A tribute to the king of exercises
What do you squat
What do you weigh
What program are you on
Dietmar/Norwegian high frequency program
A tribute to the king of exercises
What do you squat
What do you weigh
What program are you on
Dietmar/Norwegian high frequency program
200kg/440lb beltless highbar squat, could've been deeper but whatever.
Looks p good dude
Mirin thiccness
forgot rest of stats
What do you squat
low 500s by now probably with a belt, highbar.
>What do you weigh
>What program are you on
Norwegian 5 day powerlifting program
>Not even ass to grass
>Norwegian 5 day
What is it called? Mine is a 4 day full body by Dietmar Wolf
I am part of a PL club in Norway, as i live there. So the program isnt public i think, and thus has no specific name.
Ahhh damn shame. One of my best plg buddies is Norwegian and translated the program for us. Feels pre exclusive
The program i have is made by the Norwegian Junior Team, Lars Edvin Samnoy
>inb4 underage
How is it structured? What do you do in those 5 days?
Variations of squats, deadlifts and bench everyday basically. Weird shit like squats with stop at 3/4 way up and snatch grip deficit deadlifts. Normal squats and deadlifts once a week.
And a fuckload of stifflegging, on deficits and 4 sec eccentric
155 lbs
203 lbs
SL 5x5
Just started a few months ago but I injured something in my ankle area by leaning forward when squatting ATG, gonna go to the doctor and/or probably buying lifting shoes
Just following the rest of the program in the meantime
About 5 weeks into SS
A-am I doing it right?
90kg for 5
i weight 79kg
im on greyskull lp
been lifting for 3 months no bully pls
Here's a snippet of what I do. Sounds like we're doing the same stuff basically
i guess, all i really have for shoulders though are OHPs with a bar once a week
The rc, abs, and hypers are just for warm up. I ohp once a week, bench/ variation 3x
1 year in
175 lbs
My own shitty routine I just finished.
Todays workout is:
>squat with stop at 3/4ths way up 115kg 6 reps - 122.5kg 5 reps - 132.5kg 4 reps - 157.5kg 5 reps - 157.5kg 5 reps
>benchpress medium grip to block 75kg 6 reps - 82.5kg 5 reps - 95kg 4 reps - 102.5kg 3 reps - 110kg 3 reps - 110kg 3 reps (my bench is garbage)
>Rows 6 sets of 8 with wahtever weight i can handle supersetted with the bench
>Normal fucking deadlifts thank fuck 132.5kg 5 reps - 147.5kg 3 reps - 175 kg 2 reps - 190kg 1 rep - 177.5kg 2 reps - 190kg 2 reps - 202.5kg 2 reps
>deadlift on a deficit with 4 sec eccentric 112.5kg 5 reps - 122.5kg 5 reps - 135kg 4 reps - 150kg 4 reps - 150kg 4 reps
Been on SL5x5 for one month so far. Can't even squat my own weight yet :/
That's the face I see boys at the gym make when they're cheating their way through an entire program.
>100kg deadlifts blocked up by 5 inches?
That face
>curls and overhead triceps extension with babby weight?
That face
>Drinking water between sets?
1 month into SS and I'm starting to feel an acute soreness in my back when I'm squatting now. Currently squatting 185 5RM. Is this supposed to happen? I'm just assuming that my noob gains are over and its going to be pain all the time from here on out.
dont round your back
Haven't been doing any real squats lately desu. Got stale.
Instead, recent pr's are
405 paused squat
505 box squat (a smidge high but the only box I've got)
345 front squat (should break this friday)
Weight: 135lb
Squat: 135lb
Program: Literally nothing.
I can squat my bodyweight but I'm pretty skinny so it doesn't seem like much of an accomplishment.
Any recommendations to get a 1.5x bodyweight squat? I feel myself stalling.
How can you tell youre buttwinking other than someone standing behind you and telling you?
who is the guy in your pic and why does he keep getting posted
How much do you weigh and are you pushing your knees outward and keeping your chest up?
5'8", Weigh 156lb
Squat 260lb x 5, 1RM probably around 300lb
Been lifting since for 9 months
its blueshoe
205 6'2"
I'm doing both. I also make sure to not look up when I squat. The pain is mostly in the lower back. On one rep I tried putting my back more perpendicular to the ground (not sure how to describe this) and the back soreness alleviated a but but there was a hell of a lot more pressure on my glutes/thighs. Was that supposed to be the correct form?
You mean squatting more straight up and down?
>a but but there was a hell of a lot more pressure on my glutes/thighs. Was that supposed to be the correct form?
Yes, thats the whole point of squatting.
Oh shit I thought that the squats were also supposed to work your lower back. I guess that's what deadlifts are for?
They do lol, from static contraction
You might be leaning forward when you drop down. Might have you drop 20 percent to correct form.
Are you resting the bar on your bull vertebrae?
>What do you squat
>What do you weigh
>What program are you on
6 months of SS, feeling like i'm about to hit my LP limit, would like to chance to a program with more squat volume since I want to get really good at it.
>tfw hurt my knee and wont be able to squat at full force
>squatting over 2 pl8
enjoy your ugly tree trunk legs you simpletons
why are new lifters such retards?
>What do you squat
350lbs for a triple so I guess my 1RM is like 385
>What do you weigh
199lbs in the morning 201-202 at night
>What program are you on
I do Justin Lascek's flavor of TM for squats, but regular TM for other stuff
5'8 222 bw
My best squat is 535 on my own program.
My trick is actually using machines. I tried some low vol high intensity stuff for a long time and it was just too comfy.
My body just needs high volume to advance so i do a lot of lying leg curls and leg extensions.
