How do you handle your cravings during a cut?
What's the common MO here, cuz I'm strugglin'.
How do you handle your cravings during a cut?
What's the common MO here, cuz I'm strugglin'.
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Post your tits
STACY is staring at CHADS SEVENTEEN INCH COCK and ABS in AWE while he eats PIZZA, meanwhile you're at the GYM torturing yourself, PAJEET stinks up the GYM with his homemade CHANA DAL.
any possible diet is gutted with the next keto diet, 24 hour warrior cuts, ect. if i can bring myself to not kil myself on any of them i would do it as much as i can... but i will crave lol
hunger pangs go away after a couple of hours so i eat twice a day to handle it on cuts
i dont give a shit about keto myself, but fasting cycles worked a lot for me, if they can stop a 300lb man from overeating i'm sure they will work for you, it's hard at the start but you get used to it after the first week
find an hour where you can comfortably cook and eat your daily meals and then just concentrate on doing other things until the next day
I've been doing fasting cycles since march and now my body only craves food during my feeding hours (4pm tp 6pm) have lost 46lbs this way
Quit being a faggot
The secret to getting cut is DNP and EC stack, its pretty much how all the top bodybuilders do it
For me, lifting 2-3 hours per day gives enough carb requirements to eat whatever I want, then add a bit of cardio and never go above 11-12% bf so cutting only takes a week or two
>feeding hours
What are you, a fucking cow?
Carb refeed day once a week pham
How do I find the E in the EC stacks?
I know I've seen that pizza - that's Masa Pizza in West LA! I just looked it up. Holy shit is that place good.
I don't need to. I do keto and I feel full even when I'm cutting on 1400 kcal.
aw fuck nigga, you around the area?
you wanna hook up bbcakes? nohomo
lol that girl is definitely stoned, so cute
Sorry, chads only
any young male living in west LA is chad nigga, you're pretty much forced to have a personality and get plastic surgery
Sorry fitbro, went to UCLA, currently in Japan.
Here's that girl's imgur account with other pictures
Small world
I'm probably fucking up someone's cut right now, sorry.
Is this a humoristic picture or actual info?
All of the same girl as OP's picture, I think.
actual info if we were robots and could control our desires with a spreadsheet
>Oh shit I'm craving a really greasy burger. Wait no my body really just needs calcium, I'll eat a tablespoon of sesame seeds.
You tell me.
remember that I'm a fatty and power through cravings