Toronto here. this city is white minority.
people are mostly immgrants and short and skinny as fuck.
If I go to other parts of canada, people are not particularly shorter than me, but in Toronto I tower over most.
Toronto here. this city is white minority.
people are mostly immgrants and short and skinny as fuck.
If I go to other parts of canada, people are not particularly shorter than me, but in Toronto I tower over most.
Other urls found in this thread:
Ottawa here. There's a fucking retarded proportion of men in this city on juice. In the mostly white suburbs, kids start cycling in high school. Of the guys I know from this city, more have done at least a cycle than not. It's not like every guy is on, but if you take a 5 minute walk through downtown in the summer, you'll see at least one guy who's physique is questionable.
Girls don't seem to see it. They all seem to think it's all natty. Then they all get fat, because it doesn't matter, they'll bang a muscular guy anyway. They're not all fat, but holy fuck there's a noticeable pattern of girls getting really out of control after about 20.
Gonna make a dating app for joocy Ottawa guys and sexy, fashionable Montreal girls because it's needed.
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA everyone looks like they lift because they are all marines or dads who lift even nerdy faced tards have big arms and a nice chest/back the only people who are dyel are high schoolers and hipsters and there aren't that many of them here
Milwaukee. Almost everyone is at least overweight. Many are obese. Especially among the black and Hispanic community.
Scarborough fag here. It's the fucking worst. Nothing but tamils and chinese. How was this allowed to happen?
How tall are you?
i know i am not tall but in toronto i feel like a giant
Dallas. Compared to the rest of Texas, we're amazing. Compared to the US, we're alright. Compared to non-UK Europe, we're horrible. Also Latinas are either great at age 20 or horrible at age 27. And the traffic sucks.
Mississauga here
Also Arab
Same height. Maybe I should visit Toronto.
Ayyy fellow Scarborough-man
I like being white here. Wasn't fun in high school but it's cool after.
Edmonton, gym's full of buff ass mofos at least in uni
why so many canucks here?
we gotta step up the shit posting while the aussies sleep
also Calgary here.
Fort McMurray
The land of full sleeve tattoos, jacked up trucks and douch-bags
idk, being white in my high school was pretty sweet, though I probably lucked out by going to a predominantly asian school with barely any black or brown people fucking around.
But being a tall white somewhat muscular guy in Scarborough is pretty fucking terrific. Being out in public and being objectively superior to literally 99% of people you come across in Scarborough is the tits.
>Denver, CO
>one of the thinnest cities
>in the thinnest state
>state culture heavily encourages outdoor activities and an active lifestyle
>still see some fatties, but not very many mega-fatties
Feels breddy gud desu
Recently moved to Markham, being 6'1 and a chink always felt weird, more so now that I'm surrounded by midgets
Port Hope, Ontario
Lot of fucking old people, my gym is like 6 guys to 1 girl ratio.. most girls leave her for uni/city so most people my age are guys who are farmers/construction, etc.
Mostly asian normies/skinnyfats. Lots of Veeky Forums guys but far from majority, and practically zero Veeky Forums girls.
Gyms are packed though, which really sucks
colorado is the best state
beautiful, athletic, white people
Also Edmonton. Diverse, depends on where you're lifting. I life with the powerlifting club at the University and it's about half white half Asian, with the only notable exceptions being Kojo and Big Jay.
Gainesville, Florida
I'm bigger than most
San Antonio. Almost everyone middle aged is overweight or obese. It ages people terribly. People in my age group ~25 all look in their 30's,
But I live a little bit east of the city in a more active suburb. Lots of people out walking and biking during the day; it's nice.
Thunder Bay Ontario.
Either fat power lifters or fckin nobody's.
San Francisco here, for some reason not only does everyone here have pathetic physiques but their faces are ugly too.
I know those feels
Dallas here. Everyone is fat and getting fatter. The women all have double chins and fat faces even if they aren't that fat. The guys are in better shape than the women. Women are uglier than the other cities I've lived in/visited.
Atlanta, GA.
Everyone here is fat, it's our state's pastime.
Columbus here. We have the Arnold, but also a lot of disgusting tumblrinas
girls at my gym look like they came out of a fitness magazine but that's because I go to an overpriced 'health club'
worth it tho
vancouver, nothing but manlet dyel asians
you can find pretty much anything and it's predominantly confirmation bias that would make me say one thing dominates over another.
in my little section of new york, though, it's predominantly shorter hispanics and asians with average height russians and black people
Portland, Oregon
>nu-males everywhere
>pudgy effeminate bearded men
>skinny alternative culture hippies that have never exercised or put forth any effort in their entire lives
>hungry skeleton Veeky Forums kids with shit haircuts who desire to by as DYEL as possible
>Le cycle everywhere T-rexes in unitards
>While some overweight individuals, obesity almost non-existent.
>tfw no one squats over 150lbs when I go to the Gym, so no one to look up to and ask advice.
While I find the majority of inhabitants of Portland to be absolutely insufferable, it could definitely be worse.
