Also requesting transformation pic of guy who went from skinny to tan chad athletic mode - very vague details sorry
Transformation/Motivation thread
>From fuckboy to roiding douche with shitty tattoo
Not sure which one is worse tbqh
some one sounds jelly
Seriously, why almost all guy who change drastically look like douchebags?
>that pelvic in first pic
how is this achievable?
fuccboi and douche are the same thing bruh
Because it's their time to shine and say "fuck you" to the world.
Because they lean the lesson of strength and aesthetics and make them selfs better then they were.
B-but they forget humility...
I really like this facebook comment
>171 lbs
>looks like this
fucking manlet
Not me but this was impressive.
I call bullshit
Either lying about the timeframe or roids, or both
i fucking hate that pose on the right. so much cringe
>those gains in 2 months
Either roids or lies
I started in feb this year with 20kg squat and now am at 70kg. But I was in the hospital and lost two weeks.
Here's mine.
5'10 or 11. Probably 5'10
Age 17-20
>gaining a bit over 20 pounds of lean muscle in 2 years makes you a roider
lol maybe you should try actually lifting, you sadcunt
This guy is either a dwarf or weak as fuck
>I'm skinnier than the first pic
>Can bench 105x5
>this guy claims 45x5 and had those gains in a month
l m a o
All words used by jealous insecure men to describe men who get the attention to which the name-caller feel entitled
Yeah, I bet you've never fucking cut to being lean before.
There's nothing impressive about a roided physique m8. All those retards look like shit when they're off cycle.
That's for the weak, the non doers. Be who you were born to be and take no shit.
Spoken like an insecure faggot
It's a natural human response to dislike those who are better than us.
Because being unattractive kept them meek, and getting a better body unlocked their inner douchebag.
Right because humility helps you develop yourself. I'm humble to very few things a short list would be: nature and time.
First pic is from 5 years ago, second about 2 years later during my first decent bulk, and current on summer cut. Last pic was taken on the weekend yes I look like a douche but this was a beach town in summer full of tourists and most people were wearing less than that
6'2 190 atm
Goal Body desu senpai
From skinnyfat loser to Chad good work man
Here's me 7 months into lifting and diet change plz be nice
Wrong pic
I remember when that pic was posted on imgur some time ago, it got to the front page and a big majority of the comments were "i like him more before" "now hes a douche" funny shit man, seriously doesn't take much to get a new hairdo or get a tattoo, glad stopped visiting that shit site
Feminism has turned men into such jelly insecure cunts. Guarantee you were raised by single moms
Went from 150 lbs to 200lbs in 20ish months. 181 cm. I don't tan though, i stay out of the sun and shitpost on Veeky Forums instead, but i take vitamin D so it's cool.
Best part was facegains but im not whoring myself out.
I notice you crop your traps and neck out of nearly every pic to look more aesthetic, smart move.
So much this XD XD XD FHAM
Which you're just overflowing with by flaunting your need to put down anyone that doesn't have a physique as shitty as yours.
>going off cycle
pff, amateur
Whoa. Did no one else notice that too?? That's kind of crazy.
That's seems like one hell of a recomp for such a short amount of time, good work man
Thanks brah still have a ways to go
do people treat you different after you got fit?
Absolutely. I havent made as dramatic of a change as others here but everyone has seen the changes and i get a lot of compliments.
Women treat me differently mainly bcuz face gains. Picking up girls has become a lot easier because of the increased aesthetics and confidence. You haven't lived until you're fucking a girl and she's crazy about your body feeling your arms and chest flexing while you nail her.
Day to day people treat me with a lot more respect and I get asked if I'm in the military frequently.
It's SO FUCKING NICE to not have to rely 100% on wit or humor just to impress women.
10/10 would reccomend to anyone.
do guys antagonize or try to fight you?
do you have a pic with a shirt on? mirin that athletic build
Mirin, natural?
How the fuck do these people look so good with these stats? Manlet or what?
looking at your left picture i would've never guess you had such god-tier chest genetics
Mirin' hard brah. Goal body.
hypertrophy != strength
They were always douchebags inside, and from the sound of it you are too. They have earned the right to show it, whereas you have not. Hopefully you will someday, and then you'll know.
