Natural test boosting

Anyone have experience with pic related? I came across it on some ad and then just torrented it:

Seems like these are the gists of this program

>test supplements only work if you have a deficiency
>introduction to intermittent fasting and its efficiency
>explosive, under full performance workouts of 5 reps is best for test
>more cholesterol (1000g per day) is good for test (like from eggs or meat)
>avoidance of stress and cortisol management
>cold showers are a meme
>fapping doesnt boost or decrease test, but sex is beneficial
>you NEED 8 hours of sleep
>avoid eating and training in the morning
>crash diets are not good for your test, longer term caloric deficit is superior
>soy is shit
>low carbs diets are shit

So, a lot of it seems actually reasonable. Not much meme stuff or reaching too far into the unknown. I am switching to this after a keto diet that did work (but felt like shit because of lower test)

Anyone else experience with this? I am also pretty thrilled because I dont have to buy expensive supplements anymore.

So anyone else? If anything, it seems like a good basic thing to read for the lore, but I just wonder about some of the uncommon things, like the 5 reps, or the no morning eating/training. He also kinda shits on deadlifts in favor of a really weird gymnastic exercise.

You can find arguments for any side if you search hard enough.

I'm downloading this, thanks user

Well that is true but if you dig deeper, you could narrow down potentially untrue stuff with things like sample sizes, sponsored research (like the ones on the soy), or just on lesser species like rats that were too specific. Some treads of truths can be found in there and I think that this dude hits on the mark quite a few times.

Alright I'll give it a read OP

"natural testosterone boosting" is mentally retarded

even if you do raise testosterone is has little effect until you start grossly exceeding normal human ranges

this is all garbage except for heavy ass weight lifting

>muh natty test!

seems like the perfect thing to sell to get rich off of dyel fatass retard natty college kids like you op.

go for it.

bump, anyone have experience with this thing specifically?

Worrying about test levels as a natty is absurd. It's inconsequential unless you are legit deficient. Any increase you can get naturally is not going to make a discernable difference. Roids only work because they elevate levels way beyond what your body can normally produce. Either juice or don't juice and work on your diet and lifts either way. Make goals and meet them. Stop looking for tricks, there are none.

There are no supplements pushed with this program however. Only exercise regimes, food and habits, most of which I already had. But this book seems to be grounded pretty well in science. I just wanted some peer review as some of the things were a bit strange. Like the explosive strength exercises below the breaking point. The skipping a breakfast thing as well. Read through it, its not promising any kind of tricks. I already knew for example that building muscle and losing fat will increase test. It covers a large chapter of it, and how it works like it does I think.

That is why I am bumping this since you guys just assume bullshit without even reading through a FREE book. Jesus.

there is this workout in it, is it any good?

Chest & Triceps (Monday)

>Incline Barbell Bench Press: 3 sets – 5, 6, 8 reps (RPT)
>Flat Barbell Bench Press: 2 sets – 6, 8 reps (RPT)
>Incline DB Flyes or Cable Cross Overs: 6 sets – 12, 10, 8, 6, 6, 6 (Standard Pyramid)
>Skull Crushers: 3 sets – 6, 8, 10 reps (RPT)
>Rope Extensions: 6 sets – 12, 10, 8, 6, 6, 6 (Standard Pyramid)

Back & Biceps (Wednesday)

>Weighted Chin ups*: 3 sets – 5, 6, 8 reps (RPT)
>Cable Rows: 6 sets – 12, 10, 8, 6, 6, 6 (Standard Pyramid)
>Bent Over Flyes: 3 sets x 8-12 reps (1-2 mins rest between sets)
>Incline DB Curls: 3 sets – 5, 6, 8 reps (RPT)
>Cable Rope Curls (hammer grip): 6 sets – 12, 10, 8, 6, 6, 6 (Standard Pyramid)

*Make sure you use an awesome weight belt that won’t get in the way of your training.
Shoulders & Legs (Friday or Saturday)

>Seated DB Shoulder Press: 3 sets – 5, 6, 8 reps (RPT)
>Hang Cleans or Sumo Deadlifts: 3 sets – 5, 6, 8 reps (RPT)
>Lateral Raises: 6 sets – 12, 10, 8, 6, 6, 6 (Standard Pyramid)
>Pistol squats or Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 sets x 6 reps (2 mins rest between sets)
>Standing Dumbbell One Leg Calf Raises: 3 sets – 12, 10, 8, 6

look dude try it out for 6 months and figure it out yourself

Why should I if there may be other people who did the same here? Why do you think we have communities? Why do you think we have other people here? Jesus, whats with all the low iq replies? Is it because america is still asleep?

2leg exercices x week

no because you're a lazy fuck who thinks X program will give you better results
pick one and stick with it for ATLEAST 6 months.

in the book he mentions the "muscle-up" as the ultimate exercise, even above deadlifts in terms of total body immersion for explosive power. That is why am also kinda skeptical. It was the first time for me even hearing that such a thing existed. Just read through it, about 25% of it I already was doing, 40% of the stuff that seems reasonable to do (like the intermittent fasting which I heard about here too from time to time) and the rest just seems kinda bizarre. Not like its supposed to get profit from you from buying something, just kinda weird.

he argues that he is an expert on this because of his job, but it still seems kinda far out there.

wow user, nice self projection there. I already had a program for 1.5 years and stuck with yielded normal results but I thought that perhaps it could be even better.

seriously though...low iq tard...go away.

it yielded normal results because you're a lazy fuck who rather overanalyze some free book on Veeky Forums then busting your ass in the gym with high intensity .
If you're so fucking smarthow come you can't realize how retarded this workout is

lol someone is mad with his low IQ ness, shoo low iq degenerate.

Get fucked I eat breakfast and go to the gym before noon and I'm a goddamn sexual tyranasaurus rex.

>keto diet that did work (but felt like shit because of lower test)

Unless you've had blood work done before, during and after that's a pretty ridiculous assumption. Probably you just got the keto flu or whatever the fuck it's called. Try carb cycling and see if it works any better. In his book, does he talk about the difference between free and total test and the importance of SHBG?

Tyrannausarus Rex was probably a slow moving scavenger that only ate dead things. Is that what you meant?


Mostly common sense, apart from the IF and cholesterol stuff. To fix test deficiencies you certainly don't need 1000mg(!) a day

>does he talk about the difference between free and total test and the importance of SHBG?

he talks too much about it, so much theory.

I guess to those uneducated on the many basic, or higher than basic topics, this is a pretty good 101.

> 1000g cholesterol


>avoid eating and training in the morning

>meme books

kys op

so much this. kys op

i understand the eating part, but why training?
not eating will in the morning will also increase HGH.