What is Veeky Forumss opinion on Chestbrah?
What is Veeky Forumss opinion on Chestbrah?
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>roiding for this
I'm taller and bigger than him, not to mention I'm way stronger
Looks like a literal orlando approved faggot
he's just some guy. I have no opinion on him
Not a fan of the faggy costume he thinks he can pull off.
He killed Zyzz
For how much gear he's on he looks like shit
>shallow existence
>doesn't fuck as many girls as everyone thinks he does or as he himself makes out he does
>no career - just lives off of fleeting endorsements, going from fitness convention to fitness convention living off of his brothers name and reputation
>No legs
>No personality
He is just a piece of shit. I hated him before his brother died, but at least he was pretty big for his size then.
Now he just has that manicured fuckboy look like he was engineered in a lab run by extremely gay middle eastern men.
Will always live in zyzz's shadow even though he is dead.
Literally who?
but hes not
literally no gains for someone who roids like fuck
related to zyzz, must be a god
>manicured fuckboy look like he was engineered in a lab run by extremely gay middle eastern men.
alfa as fuark
I thought he was about 6'1? That a manlet
I mean, all right, he looks okay. Not so okay for roiding. But his face is literal shit. And his hair a just saddening.
Honestly I think deep down he's a pretty nice guy with some insecurities.
Aren't we all faggot?
Chestbra is real as fuck. He'll shout you out on his page if you show him support, he'll still jump on forums to do QandA's, he runs a very respectable clothing line, and is just overall a cool fuckin guy, much respect.
fuck i remember seeing this go down in misc
desu he overreacted, but she's also a whore and swift was retarded
>DM me when you can
I don't have a twitter but I'd assume it gives you a notification for a private message right?
Is this like when people post "text me"/"message me" on other people's facebook? Why the fuck do they do this?
>trying to be zyzz this hard
Pathetic. Yea u can admire zyzz and look up to him but be your own man
No traps.
Fuck outta here chestbrah
plz... it's his fucking brother
How long has he been lifting? Has he been roiding this whole time? How is he still so small!?
Jason Blaha?
taking steroids only to be more muscular and being known for being a brother of someone who was known for taking steroids, partying and making funny videos aren't exactly good things but he's living a better life than me for sure, so I'm jealous after all
Tryhard faggot.
Sad cunt
..wrong kid died, goddamnit
>a very respectable clothing line
have shills gone too far?
seriously why are his gains so shit for literally nearly a decade off gear usage?
Going to assume he just fucks about in the gym and let's the drugs do the work when he blasts
he does it for aesthetics. he doesn't want to get too big or be too small. he knows the body women wants and thats what he gets.
Then why bother with gear?
you're confused just because you're stupid
he doesn't get any bigger just because he's running same doses, just like nattys don't get any bigger after some time of lifting because they max the potential of their hormones and that's it, killing yourself in the gym won't do anything, what the fuck is there not to understand?
his body is just slightly out of natty range, and he's kept it that way for years