Is Geralt a reachable fit goal?
>inb4 24/7 cardio
>inb4 drugs
Is Geralt a reachable fit goal?
>inb4 24/7 cardio
>inb4 drugs
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Not wanting to be Letho mode
With some "Witcher mutations", sure
>Letho mode
>Wanting to not get pussies anymore
with good genetics, this might actually be a natty endstage body
Look what I found.
What is this game it looks amazing. When does it come out?
I know you're trolling, but... Really, don't you know The Witcher saga? Content exposed in this thread is about The Witcher 3.
Not sure if laugh or cry:
>that pussy repellent room
>that pussy magnet aesthetics
I'm confused.
>pussy magnet aesthetics
this meme should die already
>be a good dad x 5
imagine the mental fortitude required not to want to fuck her as her """"father""""
>Kill drowners until failure
>24/7 cardio
More like 24/7 posting this image
Is ciri mode reachable without being a witch?
how hard could geralt roid before dying? I think he could roid pretty hard.
I have no problem with the room, "ewww nerd" meme is a stupid one, the Pewdiepie personality is a much bigger issue. his body isn't that hot though.
not wanting superior Orsimer physical build.
lmao, they took special potions to become superhuman, and they take additional gear on top of that when hunting
That wasn't the question, nerd.
It's impossible to be this dry 24/7 natty. You need to carb cycle and dehydrate yourself and that would only last for a short time. So no, it's not achievable.
Also, those delts ain't natty.
What is otter-mode?
Yes it is a possible to get here, and fairly easily depending on where your starting, in a relatively small amount of time. High reps, lots of cardio, Med amounts of protein and lean fucking everything.
The hardest part to this one is more diet than anything else.
>What is otter-mode
spotted the newfag
Are you retarded
lmao fatass. I've been at that level for 2 years now. I'm not saying it's easy, I'm a national level rower, which means cardio for hours every single day, but it is definitely possible. You can definitely get to look like your pic without dehydrating yourself.
He's already got the best sorceress of them all
I see Kratos has been in Skyrim long before E3 2016
>female witcher
>not a witch
>female witcher
>not a bitch
Supreme genetics, many many years, perfect diet with a grueling workout regime. About as good as natural will get you. Not that 99% of us have the genetics to get this while natural.
On drugs, pretty easy.
Looks at abut natty limit, so yeah, after years of training.
Letho on the other hand...
Of course it is. It's like 8-10%.
Is genetics the final meme? How can I know what or how are my genetics, and if they are fit-oriented?
There's no real fat people in my family. My father used to be pretty skinny at my age, as well as my brother is now. But seems that I'm more like the other side of my family; same height, but wider upper body, and bigger muscles.
OP here, btw.
If you're into cuckolding. She would cuck Geralt with Jamal (if there were Jamals in the Witcher's universe) in a heartbeat. Hell, as far as I remember from the books, she cucked Geralt with some negromancer, so yeah.
It's more about independence than cucking. They both enjoy sex with multiple partners.
Geralt fucks everyone he sees too
They both fuck around
>I've been at that level for 2 years now.
post pics
you too
>being a yencuck
When it comes to genetics the only really bad genes are ones that cause massive amounts of abdominal fat easily.
It's a general indication of low testosterone production and poor fertility.
Being skinny is pretty easy when aiming for a good body. It might take a little longer to gain muscle due to a high metabolism. However you can cut down very efficiently when you do bulk hard enough to gain a little fat.
Now a guy with massive muscles and big frame will get where you want faster muscularly, but probably has a slow easy gain metabolism. They will spend more time cutting.
So really as long as you don't store fat easily around your stomach you are OK for genetics.
Amazing genetics (you'd know if you had them) are the guys who were 6 foot tall early in highschool. Had notable abdominal definition at a much higher weight than anyone else. Probably won or did well in every sport with less work than anyone else.
After that is muscle attachments and limb proportions which effect how you look a fair bit too.
Long upper arms suck for having strong looking biceps for example.
Long story short. Skiny genes are pretty good ones to have. Not the best but far from the worst. That's what I was. Took 5 years to put on 15kg of muscle though it changed how I looked and treated by most people (weirdly more guys than girls) completely.
desu I'm in a phase where I'd rather not post pics here, posting shit online could really hurt you in the rowing community.
ciri does magic and is a grill. witch. burn her.
What a load of fucking broscience.
Jesus you sound pathetic.
