Got this guy at my Krav Maga gym that keeps subtly implying he's the most lethal person in class.
>first class yesterday
>be in class at 6:45 warming up and stretching for 7:00 start of class
>guy comes up to me as I'm doing splits down the middle
>says "you know stretching is actually bad for you and especially before a workout like Krav Maga?"
>said "I'm just warming up.."
>chuckles smugly and turns around
>Anyways. Class starts. Teacher ends up pairing is together
>we are practicing disarming a knife
>i go first
>he comes swinging at me with the prop knife
>I use the disarm technique
>he resists and tackles me to the ground
>"umm what are you doing?"
>"The attacker could take you down like that if he wanted too and stab you"
>"okay, well, I'm just practicing the technique"
>looks at me like I'm a pussy and says "yeah well here we practice real world street fighting and anything can happen on the street"
>he literally turns his back to me and walks away before I can respond
>stand there like "wtf"
>go up to the group beside me and ask if I can work in
>as I'm watching the two guys practice, my old partner comes up and puts me in a standing rear naked choke and brings me to the ground and makes me tab
>I'm starting to feel like I'm being bullied like in grade 6
>holding back my emotions
>tell him "can you not do that stuff to me?"
>says to me "You can always tell I someone's first class if they will excel at the sport or not"
>gives me a look like he's saying to me "you're not one of them"
>walks away. Doesn't make eye contact with me for the rest of class
>mfw I don't want to go back but I already paid $150 for a month
Bad martial arts experience
Other urls found in this thread:
You are more pathetic than a dying doggie
How so senpai?
Fuck fuck pls help what do I do? I'm stressing. Just forget the $150 and learn my lesson? Are all martial arts gym this douche? I just wanted to learn a martial art for fun and health.
First, know that this person is beneath you. Being an alpha isn't all about being able to throw down - half of it is being able to recognize when people are insecure pissants and not letting it get to you. This faggot clearly is so fucking unhappy with his life that he resorts to using the one physical skill hes good at to make himself feel valuable. And he does so by picking a fight with someone clearly under his skill level. Im a fucking /class/ no less. Fucking pathetic.
Now that you realize that, ask yourself, are you going to be hassled by some beta shitbag? Youre not going to fight him, because this isnt fucking junior high. What you are going to do is shrug him off, and focus on the class that you payed hard-earned money for. He keeps hassling you? Ask for a new partner. Make a scene of it if he tries anything, call him out on it in front of others.
Shall you care what he thinks of you? The lion does not seek the opinion of the sheep.
this. just ho back op. proove his ass wrong.
Jesus Christ I'm 5'10 160lb bone rack that can barely squat 150lbs and on my second class ever I'm suppose to call this guy out? He also seemed to be buddy buddy with all the top guys. Jesus.. This is stressful.. I never asked for this and I'm no alpha.. Not in any sense of the word. This dude is like 6+ and muscular af. I'd look like a jackass calling him out in front of everyone.
But I appreciate the input none the less.
I'd say get your money back and find another place to train. The kind of gym that churns out those arseholes is almost always worthless for actually developing any skill.
I'd point out that I never brought up your size or told you to physically get into something with him. It's not about raw strength, or how wide your biceps are, or how much you can deadlift. It's the fucking wherewithal to recognize when something is childish bullshit, and not take any part in it.
Theres a difference between challenging him to a fight and telling him to fuck off/ignoring his immature shit when he's trying to get a rise out of you.
Don't work with him. If he's an ass bring it up to the club leaders. Lots of faggots get into martial arts so they can feel more powerful than other people, homeboy probably tagged you as weak and decided to show you whose boss.
Also next time he rear chokes you step back with your left foot around his legs and arch your back to throw his balance.
What do we except from us ?
The guy you responded to gave you a valid opinion and a good advice. Dont be a pussy.
>$150 for a month
>Krav Maga
You got jewed pretty hard m8. In my experience the BJJ comunity is the most friendly.