Everyone is a fat piece of shit except the punk kids because they can't drink yet. It's all fucking tacos, obesity, and barbacoa Viva San Antonio.
I swear to god if I see another girl in a Slayer Salina shit complain about her body image on the strip while fisting a taco in front of hard bodies I'm going to God fucking insane.
Michigan City, IN
>roughly 1/4 skinnyfat to chubby black dudes
>roughly 1/4 chubby to full hamplanet black chicks
>the other half a general mix of skinnyfats to hamplanets of maybe half-white, quarter-mexican, quarter-everyone-else
Lifkin, Texas
It's like 65% colored people here who are usually flabby to obese. In the white population 70% of them are plebeians, 20% is somewhat fit then the other 10% is natty.
Easy to pull women being one of few Veeky Forums guys?
Brisbane QLD over here
I live right in the city, im 6ft but everyone (whites) here seems tall like 6'3 being an average height around these parts. mostly slim mfkers but you get heaps of chads, some fatties and lots of fat drunk abo's
abos aren't really that tall btw
Austin, TX
People are pretty fit for the most part. Very few overweight/obese. Not necessarily a lot of lifters but people stay active and it shows. My buddy from seattle said its unreal how many hot girls live here. And i think there are tons of attractive guys. Its pretty cool
Oh pic related.
>these are the considered the fittest girls in the city
Welsh Valleys lads.
Male population is split between Veeky Forums looking types (often as much down to manual labour as hitting the gym mind) and road heads vs overweight or obese land whales, pretty much split down the middle.
Women are mostly overweight or bigger, with more being overweight as they get older
Every time I drive up to austin it is fucking insane how many hot women there are. But I wouldn't trade that for having such a poorly planned out and smelly city with a rampant homelessness problem. Capital of Texas my ass. The fuck did your city manager think it was at the time? Palm Beach?
Still DYEL and still overcoming mild social autism
Ask me again in a year, because I have literally not pursued any females after I ended my last relationship 3 years ago. Come to think of it, I haven't even come close to getting laid. Preoccupied my time studying and getting fit.
>C-cocoon mode r-right?
Aye Dallas repping.
What area you from?
I live in Oklahoma. Everyone here is fat. Literally everyone.
>Bay area
both my gyms are full of roided PTs & small Asians taking up space. the PTs come and go most get fired for fucking the members.
Toothy broads in yoga pants that can't contain their cottage cheese legs, and South Asians who only train biceps.
Live in SoCal, and yup, that's accurate. Kinda sucks sometimes, but at least most of the chicks are hot
yeah really not many fat people where i live
like almost none and the ones who are fat are over 50
>beautiful, athletic, stoned white people
Hungary, popularity is close to world cities even though a fucking country.
Literally everyone is skinnyfat. No money to get fat as fuck because mcdonalds is pretty expensive but not enough fitness literature is translated (that is not total bullshit)
Most people just fuck around in the gym with curling and the only compound they do is the bench.
>still dyel
>criticizing others
you're basically shitting on yourself.
I'm thinking of traveling there next year to study dentistry, How are the other non-fit aspects of the country?
>le epic 420 meme xDD
Keep doing that. You'll have time for women after you graduate. Though nothing wrong with banging some college qts if you can manage not to ruin your other interests in the pursuits.
>You'll have time for women after you graduate
well it depends on what field youll end up in
depends on the city
Budapest stinks and full of gypsies.
Nightlife is cool if you can handle the homeless people (some of them are quite fun to watch)
Here, the women are either big mouthed whores or stuck up bitches in my experience.
Women are eastern european style beautiful, and sometimes they become whores for foreigners in the smaller cities.
What else...? I think Hungary is beautiful and the climate is ideal since there are proper seasons, usually at the right time. The richer parts are especially beautiful with all the yellowed leaves and old buildings.
Not many people can speak English, especially the ones over 30. Gyms are not really frequent.
There are many sights to see and the food is really good.
Virginia BEach/ Norfolk. Lots of military which tends to be in some sort of shape but lots DYELs and fatties too. We got #15 on the US's fittest cities. Tons of crossfit gyms and strength training gyms as well as some great oly lifting coaches. All and all pretty fuckin fit.
They're not fit but they're cute af. I'd put my dick in their malnourished bodies without stopping for even a second tbqh
Also 3>2>4>5>1
Spend some time around the cardio (and literal) fags in midtown or the roid-niggers in buckhead
Romaniafag here. Got shitfaced in Budapest (which is cheaper than Bucharest, somehow, fuck I hate this country so much) and had a chat with another drunk dude named Istvan who thought that since magyar grammar is so complicated it takes up all the parts of the brain related to language, which is why he thought most hungarians can't speak other languages, kek
I also have a question, I'm coming back this summer with a couple of bros and we want to make an epic memerino but for the life of me I can't figure out what best represents Budapest, could you help? It's beautiful but I can't remember a thing that represents it well enough, maybe it's just my fried brain though.
Regina here. Well just moved to Regina for work bc Alberta got BTFO
The population is more or less skinny-fat to obese with natives driving up the latter.
