currently cutting from 224- 200 because I want my BMI down but I have a stupid question.
How can I avoid going into skelly mode while at the same time losing weight?
I need to get from 22% BMI down to 15% and the only thing I can think of is to begin cardio/stick to my 12 week workout schedule.
If I do all this and eat at a deficit of 800-1000 calories will I still retain my muscles?
Depends on your diet, your workout, and a a little bit on your genetics. But generally, if you cut at a 1000kcal deficit, then yes, you will lose lean body mass.
Nah, aside from cardio, it's one of the best ways to lose adipose tissue. Fasting puts your body in a natural state where it needs to run off of fat. Not like our ancestors were able to eat shit they wanted to all day.
Again do it until you'll be able to see your abs because 1. that will be a huge motivation even if you'll seem small at first and 2. you will never have to go on a long cut ever again after you reach 10-12% bf and don't go past 15% even when bulking.
>800-1000 calories
Why so much? Or are you going to scale that back as you get smaller?
If you're a complete beginner: Yes. You can probably still get noobgains and maintain them mostly for around 3-6 months even on a cut when you have that high amount of fat available.
Everytime I try to do side planks I feel pain on my elbow and shoulder, even if I use extra cushioning. what do?
You mean binge-eating disorder? Bulimia is if you puke it out.
It happens to a lot of lifters. It's natural to stuff yourself after long periods of dieting, the mind just breaks under pressure and you go all out. You have to control yourself.
Implement weekly carb refeeds, allow yourself more "cheat" meals, take a week or two break from cutting every 8-12 weeks.
I'm looking to buy some gymnastic rings for bodyweight exercises. Which material is the best? Wood or rubber?