Demand a refund and tell them it is cause of a fucking bully in the class, and never spend 150 on a fucking class again
Punch him in the nose and say what he said to you.
What are you worried will happen? He's not going to assault you for real. He's teasing you. Stand up to him. He thrives on your weakness.
Incidentally, not ask martial arts studios are like that. I had a very good experience at my kung fu place for the years I went there. Krav maga attracts douche bags, so you fucked up there.
Should have taken bjj, judo, or boxing/kickboxing
t. Bas
Why not just fart on him? I mean really let out a nasty one
Next time he turns his back just kick him in the back. If he complains you already know what to say.
One of the instructors on the Melee-training of my Military Police-course learnt us that the best way to calm someone down is to repeatdly yell "Calm Down!" at the top of your lungs at their face as you tackle them. He was a complete jackass, and eventually the most legit hardass I ever met, who I shared the course with, took over the training and learnt us more useful stuff.
>he literally turns his back to me and walks away before I can respond
This was your chance. Punch the back of his head, take out his legs, even just tap him to let him know his defence is down and you've got him. Jesus, it's not that hard.
That's the kind of chump who would learn that "martial art"
You got jewed pretty hard for it, too
>krav maga
>Krav Maga
>be judofag
>practicing ouchi gari
>partner lands his knee directly on my balls
>bad martial art experience
Benefit and learn from the experience, learn how to not identify yourself with this experience emotionally. Become mentally stronger. Meditate, keep your cool, see yourself from a third person perspective. What is the problem and how is it best solved?Everything you think and feel on the inside reflects on the outside. It affects everything.
Our existance and purpose is pretty much problem solving. This dimension and "reality" is a psychological training center. You were not born to be fed with a silverspoon.
You're here to learn and evolve. Be thankful and happy for the oppertunity to become stronger.
Continue to go and also pick up a real fighting style that isn't a meme like mui Thai or bjj on the side then kick his fucking ass in sparring in a couple months because none of that shit works when it isn't rehearsed movements. Be sure to rub your sweaty balls on his unconcious face afterwards for good measure in front of his all masters.
You go to the instructor and you ask for a refund. When they ask why, tell them that this guy threatened you. Its as simple as that, if they care at all about their business they'll stop him from doing that to someone else in the future, even if he is their buddy.
What's a good martial art that isn't heavily cardio focused and would benefit from being big and strong? (6'5" 127kg)
>sparring a lower belt
>hold my side kick out for a bit longer than I should have, taking it a bit easy on them
>get kicked in the nuts
Never again.
tae kwon do would be good for a strong person but it's still cardio focused. I dont think theres any martial art that isn't a form of cardio, except maybe Paralympic boxing.
This. Practicing krav maga as a martial art in a dojo setting is gay as fuck, and will only attract faggots like the tryhard you dealt with, OP.
I'd leave the shit gym now. Like a lot of other posters said go to an MMA, boxing, bjj, or judo gym
Its scary as fuck the first few weeks of going. I almost had panic attacks every day, but it was worth it.
Don't expect the members to be super warm to you, but they won't usually be dicks either. Basically the deal is most people stop going after a couple of months, so no one gets attached new guys.
Stick around and you'll have some tight gym bros as well as some actual fighting skill.
>Demand a refund and tell them it is cause of a fucking bully in the class, and never spend 150 on a fucking class again
Or hurt him badly. If he wants to go "real fight, no rules, lol", then you do just that. He grapples you to the ground? Bite off his nose. He chokes you from behind? Break his fingers on by one.
Ofc, the latter is complete idiot-tier. But it works, of course.
I make up stories for threads when I'm bored because I want to see people's reactions. I've made like 4 story time threads on fit. all with 100+ replies, and you'll never know what ones >:)
>$150 for a month
Suckerpunch him.
Like be talking to him then midsentance KAPOW
when he complains tell him you're practicing real world combat strategy's.
