what are some signs/symptoms that you're low-test?
I'm suffering from intense social anxiety right now, I can't deal with going to a doctor for a blood test.
what are some signs/symptoms that you're low-test?
I'm suffering from intense social anxiety right now, I can't deal with going to a doctor for a blood test.
Judging by how much of a pussy you seem to be, I would imagine you're very low test.
why does Veeky Forums have this obsession with testosterone at the moment?
Has the TRT clinic jew infiltrated this board?
Not every problem is testosterone related
Sometimes I read threads like this and wonder to myself how many naïve, young, impressionable minds have fallen victim to Veeky Forums memes and fucked up their lives irreparably
Most problems this board has (see: being beta) can be solved by having a higher test
You're lower than low test. Stop eating sugar, go exercise and shit.
>being beta
>even using terms like beta and alpha
Fuck off ya fag; testosterone won't cure you of yourself
Usually it's guys that are trying to justify in their own mind, buying gear, and starting a cycle.
They think, "I must be low test, because I'm tired a lot, and lack motivation". Usually it's just because their diet is shit, and they are beta males.
So by self-diagnosing themselves as being "low test" they say, "Well, I guess I should start blasting 700mg a week now, since I'm low test."
It's obvious, because it would be so simple to get blood work done to confirm, if they were really concerned about their test levels. But OP self-diagnoses himself with social anxiety too... because he's a faggot
OP, Ive been in the same situation as you are now. You have to do something if you want to overcome this, it wont just go away on its own. Take my advice and look up CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). A good therapist is totally different from a regular doctor. They see people every day with your exact problem and are legally bound to not share anything about you with anyone. Just look into it user, it helped me
This. CBT is most likely what you want OP. It's good shit.
My insurance actually covers therapy, but it always scared me because it seems so awkward.
How does the first visit go?
Who gives a fuck if you are actually low test or not.
Get on test, its awesome.
To know if you are low test, attempt to pierce your skull with a bullet.
>do this I am a doctor.
how many bullets
First visit is usually them explaining how the therapy works, patient confidentiality, etc, then you explain your problems.
I won't lie, it will be awkward at first, but remember, it's about forming a relationship with your therapist. Lieing to them or withholding information is only hindering your progress.
This. It's also useful to remember they're used to their patients being nervous or spilling their spaghetti, it's their job.
How to fix "low-test" / beta syndrome: Grow the fuck up, get to bed early, eat properly and lift heavy. Also think happy to become happy. Live for yourself.
Just go and get the fucking blood test
My therapist is comfy as fuck, man. If you don't have a click with someone just find a new one. You need one who you feel understood by.
Get therapy, son. Work on those mental gains.
Also maybe order some phenibut I hear it's really good for anxiety
Its also addictive as fuck.
I love it for sleep but have to limit myself to 1 day per week at most. Take it 2 or 3 days in a row and you'll already have withdrawals and cravings. Not a drug for the weak minded.
Either is alcohol. I noticed if I have 18 beers a day I'm more confident and can sleep better. Alcohol is not for the weak minded because I've been drunk everyday now for 7 years
do not under any circumstances, I repeat, do NOT get therapy they will fuck up your entire brain
Some one who had low test due to tumur in Pituitary Gland reporting in.
For me it was:
>Low sex drive
>No progress at the gym(wasnt able to lose the love handles and moving up with the weight)
>Chronic tiredness
Just do a blood test man and good luck ;)
You had a prolactinoma? What were your test levels? LH, FSH?
Truth be told you really need to have a blood test to know.
I've always been skinny and have little energy, I thought that meant I was low test so I went and had a test. Turns out I have so much test its actually slightly unsafe for my health.
tl;dr Test for test is the only way to know.
How does sugar affect test?
Yes.I pretty much had 1/20 of the minimum healthy test lvl. idk what LH and FSH is.
Why are you asking did you also have it ? I am in treatment for about 10 monthes now.
im going to bed so itll take time till i will respond
is this sparrow :o
only if it were prenatal test
sorry we're all screwed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I was surprised when I started browsing Veeky Forums that this board somehow seems to have preserved the true spirit of Veeky Forums, instead of being a normie infested shithole like most other boards these days.
Idk about low test symptoms but I also had social anxiety. I now take zoloft and that seems to work. When going to gyms go to the freeweights cuz cardio bunnies dont tread near those waters unless they are sloots and doesnt really matter what other bros think.
I should note that the side effects of taking the drug includes decreased sex drive and takes longer to cum. Small price to pay since I wasn't getting any pussy anyway
>feels good to be born just in time for the age of the waifu
Therapy didn't work for me. Waste of time and taking zoloft + getting used to anxiety worked best.
Cock and Ball Torture? I can get down with that.
>Not a drug for the weak minded.
I guess a lot of people have been influenced by all the fraud threads.
People inject steroids for that alpha feeling and boast about it on the internet.
Thanks Dr. Chaim. I can still get estrogen though right?
Get yourself some N-Acetyl-Tyrosine, or at least some L-Tyrosine, and take a couple of them twice a day. Bet you $5 in 2-3 days you'll feel a shit-ton better and not have 'anxiety' problems anymore. Oh and if you're on SSRIs, flush them down the toilet, they're wrecking all your dopamine which is why you feel shaky, anxious, and have no confidence.
>Oh and if you're on SSRIs, flush them down the toilet
That's going to go great
Look at george leeman he probably has 4x as much test in his body as as a natty and is still a cringey beta fuck.
4x would be significantly understating things.
Therapy is a waste of time.
The people 'helping' always have bigger problems than you in their lives.
They don't know anymore about 'making it' than the average person.
idk who is sparrow
No one fucking listen to this guy. If you've been taking ANY psych meds for any appreciable amount of time, at least talk to your doctor about tapering off of them. DO NOT just stop taking them, they can have serious side effects when stopped abruptly.