what is the best physique for getting girls?
What is the best physique for getting girls?
Not that
everything but you
you really don't think they can get white girls easy?
Haha such a cuck
Not like these guys that's for sure, they're too muscular to the point where it actually looks disgusting
but how is this disgusting? it's all lean muscle
dyel detected, post body
There's just too much of it, it looks like they can't even touch their left shoulder with their left hand cus the biceps get in the way
That vascularity and those obvious roids are fucking disgusting.
The only people who find this shit attractive are other people who go completely over the top with their gains
Neither can i
then why are superheroes drawn to have this kind of body if it's so niche?
Because it's more a sign of crime-stopping power than it is of attractiveness.
They are way rounder and less cut than those guys.
Because it's the apex of the male physical condition
For girls, it kind of is. They don't like men who look like they're covered in scrotum. When they mean they want muscular men, they actually mean skinny dudes with """abs""".
30cm cock.
I can't imagine that pic is what they want. Dude looks skinnyfat as fuck as son as lighting isn't perfect.
you said it not me
not being an autistic nigger
Yeah I'd say slightly bigger pecs and more defined would be better but it's still better than those disgustingly huge freaks of nature
that's right, but what's your point?
for girls, just don't be fat and be good looking.
This one
You can literally see the makeup muscle lines lel
The thruth.
I've fucked 20+ girls and I aint got money
lean with a little muscle (this is the fucking answer fit)
the issue is "a little muscle" actually takes about 1-2 years of lifting to show.
"a little muscle" as in not too big like steroid freak or big and fat lifter.
chris evans in captain america is about as big as i would get for girls. guys in pic related are probably too muscular.
girls go for - dare i say it - what guys look for in girls. we want them to look fit, as in lean, but they also want just a little muscles so you dont look like youd die in a fistfight.
any more is too much
>I've fucked 20+ girls
>college girls care about money
Nah. How old are you faggots? How many parties did you show up at where girls were curious about your job? Money doesnt matter until you're a few years out of college
this is literally what girls want. girls choose brad pit from fightclub (ottermode pretty much) and any bigger than pic related is getting too big.
>still in college
We are old wage cucks here.
I don't know if you have body dismorphia but the guys in OP photo have more muscles than him
You got no money cus you spent it on 20 different hookers
>wage cuck posting on Veeky Forums during the day
inb4 you're not american. only americans call it college
What's the big secret? I just have problems meeting chicks.
Your body has to look like you went through puberty at least one time in your life
if you look like a guy with a child body, like the 99% of the male population under 29, you didn't went through "puberty" in female minds
It's 22:50 here.
whores don't tend to spend the night my nigga.
No it's not it's clearly 22:51 are you fucking blind?
me too user, i'm kinda in a catch 22, because i went to a only-male school so i knew 0 girls, and then i went to mech engi in uni so the classes were full of men (it was even worse than electrical engineer or comp sci i bet my ass off)
and if i whine i become a manchild, so i have to just forget about it and try it without making a fussle about it, i could say the truth, but other people measure you by those standards so you are fucked either way
>this is the best proof
mate for all we know thats a guy
>not bad physique
>120kg squats, 100kg bench
>clear abs
>25 years old
Is that lube there? Girls don't get wet on you?
lol this thread is pathetic
height face and frame should be named social circle face and charisma
so your pathetic fucks stop thinking you need bigger pecs to get girls
I know this is b8. nice pillows.
I think it depends on who you're talking to.
Most women like abs.
I also think most women like muscles, but only if you're not overly lean, vascular, and dry looking. Maybe this is because on some instinctual level being overly muscular and lean looks unnatural (which it is).
If the guys in the OP had more bodyfat they might look better.
Pic related: this guy is big but not so lean that it's gross
is pretty good, or slightly skinnier/leaner
not a delusional autist
She asian, her pussy is really small.
>he set his bed up in a way that suggested there was actually an other person in it, hidden to the camera but clearly visible by her contours. He tried to impress his internet friends that he had a sex life, knowing fully well that he hadn't even talked to someone in person for the last six months. As he uploaded the picture to the togonian frog enthusiast forum a smug grin spread over his cheeks. "This should shut them up" he said to himself while rubbing his hands, not knowing everyone would see through his try to hide his real loneliness.
>person in it, hidden to the camera but clearly visible by her contours. He tried to impress his internet friends that he had a sex life, knowing fully well that he hadn't even talked to someone in person for the last six months. As he uploaded the picture to the togonian frog enthusiast forum a smug grin spread over his cheeks. "This should
I thought you got lost on us HFF guy, welcome.
Like every human being women like anything in between, they seek a good average. Anything not too fat, not too muscular, and not too skinny. Humans don't like aberrations. Off course this is a general statement.
>dose arms
>dose shouldas
I'm coming to understand my body dismorphia
I dont get roiding out desu
Whats the point of being attractive to women if your dick dont work?
women just want a guy who looks like he could protect them. Something along the lines of brad in Troy
Gonna roll with Brad Pitt body circa fight club
I'd say the most appealing physique is that of a pro athlete where the sport can be played for decent cardio.
The fashion model type body, tall with some muscle.
This is pretty optimal.
Holy shit remember when you thought this was huge?
let me give you a hint
These comics are drawn by men for men
I don't see how this is an example of what a female likes
It's stuff like this that makes me want to get cosmetic surgery to fix my fucked up face
just get swole, smoke on some reefer and act like a tough cunt for the girls and you'll do fine brother