If you're much stronger then him just try to get a hand on him, anywhere, and try swinging him around like a ragdoll.
I once had this short guy who was a fighter try to start shit with me, he was able to avoid me but at some point I managed to get a grip on him, yanked him to the ground and curbstomped him in the ribs.
I did walk away with some bruises tho
could people who have no idea about fighting please stop talking about fighting?
OP, you are totally being bullied by a fucking tryhard and there is no reason whatsoever for you to shut up and take it.
In Martial Arts, people like him have absolutely no place. You go talk to your instructor about this. Explain to him what happened, and see what he has to say to this. If he doesnt back you up on this, tell him you want your money back because you are not paying 150$ a month to get bullied by some wannabe rambo
why would you do that? thats stupid
You should have fucking head butted him the second he said "anything can happen on the street" then just said "you mean like that?"
Or just bring a gun and kill him him and the rest of the class next time. I'll leave it up to you to decide if you should turn it on yourself OP but you probably should.
Had the same shit happen to me at a muy Thai gym I trained at, if they break the set routine to throw you off pace, do it back. We had a guy doing that when we were drilling specific dodging techniques, kept slapping me at the wrong times ect ect to prove how much better he was than me and so on, so I switch kicked him in the head.
Coach thought it was hilarious
Do all krav maga gyms have dumb shit like that ? Sounds great desu
Punch this cunt square in the face as hard as you can.
>anything can happen on the street
then leave and actually do something useful instead of going to a class where you get bullied and apparently no one does shit about it..
Next time he gets you in a hold just grab his ass. He will stop.
pro wrestling
this guy is a bit of a dumb ass, but play to his ego and ask him to help you out.
Your first mistake was going to a krav maga gym...
Your second mistake was paying $150 before your first class of anything.
During grappling exercisese, lift ypur foot up to one of his knees and stomp down in a forward motion, actively trying to bend the knee back and break it.
Then say something dumb like GOTTA BE PREPARED BRAH
Yeah OP are you gonna have to beat up Palestinean kids that are bullying you.
Don't be a pussy OP. Finish the classes you paid for and see if the training is worth it. Ask the instructor to not pair you up with the guys harassing you and just leave it alone. If they try to talk shit tell them to stop, and if they physically touch you tell the instructor.
Finding a good gym to train at is important. They're not all created equal
Listen OP. Here is what you do.
Come early into class next time. When you see him, go up to him and say "Hey, can you show me how you would get out of that rear naked choke that you did on me last time?" and let him teach you it.
He clearly has an ego problem, so just feed it. Make him feel like he is worth something because he is being asked to teach. He will be less mad at you, and may even respect you, if you show the same enthusiasm he has for the art.
If you guys are partners again, go with what he wants to do. If he wants to make it so realistic that it involves tackling, then agree with him "okay, we will do the disarming technique and immediatley begin to wrestle".
He doesn't sound like a bully, but like someone who is passionate about the art. You get those in all clubs. They are one of the best and they are also mean. I went to a Russian Dancing class (I'm Russian) and the "top dog" there was an extremely good dancer, but also an asshole, because he got into arguments with people a lot and laughed at me when I did something wrong, but he was okay overall, and sometimes would teach me techniques without being asked which were helpful.
You should've tripped him or something, idk what you mmafags call it
Then say something like:
>"You should've expected that, you never know what can happen on the streets"
>pssh nothing personnell, kid
If they fight they will only hate each other for the rest of the month
That's assuming the guy is actually passionate about fighting and not just doing that to boost his ego.
It's not impossible but I don't think OP's guy is someone who would accept being choked from behind or sucker punched.
I think he is passionate because of the tackling thing. You can picture it. Guy who is obsessed with the sport, has his own ideas about what is right and what is wrong, has some incomprehensible rage when he sees someone do it wrong, and considers himself a better teacher than the dojo master. I'm certainly like that sometimes. Idk, it's worth a try.