I knew two guys who where 6'5 at 14 year old and they where the biggest pussies. One even had a full beard and tried something with some girls and cried like a bitch when a 5'9 guy who was one year older told him to fuck off. And they're still bitches.
Stop your fucking genes shit, unless you look like an actual potato then your genes are fine. You're just a gigantic pussy.
Trust me, I think it must be much weirder for Ciri to have such a hot dad. Geralt is one of a kind hot.
>five years to get 15kg
>thinks anyone will take him seriously
>is obviously a crybaby
Abdominal fat is a sign of low testosterone. No bro science. Science science. Would you like a shitton of peer review studies dropped on you? I will if you cant google.
Everything I said is accurate.
Is your argument that one tall dude was a pussy so genetics don't count? Sorry but no.
I mentioned leaner people have easier time losing fat... We do.
I mentioned larger builds gain fat easier... They do, slower metabolisms cause easier gains of muscle and fat so they spend more time cutting than genetically lean people.
Muscle attachments are one of the biggest factors in bodybuilding so no debate there.
Point out the broscience and provide some proof that what I say is inaccurate or fuck right off.
15 kg of muscle tissue at a lower bodyfat percentage than when I started.
Not 15 kg of mass that a pansy gym bro thinks is all muscle when only a few kg is.
15 kg of muscle tissue backed up by DEXA scans. Could possibly have added more but I needed to stay light to stay in my weight class.
OP here. I used to do no sport at all for a long time. A few months ago I started running 3 times a week, and I've lost around 10 solid kg (besides of getting stronger legs). I'm 58 now, without gym nor special diets (I only started eating more salads and less processed food, but that's all). In fact I think I could lose more fat of the belly before starting muscle building. Anyway, pectorals are somehow visible right now, as well as neck muscles.
A little cardio is good for your heart but past that not great.
Focus on big compound powerlifting movements to add muscle and strength.
Muscle uses a ton of energy and a large muscle base will put that metabolism up to make the fat loss easier.
Really just focus on getting tons of protein in. Track your calories and macros, find a point that you are slowly gaining weight.
There are two views. Bulk hard then cut. Then my view which is eating only slightly over maintenance. Do it right and you wont really need to cut. You will slowly gain muscle and as you do you will start shedding fat easier.
Some people say it's faster to bulk hard then cut the fat, I didn't find that getting me anywhere any faster and I hated losing my abs.
calls out bro science then starts spewing a bunch of gay bro science
>Geralt fucks everyone he sees too
Not when they're clearly together, lol. He never did that in the books. She did.
Isley, Isley, Isley
You realize Yennifer only looks the way she does with magic? If she dropped the sorcery she would look like a Hagraven or old ass witch
Triss is best bet besides ciri
Geralt and Yen's "relationship" isn't really a relationship at all until the last books of the saga.
They don't really see each other that much, and are together mainly due to Geralt's last wish.
Yennefer does stop fucking around in the end, doesn't she?
I can't actually remember if Geralt fucking Essi was before or after she met Yennefer. I'm fairly certain that Geralt fucks Iola after he met Yen though.
hunchback iirc, Geralt figured it out in the last wish short story. But yeah all witches have some type of major defect. they are the unwanted children of the realm.
Dude, they were living in the same place and she cheated on him. You have a huge cucking potential I see.
>or old ass witch
Ain't Yen like 150 or something like that? Afaik Triss is fairly close to her appearance age.
It;'s androgens that cause fat to be deposited on the belly in the first place you fucking mongoloid, so please tell me how one of the visible effects of testosterone is a sign that it's not there. Have you eaten off the ground recently or were you born with extra chromosomes?
Am I misremembering? You're referring to the story where in the end Yen leaves both of them and the wizard wants to fight and die to Geralt, right? The way I remember it was that Geralt had just come into town and been a while with Yen when he got to know that she'd been fucking the wizard while he was away.
If you're correct and she did in fact fuck the wizard while Geralt was there, that makes Geralt a cuck, yes.
Yes, you're misremembering, lol. I read it recently. She fucked negromancer while she and Geralt were living together, lol.
Fuck, I better reread the entire bunch then. This one was in a short story in the sword of destiny, wasn't it?
There was an argument between Geralt and the wizard and Geralt said something like "I fucked her today this morning" to which wizard replied: "I fucked her just now"
Or the last wish. I read it few months ago. Definitely not the main saga though.
