Anyone have experience with pic related? I came across it on some ad and then just torrented it:
Seems like these are the gists of this program
>test supplements only work if you have a deficiency
>introduction to intermittent fasting and its efficiency
>explosive, under full performance workouts of 5 reps is best for test
>more cholesterol (1000g per day) is good for test (like from eggs or meat)
>avoidance of stress and cortisol management
>cold showers are a meme
>fapping doesnt boost or decrease test, but sex is beneficial
>you NEED 8 hours of sleep
>avoid eating and training in the morning
>crash diets are not good for your test, longer term caloric deficit is superior
>soy is shit
>low carbs diets are shit
So, a lot of it seems actually reasonable. Not much meme stuff or reaching too far into the unknown. I am switching to this after a keto diet that did work (but felt like shit because of lower test)
Anyone else experience with this? I am also pretty thrilled because I dont have to buy expensive supplements anymore.