>anything can happen on the street
Next time kick him square in the balls, or bring a real knife.
"Oh, really? So when are you opening your own dojo then?"
That got sad :(
>martial art
>not cardio focused
I'll take things that never happened for 1000, Alex.
No such thing
Choose based on what you feel like learning ie throws vs striking vs grappling, western vs eastern, competitive or "practical", contact vs dance
I can honestly say that I've never seen such idiocy in any class I've ever had - like everyone that I've ever practiced with has been about discipline and training more than anything. I have seen that sort of thing in medieval-style sword fights but that's a different matter with a different class of asshole.
That guy sounds like a complete douche - I'd talk to the instructor about getting your money back and see what happens - chances are you'll get your money back and that guy will hear it from the instructor not to be such an ass.
Next time take a baseball bat and hide it in the gym, or better yet a gun.
Then when he does something, get the gun and shoot him. When he gets mad say "haha bro just training for a real fight, stuff like this could happen"
Jesus Christ
Snitch on him or get a refund. Find a cheaper, funner class. If you really want to be a chode next time he blindsides you fake an injury. Fun fact about street fights, if there are a pile of witnesses and you suckerpunch someone you can get charged with assault and go to jail. But really the better option would just to go somewhere he isn't.
>train BJJ for 7 years
>start boxing
>after 8 months boxing feel I'm ready for my first MMA fight
>nervous and excited about it
>guy I'll be fighting is a known douche
>he kicks me in the nuts on round 3
>mfw my firs MMA win is because he got DQ'd
vid related:
is that seriously you?
my doppelganger desu
My, what a story.
You could say my shins have left orbit.
can we get a tl;dr?
ain't readin all that shit pham
Nice one
Learn to appreciate greentext you buzzfeed cunt
After class is over next time as he's leaving beat the everloving shit out of him and tell him to never come near you again
Literally the only way he will understand
Never change ponyboy
Get your money back OP
find an Aikido school if there is one close to you, it's 10 times better than meme maga and you will almost never find pieces of shit there.
Plus you can actually use it outside of fighting to help you with everyday tasks
>You got jewed pretty hard m8.
Jews always jew the hardest, how do you not expect that?
>In my experience the BJJ comunity is the most friendly
Not even clsoe BJJ is full of cunts, mainly because it's a faggot school but hey
The fact that you did not skullfuck him because of that dismayed me.
But good luck finding anyone outside of Japan that will teach it to you, plus I'm pretty sure it's illegal in some countries since it's entire point is literally to kill whoever you're fighting
Ideal oppurtunity to kick the back of his knees and smack him in the temple as he falls when he turned around after he said that bullshit about street rules.
Proceed to kick him in.
You're pathetic OP, and krav maga is a meme.
>Implying the Frankfurt School didn't create the KGB
This. Who the hell charges up front like that? - The only clubs I've seen do that kind of thing, across all sports are the shit ones with a high member turnover.
>Not actual Jiu Jitsu
Nice mem
fucking MMA is such shit
just choke the shit out of him when he's talking to someone else.
then rape him.
>Not wanting to learn proper leverage manipulation and redirection of excessive force
It's like you don't care about bettering yourself
>whatever you practice or compete in is shit tier compared to what I do
Never change Veeky Forums
the weak should fear the strong.
My first Sambo class I got my ass beat and was tapped repeatedly by a 60+ year old Croatian refugee
Talk to the instructor/owner about your partner's inappropriate behavior.
>bettering yourself
Ignore him... It'll shatter his mind.
Just go at a different time/day when he does. Like for example in my class, there was this person that never shut the hell up about anime and shit, so I just switched to the night class.
kick his fucking ass
Charge back (you did pay with a credit card, right?) and file a complaint with the BBB for creating an unsafe training environment if they won't issue a refund.
All these people are wrong, OP. What you must do is show him your cock to assert dominance.
first fight senpai, was nervous af