will there ever be a Veeky Forums meetup again?
Will there ever be a Veeky Forums meetup again?
chicago checking in
Hopefully not
Not if you're posting pics like that .
>that gay ass black guy at the right
top kek
Missouri checking in
Make it happen brah. I'm down.
>these are the guys telling you 4pl8 deadlift isnt a beginner lift
>doing these things in public
>so many asians and blacks
really makes you think
Minnesota checking in
Houston Texas reporting
There are only two Asians, faggot
the official Veeky Forums pose always makes me smile
Idaho checking in
>qt asian man in the checker pants
who dat
Veeky Forums is the least racist board outside of /co/ on Veeky Forums. We've always had minority Veeky Forumsizens. As well as all your gays. It's hard to be into gym culture if you're a bigot since so many black, brown, yellow, & homos do it desu.
>implying the asian with the metal gear shirt is less cute
What an embarrassing photo.
These are the people critiquing everyone's form, laughing at 2 platters, claiming detailed mire stories......
Goodbye Veeky Forums
gonna be honest that looks like a lot more fun than the fa meetups
implying that everybody needs to be swole and qualified to give advice in order to participate in fitness, let alone a purely social activity of forum posting or GOD FORBID going outside and meeting people
you may be autistic my friend
>Implying you look any better dyel
Not one token femanon getting eye-gangbanged?
Barely any of these guys look fit at all. This is a dyel meetup
If there is ever a Veeky Forums Canadian meetup, I am game. Anywhere in Canada, coast to coast.
>tfw convicted felon canuck and will never again experience freedomland
That guy with the purple wrist band mir'rin
girls don't visit fit unless they're:
posting a picture of their body for attention
fake girl (transgender or fantasy)
Southern California reporting in.
Let's all meet up. I'll be the coordinator.
We will all go to Hollywood together and party.
Then, go back to my house for the after party in my backyard.
>all dyel/skinnyfat
>that that lard ass weaboo
This is Veeky Forums? This makes sense actually.
I-is that a dude?
why are there so many immigrants in the pic?
>barely look fit at all
Nigga do you expect everyone to look like Ronnie Coleman or some shit?
Almost all of the dudes in the pic are above average in society's eyes. Hell, most of society probably even thinks they're buff as fuck.
Veeky Forums has truly turned you into a delusional autist.
>"hurr if you don't look like 26 year old Arnold you're a dyel faggot"
*not one token trap getting gangbanged?
OK good
Detroit reporting (white).
It's our trademark pose, my newfriend.
Do any of them lift though?
When was this again? It happened when I first came around here.
>still crushing hard on gingermod
Found the dyel
Ayyyy my nigga
and these weak ass bitches are the guys shouting memes here? fuck you´re pathetic. i should save this picture so i know when i see a 4channer.
Dank im in
I was here when they had this meetup and were posting these pictures. It was a good thread.
>2 asians, 4 blacks, 1 spic and 7 whites
Fuck off, fagget
>poor little white boy 5
>go to Veeky Forums meetup
>Everyone is dyel
>everyone is awkward nobody talking
>catch my on an asian dyel
>Ask him are you the asian dyel in the gym bully stories?
>Everyone starts laughing because I'm the biggest one there
>Asian dyel packs up and leaves
Which skinnyboi in the pic are you?
Do you even lift a little bit mad friend?
>Things that never happened
so what the fuck are we waiting for guys?
someone set this shit up, I'm down to fly out to california
Just so you all know, the President was just rushed away from a conference and his EWO was seen uncuffing "The Football" from his wrist.
Just as suspected. /Fit doesn't even lift.
Lul ded board
funny how most people seem to forget how the last Veeky Forums meetup went...
Aayyee you guys goin to pride? (No homo)
"Look at that guy enjoying life! Boy am I glad I'm not irresponsible like him!"
Cut to man sitting quietly in a dark room
Its not dead, its full of dyels giving each other advice and taking DNP.
Why would you go to a Veeky Forums meet up? You can't shitpost and e-stat in real life.
Just look at these people they are all average joes. Do yourself a favor and use Veeky Forums as a stepping stone to getting out of Veeky Forums not getting in. You wanna be aesthetic so you can hang out with a bunch of shitposting DYELs? If I wanted to see a dyel I would just look at myself in the mirror.
My negro. What side? West Houston here.
Fit in a nutshell. 2 out of all of those faggots maybe work out twice a week.
The fuck? Why didn't they do something fun like go to a bar, go to the gym, go shooting at a range, or some other outdoors activity? Who thought it was a good idea to just sit and eat food together?
You can feel the autism and awkwardness just radiating from these pics. Phones out, heads down, looking like they're sitting in detention or some shit. Cringe
Lets be honest, nobody really comes to Veeky Forums to better themselves.
Veeky Forums is basically fitness version of /v/ or /tv/ ect.
Well who setting it up?
Plus what do alcohol kills gains and cant smoke weed since mil fag
its true. you must be the Asian dyel
>le "you must stop going on Veeky Forums to become cool" meme
kill yourself it's the only way out of this mess
Last time I saw that posted I heard they were pretending to be autist for the pic pretty sure there's another of them posing and stuff
fucking stuck with you niggers until Veeky Forums goes or i die
You're the asian he's talking about, aren't you?
How much did they total?
>alcohol kills gains
you're in the military, you should be making the biggest gains of your life on a liquid beer diet and downing protein powder.
Not to mention it's a blood thinner, making running a fucking breeze.
let me guess you're national guard.
Near 45 and 610. My gym is the LA off Shepard.
Yes I am going to pride, I'm actually marching in it.
He probably left cause he had to go help his family out
So profound.
You showed him.
Nigga the military does a shitload of cardio i made more gains outside the mil when i went sober
Now im in the fucking reserves for dat there easy retirement
>weight lifting
Dallas user jacked in.
I'd be the fatass in the photo. No bully, it's taking a fucking long time to go from 305 to sub 200. (218 now)
these are the peple giving you advice on how to be """alpha"""
how sad, Veeky Forums truly is one of the most pathetic boards on Veeky Forums. It's barely a notch above /r9k/ and /b/
How long has that taken you?
Post a picture or fuck off you fraud
Fuck is that the chick from the office?? What movie
Fellow snow nigger reporting
Montreal reporting in
it's funny how dyel the typical Veeky Forumsizen really is.
I'd say I've made the biggest strides in the past 6 months. Started a little under a year ago id say? I wish I'd kept better track of things but yeah. Wasn't until recently that family and friends I hadn't seen in a while started freaking out. "Damn boy you just stop eating or something?"
I would take that over "you look good" any day of the week. Gonna be even better after I drop another 30 or so. 6'2 and barrel chested, so I'm not sure exactly how far I can go down.
so we doing anything or is this thread just shitpost general
>one notch better than other boards
We did it Veeky Forums!
But seriously these meetup pics are hilarious compared to what I picture as the general hivemind personification of what I'd expect here.
>fat as fuck fatass
>evolve into fatass
What kind of motivation would that be user, really. I got some pics when I was fat as fatass mode, I'll make a transformation pic for you cunts when I drop below 200 or 190
>These long winded excuses
Fuck off you fraud
kek motherfucker like woop woop with an umbrella between his thighs
Who gives a fuck what others think