Has to be the sword of destiny then, because I read the last wish again a couple of days ago.
Essi is THE girl. Damn, she's my second right after the young Ciri. Sapkowski fucked it with that sad ending.
That's just not even slightly correct. It's loss or lack of testosterone that causes belly fat. Also belly fat reduces testosterone.
Fat contains aromatase which converts testosterone into estradiol.
Fucking google before you type because you are too stupid to win anything with your brain.
"Recent studies in men have shown that abdominal fat increases with age and decreasing testosterone concentrations. Furthermore, in cell culture, testosterone expresses an increased lipolytic potential and depresses lipoprotein lipase activity (LPL) in adipose cells. These metabolic characteristics are found in abdominal adipose tissue in young men. In order to see whether abdominal fat masses in moderately obese middle-aged men might be diminished by testosterone, this hormone was given either as a single injection (500 mg) or in moderate doses (40 mg X 4) for 6 weeks in an oral preparation, bypassing the liver. When measured 1 week after the single dose, abdominal LPL tended to decrease. After 6 weeks a dramatic decrease of abdominal LPL was found, as well as an increase in the lipolytic responsiveness to norepinephrine, both changes confined solely to the abdominal, and not femoral adipose tissue regions"
That tells you low test = bellyfat
Or just go here for literally 28,700 articles saying you are a fucking tool.
Low testosterone causes abdominal fat to increase, raising testosterone causes it to decrease. End of debate.
unless you think the OP is a woman, which is the only time you MIGHT see testosterone promote abdominal fat. However thats totally irrelevant and does not in any way apply to a male.
Testosterone decreases abdominal fat in men.
Please cite one reference for testosterone causing abdominal fat gain in men.
If you can I bet it's really, really shitty science that I will use to mock you.
is this just a few people posting or is a majority of fit play witcher?
>dude has a 20kg thor's hammer
pretty neat tbqhwyl
> tfw henrieta dies if you choose to kill Detlaff
>TFW DETLAFF dies if you choose to kill detlaff
feels bad
> tfw oriana was eating those kids
>powerlifting movements
Thanks for the advice, mate. Would you recommend some specific exercises? All the sport I do is at home or on the street, so I should improvise the necessary tools.
Damn, this one is creepy.
Could Rich play Letho in a movie?
Letho is a mutant.. Piana is a mutant. It just fits.
rich should play ciri. steve buscemi should play witcher
Letho is smart and loyal. rich could not play a smart guy.
It's hard to go wrong with deadlifts, bent over rows, squats, bench and overhead press. Seen some damn fine bodies built from those alone.
Of course you can add anything in if something is lagging.
Remember to get lots of rest, keep exercises that work the same muscle groups together and to leave several days for rest before you hit a body part again. For example I would not recommend Squats the day after deadlifts. These both work the legs and back really hard and should be done in the same workout or with several days between them.
Other than that you can tailor it around your schedule.
Use youtube to learn correct form. If you have doubts film yourself and upload it to a powerlifting forum to get it checked.
Start off slow and focus on perfect form. It can take a while to get the flexibility and technique down. Once you do start adding weight to everything slowly. Keep the reps varied, both high and low rep ranges have their benefits.
I focus around 5-8 reps 90% of the time. Going as low as 1 rep max once a month and up to 15reps from time to time. Lower reps will give better strength gains but often lacks the volume to get good muscle growth from hypertrophy.
It gets pretty complicated past that but you don't really need to know about fast and slow twitch muscle fibers to get going.
Really as long as you do either more weight or more reps from one workout to the next your body will have to grow muscle to adapt.
Keep protein as high as possible and focus on gaining weight very slowly.
Above all do as much research as you can, don't take anything for gospel (including me) if you read forums a few time a week you will learn the truth from the crap.
Personally I work out in the garage unless I'm about to compete, all I have is a bar, weights and a squat rack at home. I got everything for under $100 on Craigslist but I was very lucky. You can get away with a bar and weights alone, or an axle and buckets of sand if money is super tight.
I really appreciate your advices, user. According to your comments and your knowledge, you must be pretty fit right now. Have you posted pics here?
Also, what are your thoughts on using your own weight to perform exercises?
>having less than three decoctions active at the gym
why is this video game meme man a thing here
genetics is the only way to look like that
or in this case 3D modeling
Well, it's a good game, based in a good literary saga. Also Geralt is a cool character.