The gym I'm at seems pretty balanced between DYELs and freak beasts.
The girls are painfully average here though. It's brutal.
5'8 Latino here in Toronto. Depends what part of the city you are. Downtown core everyone is not too fat, a bit fit mainly white and some Asian that actually live there. I live in little Portugal, so I'm a bit on the taller side here.
I live in 613 as well.
I never imagined any significant fraction of men would do steroids. Especially here, why bother? Any male with any kind of body is already ahead of the game. I went to the beach last year and felt bad for all the 20-something men (I'm 47). They have literally nothing to enjoy. Their women are already huge and vile. We're as fat as Americans used to be when we started making fun of it. Worst part: the next generation is going to be hitting the socialized health care system at the same time as me. Only they'll be 20-30 years younger, so they will get the treatment and I will get cremated.
Stockholm, Sweden.
We have everything.
I live in a big eastern European city, so there's a lot of guys on gear here. There's too much thug culture here.
what's with all the FUCKING cANADIANS?! piss off
Most women here are actually into the beta males because they can get whatever they want from them and be the dominant one in the relationship. This means they end up thinking highly of themselves despite accomplishing nothing of worth in their lives making them competely insufferable.
Britbong in norwich. It's a tiny city and has a medium sized university, as well as a university of the arts, and the largest college in the east of England. It has a fair amount of gyms and the standard of living is quite high.
While most of the population, like any city, is skinnyfat toward obese, there's a larger percentage of Veeky Forums individuals here because of the higher than average standard of living and high ratio of students.
There's no way you're taking our hot Montreal chicks!
west palm , FL
we have more of those mobile scooters at the local stores than shopping carts
From Scarborough too.
6'2 and I rarely see people near my height. There's like 2 guys as tall as me in my gym.
When I go to Buffalo, it's like a whole new world. There's a shit ton of giant white people. Even the girls are pretty damn tall.
I love Gainesville, such a pretty town. Especially by the UF campus.
Texas here. Fastest fucks on the planet reporting in.
Bro, chill out.
Are you having trouble handling the fact there are other countries in the world then 'MURICA?
I live a few mins from ya, m80. So many fat black women in wpb
suck my dick
They look quite fit, desu.
Nice inferiority complex immediately assuming he was American
Just moved to PEI and I am a god amongst men here. Every single islander native male looks inbred with a massive overbite. Girls are mirin' my outlander genes left and right.
My greatest impressions from Hungary:
> Wine festival in Budapest
> Girls in Szeged
>no quads, delts
>2/5 have ab separation, the rest dont
>girl on the left is basically just skinnyfat
i mean they ARE amateur tier, but this is the best? they dont even need to ride the bike
Rural Central Pennsylvania.
Almost everyone is white, old, fat, or has a beer gut.
Ayy nigga I'm also an immigrant to PEI and I totally get you, many dudes here look like stereotypical hicks with stained shirts
What gym you go to?
Ottawan also. I find there's alot of bikers and yoga fags here, and most guys are skinny hipster types or dgaf office bodies.
Maybe when you hit the market there's the occasional guy on juice, but otherwise I think Ottawa is relatively healthy.
Charlottetown - The Spa, the one in the mall. It's not bad. Only 1 squat rack but it's not that used.
Bulgaria. 17+ inch arms, buzz-cut , Adidas tracksuits and baseball bat on the backseat of your car is the way to go here , especially on the back sea coast, where I live atm. Being shredded isn't even a priority for most people , it's all about the bear mode. The majority of young men lift and roids sell like candies. Weight lifting and wrestling are pretty the national sports.
Say what you will about Chris Christie, at least his body is consistent
That looks pretty good famalam. If I was white, I probably would travel there.
Smaller, conservative 22000 people town in Germany. 96-97 % white.
In my final grade we had around 50 boys and 7 were larger than me @6'4''
pretty large people around here
not a lot of degenerate fat faggots btw.
The fatties are only the white trash in cities with 50000+ people
Yoo I go to the LA fitness by Lloyd what's up
>roids sell like candies
Ah yes, a heart disease epidemic in the making. All that hypertrophy of the left ventricle.
Burgas? Almost the same in Sofia too, especially the baseball bat part. Everyone thinks they are the next Vasil Iliev and play gangster...
Ohioan here.
>nothing but white trash car-jerking faggot fat dads and shithole dumbfuck kids with no future
>balloon moms sucking black cleveland cock all day
>all the qt's leave to some other state and grow sad and fat
Fuck this place
Not too bad, most people are at least somewhat in shape...or at least not hamplanets
Fellow Florida fag here in Miramar. There's a mix of every body type here. I'd say that there's a bit more fit people here than in Miami Lakes where I used to live.
But majority of Singaporeans are curlbros. Power racks are almost always empty.
hahahhah nope, but it does depend on what time you go.
ive been to a gym that had 4 power racks and still had to queue. but this was peak hour
New Orleans
Skinny white hipsters, 90% of over 30s have a gut but some muscle - labourer bodies/school football that got fat. Most black guys are decently built (sports in school, dont drink as much).