Is it important to have a girl take the morning after pill if you pull out but nut near her vagina? I don't think any got on her vagina but it was kinda close. Am I just being paranoid Veeky Forums?
Is it important to have a girl take the morning after pill if you pull out but nut near her vagina...
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sounds like its a problem for her and not you
The way the average Western sperm health is going you couldn't get her pregnant if you tried.
Better safe than sorry
also before we had sex she saod her period felt like it was going to be here within the next few days. Hypothetically, if I got her pregnant right now, she would miss that period right?
except I don't want a kid. I know I didnt get any in her vagoo but I definitely nutted around it. I wiped it off with some tissue paper and a baby wipe but Im just wondering the likelyhood of her getting pregnant from the smallest amount of semen potentially seeping in from the outside...
Yes, but would you trust this girl not to hide not having it from you and just tell you she had it, so that she could have her meal ticket for the rest of her life?
Get the pill.
honestly you are probably fine. If she gets pregnant, it' snot your problem anyway. It's hers.
>Relationship issues?
>better get some advice from Veeky Forums
you wiped it off?!
your good man 95% of cum die from the acid inside a pussy
soooo how you´re gonna react when she gives the john im pregnant talk couple weeks from now
>fucking a girl in her virgina
you know if you just fucked trappy or something you wouldnt have to worry about this you retard
You're * probably* okay, but there's no such thing as 100% guaranteed in this game. Better safe than sorry.
>It's not your problem if she gets pregnant, just hers
Do you live in Saudi Arabia?
I mean shes told me she never wants to have kids. At the same time she knows I just graduated college and have a good job now. fuuuuuuuu
I know im probably being paranoid but I just don't want to deal with any mishaps in my life right now
Veeky Forums helped me get the confidence to get laid
Makes sense but here the thing, its 50 bucks and she'll go through 2 days or hormonal hell if she takes it. I don't want to put her through that if we don't need to
>the women aged terribly, no make up, frumpy clothes, unbrushed hair
>noticeable weight gain on men, smileoptimismgone.png on two of the lads, cosby sweater, nigger not even in the picture
i'm scared to have kids, bruhs.
Lol you're lucky you can get the morning after pill without any problems in your country
It's illegal where I live
That's kind of funny and sad at the same time.
You can the disappointment in the father's face
We've all been here at some point user. I can't count the amount of times I've stayed up in bed praying to whatever is out there I didn't get a girl pregnant. Here's my best advice. More than likely she isn't pregnant, but either way worrying changes nothing. Just promise me this OP.
Seriously, I don't exaggerate when I say ANYTHING is a sign of pregnancy. Emotional, lack of emotion, exaustion, fatigue, illness, sore boobs, bigger boobs, sensitive boobs, cramps, hunger, ANYTHING. You will only freak yourself out with confirmation bias.
Has the girl said anything that leads you to believe she wouldn't get an abortion?
Where the fuck do you live? It's free here.
getting a girl pregnant isnt as easy as you guys think. I remember fucking my ex for 6 months without a condom and busting inside (I know, stupid) and only had 1 pregnancy scare and she ended up just being late on her period. There's like 1-2 days out of the month when she can actually get knocked up, any time outside of that it's near impossible.
you think you have fucking michael phelps-tier sperm dude? you're good to go man
>It's free
Misusing the word "free" like this triggers me.
Its too late. I already looked them up and she has like 9/10 of the ones I saw lol. The thing is, she had them before we even had sex. She said her period was probably coming today or tomorrow and beforehand she has cramps, food cravings and tender breasts. Im not too worried about that.
>Has the girl said anything that leads you to believe she wouldn't get an abortion?
She told me she doesn't want kids but desu I don't know her that well. Met her from tinder about 2 weeks ago and we've probably fucked 5 or 6 times. This was the first time without a condom though and I nearly nutted inside her. Pulled out just in time I felt like Indiana Jones
I don't know if I do. Probably not but I've never been this close to accidentally nutting inside a girl.
I know this is bait but I didnt nut inside
Any of you routinely nut in your girl provided she in on the pill?
