>he's under 6' and still goes the gym
Just give up marlets. All the girls you think you staring at you are actually laughing at how pathetic you are
>he's under 6' and still goes the gym
Just give up marlets. All the girls you think you staring at you are actually laughing at how pathetic you are
>being under 6'
>bragging about your squat, bench or deadlift when your ROM is literally 6"
>that Manlet at the gym that swear a tank top to show off his cute little muscles
>it's a Manlet
>and he's taking his workout "seriously" like a big boy
>mfw the Manlet walks into the gym and tries to act confident but we all can sense the insecurity behind his eyes
>when the Manlet has to jump up to grab the pull-up bar
>whwtn you have to put the bar low enough to accomodats to manlets
>3 posters
shoo shoo gains goblin
good form, pupper
>be 6'3"
>drop of out highschool
>never get a job
>live at home and watch anime
Yet thanks to STATISTICS I still make more money than manlets thanks to my height gratuity cheques from the government.
ITT: samefagging
Also how does he laugh so good?
laughing evans is best evans
james franco can suck a dick
Did Chris Evans used to be really skinny? Asking because I feel like I see lots of pictures of him touching his own chest, and when I started lifting I found myself unconsciously feeling my own pec muscles all the time, because I'd never had any kind of mass there before.
Don't hate. Muscle manlets are cute.
I D'aw every time one of them has to pull out a stool to do chin-ups.
So many tiny dicks here, deary me.
What was the point of this thread OP
good form, pupper
Thank God tall people statistically live shorter lives.
>My small face when
>living in mutant land where you need to be 6' to be taller than a girl
Why not just move?