A lot of people stick to barbell only and i feel like that was a huge mistake in my training. No one will judge you.
just be sensible with the weight.
>My body just needs high volume to advance so i do a lot of lying leg curls and leg extensions.
Layne Norton advocates this iirc.
>A lot of people stick to barbell only
This is just a dank SS meme which is incidentally a program to build general strength, not become a top tier competitor
Yeah i definitely fell for that meme. My endurance to frequency blew up but my strength just stalled bad.
You live and learn.
Can you post further information about your routine?
That's decent bro
Eat more you skeleton
Is it detrimental to have a squat that's significantly lower than all your other lifts? I started lifting two months ago and snapped my shit up because my squat form is terrible and I'm trying to fix it at very low weights but I'm scared of being imbalanced
>benching 1pl8
Enjoy your huge chest
2pl8 squat is babby weight and isn't going to make your legs big anytime soon.
I squat 140 lbs
I weigh 128 lbs (maaaanlet)
I've been doing SL for two months.
My bench is just under at lmao1pl8 :/
You squatted in nike air type shoes didn't you
I just take my shoes off for squats, deads and OHP
Managed 120kg raw squat two days ago for 5 reps. New pr for me. Managed 180kg chalk only deadlift for 1 rep as well the day after, which was a 10kg pr. I'm doing great this week.
I weigh 80kg btw. Doing ppl atm.
Get rid of the snapback you disgusting pleb
>A tribute to the king of exercises
Squat is best
>What do you squat
>What do you weigh
>What program are you on
Some Greyskull variant
Lifting for 3 months, getting my squat rack today with safety bars, shivering in anticipation
Recently started squatting after doing a brosplits for 9 months. Did 6 months of SS and now on my 4th months of PPL. 180kg PB.
What's your guys opinion on pause squat?
dafuq how are your legs so skinny
Can be useful for tightening up technique and building strength out of the bottom. Also a good way to get in a less stressful squat workout.
Kind of overrated though.
>What do you squat:
145kgs / 319lbs
>What do you weigh:
80kgs / 176lbs
>What program are you on:
Just finished a modified Candito's 6 week.
Starting a modified Greg Nuckols' Bulgarian Method
I don't know. SS t-rex legs is a meme i guess
What do you squat
What do you weigh
>68kg 6ft, former skelly, still slight skelly
What program are you on
>bodyweight, bar, 30kg, 40kg, 50kg, 55kg
When I started I could only squat the bar so it seems to be working
you'll make it
lowbar 96.5 @48
Cheers user.
140 highbar full raw yeah I know you are mirin
by the way I was squatting 140 6 months ago too. Don't fall for Candito's meme progression. I just hopped on UL TM, hoping to see mad gains. Volume and intensity are definitely more manageable so far.
87 kg, 17% bf
I really cant imagine how you would go from that bottom Position with low bar. I need a webm
This post makes me feel better.
Manlet weighing 135
Squat 220
Bench 160
>high bar
>barely parallel
Pick one
i literally picked both you weak fuck, look at some oly lifters and you'd be surprised how many barely break parallel if at all.
My gym only has smith machine. Wat do?
Go to a different gym.
Someone help me.
>220kg deadlift
>110kg bench
>65kg ohp
>120kg high bar
Why are my numbers so fucked up? I have a 0.22 femur ratio, squats are deep, atg, and my torso is upright even in the hole.
You dont squat enough
>Barely hits parallel
Pick 3
215 lbs at 174. Been cutting my whole for two years with hiatuses due to injuries. Fat loss journey almost over then I can finally bulk. Program is PPL
Not possible. Are smith squats worth it at all?
I thought so, I've moved it to squatting 3x a week now but still not much improvement. Should jut accept my shitty squat
this amuses me. plx continue
>What do you squat
150kg Lowbar squat morning
120kg Highbar
110kg Front
>What do you weigh
>What program are you on
Upper/Lower with some weightlifting stuff thrown in. Inspired by Greg Everett's Beginner WL Program.
Been wanting to get into WL, so I switched back to highbar and started doing more front squats. Gotta work now on my form again.
Also, why is VLC turning my 26sec video into a 17min webm?
please show yourself squatting 200kg atg then.
My torso is inclined just like a regular lowbar, but when I go deeper than below parallel, the torso goes a bit more upright while the ankle angles close in and the knees push forward.
For the ascent, the butt just moves back and up as the torso regains the angle and then you go up.
Kinda like i.4cdn.org
And i.4cdn.org
Here's @ parallel
>places personal value in squat weight
>places 0 value in personal weight
>still half squatting
come on trappy you are better than this
I'm getting shin splins when I squat and It's impossible to progress because my calves start to get soreness and weak
I was squatting 185 4x5 not even 2pl8
Help me I don't know what to do. I'm skinny and have skinny legs, squatting was putting a good mass in my ass and legs but Idk if I keep doing squats I'd get a serious injury or something. And my left ankle is a little sprained Idk how I managed to have that sprained, maybe doing calf raises but this isn't a problem because I can't walk and put weight in my shoulders without pain in my ankle.
Lads, I hurt my knee a couple of weeks ago, it hurts right below the platella, I'm scared Veeky Forums don't want to stop my progress.
kys dyel degenerate
3pl8 for 5
A: Deadlift, chest and back
B: Shoulders and arms
C: Legs
>2x bw
Aren't your panties visible when squatting in that skirt? That would be so hot :3
No, it's a skort :'3
Sounds like you might benefit from seeing a professional.
I can't really help without being able to physically examine you, see your program, and see you squatting.
>weeks ago
Why haven't you seen a doctor yet?
Preaching to the wrong choir senpai
There are those incredible confusing things named mirrors.