>the only father missing is the black guy
this is just too funny to be true
lemme get this pulled out and came NEAR her vagine? like on her crotch or pubes or somewhere other than INSIDE her vagina, and you're worried you might have gotten her pregnant? I guess in that case just as long as you didn't kiss her on the lips and don't see any storks flying overhead you should be fine. how fucking young are you?
>Can she get pregnant if i nutted outside her vagina
Do you even know how contraception works? Saddest question I have ever seen on this site. Jesus christ
>she'll go through 2 days or hormonal hell if she takes it. I don't want to put her through that if we don't need to
>2 days of being grumpy
>18+ years of raising a child. Your free time, money and dreams disappearing forever
Whew it's a real hard choice here buddy. I can't tell which one sounds worse
>using the pull out method
>thinking this is a legit method of birth control
reading threads like these always makes me so happy to have grown up in a country with mandatory sex ed.
im saying some of it might have seeped in some how. I understand how conception works you retards. Just wondering if I should be concerned by trace amounts of semen somehow finding their way inside.
well what I am trying to determine is the likelihood of her getting pregnant. Im 99% confident she isnt and if somehow she was Im sure we would get an abortion.
could happen, even after wiping it off but the chance is really fucking slim.
Your pre-cum, however... that's a different story.
there didnt really seem to be much pre. Heres the thing though. She said her period was probably coming tomorrow or the day after. Is it possible for her to not miss it and still be pregnant?
make sure she gets the morning after pill it only works 4/5 times. pulling out is literally the dumbest method ever. wear a condom
I definitely will in the future. I was just getting tired of not being able to feel shit. Condoms are really terrible.
you should know how this thing works. with the eggs and the cycle and the semen and stuff.
maybe re-read a wiki on this or something.
Even precum can make a grill pregnant famalam.
Only if you buy low quality and too big
>believing in pulling out as a form of anticonception
holy fuck, is it some kind of stupid sitcom?
>le pre cum
literally doesn't exist unless you are a genetic freak
I pull out 100% time and 0 babies man
>and if somehow she was Im sure we would get an abortion.
i don't get how those dumbfuckers get laid
are you a redneck, trailer trash or something?
I drive a car and I haven't crashed yet, but I still wear my seat belt.
Yes because the spirit of the dead sperm might crawl into her vagina and impregnate her user
Pregnancy from precum is a meme. There is absolutely no sperm in precum unless you're having sex after having already cum earlier and some was leftover inside your urethra.
It's still kinda stupid because all it takes is cuming early one time to get fucked.
Not wearing your seatbelts won't give you a 1 in 5 chance of getting killed each year, m8.
pre-cum, dumbass. the most potent of the cum
>Thinking coitus interuptus is an effective method of contraception
Dubs checked.
You're a daddy. Congrats, or something.
Not currently, but yeah I have.
Feels good.
Ahhahaha solid kek
>A woman has a chance of her egg joining a sperm about seven days of every menstrual cycle.
>This includes the five days before ovulation.
>It includes the day of ovulation.
>It also includes the day or two after ovulation — even though it's less likely to happen then.
you picked literally the worst time in her cycle to fuck up
>The black father isn't there.
Omg this is poetry
"Free" as in "user will not give money for it at the time he gets it". Nothing its free. If it got made, someone payed for it.
But, I live in a pretty shitty country (hola mexibros) and you can get that for free in a public clinic, no questions asked.
>pull out but nut near her vagina
>I didnt get any in her vagoo but I definitely nutted around it
> I wiped it off with some tissue paper and a baby wipe
Reading this post, and the rest of your replies to people, ensures me that the last thing this world needs is your fucking breeding in any capacity. Shove that pill down her throat if you must, so long as she doesn't have your child. If she gets pregnant pay for the abortion. This world does not need more people like you, so please also make sure to die painfully after you're done. You're the juice that drips off the corner of the overloaded garbage bag while I carry it to the trash outside.
Use a condom you retard, condoms are cheaper than babies
anal sex is also cheaper than babies
i precum. am i a freak?
You have weak seed and deserve to be cucked
precum is thinner than normal cum so it comes out first. Fap repeatedly for a week, I'm talking 10-20 times per day and you will expel all your precum leaving only raw testosterone filled cum for mad gains