Often it'll cool off a bit after the novelty wears off.
I get a lot of guys sizing me up now, trying to intimidate me. My fit friends are super supportive though sometimes looking at yourself it's hard to see the changes and you feel bad about your body. It's super vital to have friends to encourage you and compliment your progress
Just this old one in a tank, thank you for the compliments brah
Stop, I'm blushing
>I get a lot of guys sizing me up now, trying to intimidate me
in nightclubs or what? thats fucked up fucking jelly idiots
Jesus christ fuck off back to /r9k/ you fucking losers
What did you do to cut? What was your diet?
None of my friends compliment me :( only people in the gym and my gf.
Well I'm taller than average (6'2") and just an overall bigger frame (195lbs down from 225lbs) I have always been told I'm intimidating. I don't feel it though inside I still feel like a little kid.
Here in Socal there's a lot of male competition when it comes to women so Chad's love to be more alpha than the guy standing next to them
Let's see that progress my bro
not him, but I got similar treatment just from losing a ton of weight recently. people I knew and hanged out with started to notice my body changing, confidence levels rising, attention from girls.. and then began treating me like shit. making fun of me for getting smaller (5'7) and then making fun of me again when I started to lift weights. they would physically push me around and try to intimidate me, but I never cracked or broke so it just pissed them off even more.
I dumped their asses and moved on. It's like when you remind people of their fuckups and laziness they become bucket crabs, just sickening. I don't really have friends anymore and I feel better t.b.h. (they were never friends to begin with I guess). at least there are cool people at the gym to talk to sometimes.
>those legs
Phamilia desu
how old?
2 years progress
Unfortunate hip genetics but good progress nonetheless
>that core
describe your diet please
What's wrong with it? I think my core looks pretty good.
Nice phone gains
your hips in the 2. pic dude wew
I call bs.
I started fully working out on Jan. 25 and today I can:
I look nowhere near as good as this guy.
I also weigh 163 lbs and am 6'
Ate 100% unprocessed minus a cheat meal here and there
Bacon, eggs, whole grain toast, brown rice, quinoa, chicken, lentils, beans, pork, beef, avocado, shredded wheat, oats, TONS OF RAW VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. No protein powders or shakes.
Ate at 500 below maintenance for 4 months and 500 above starting 2 months ago.
Pic related right after I bumped up calories 2 months ago
manlet for sure.
Joocy my bro
Holy shit you are mad with jealousy
>those round shoulders in the alst pic
gave it away desu
how you cook those?
When will they learn.
>Proud of your gains
Pick one
Fry up bacon and eggs in skillet no butter or oil used and drain as much of the bacon grease as possible
Pounds of chicken breast marinated with a 0 sugar marinade and barbecued weekly
Shredded beef or pork with beans and vegetables in the crock pot is easy cheap and good macros
Basically prepare everything as lean ass possible and combine whatever sounds good. My favorite thing to eat is a cup of egg noodles with cubed chicken on top and pic related (has no added sugar)
Good progress but sorry for those genetics. Bitches gonna mire anyway.
Uni has finished now and I'll know what I'm doing with my life in a week when I get my results.
In the meantime though, I feel like all motivation to do anything (get up in the mornings, eat right, etc) has vanished. I had to stop gymming over exams but I've started going again which is nice.
Also, a girl who I'd been on a few dates with (kissed, no sex yet though) stopped texting me back so I'm feeling a bit shit about that.
6 foot 4 100kg, somewhere between builtfat and skinnyfat
Any ideas how to get me out of this rut?
Motivation can't be given to you by other people it comes from within.
Robotic understanding of bettering yourself
Find something that gives you a reason to make yourself better or don't get better it's as simple as that
This tbqh
Dealing with shitty friends is an integral part of life senpai
For me motivation was knowing that lifting would help me get over my oneitis and it has, just imagine how good you would feel if you were fuarkin shredded right now and grills were to your left and right.
You're going to make it user, I've seen it before
You in aus?
>171 lb
>looking like that
Manlets have it easy
>imagine how good you would feel if you were fuarkin shredded right now and grills were to your left and right
My first kiss was in a bar, a girl came up to me and I chatted shit and we ended up kissing for five seconds. Happened a few months ago (I'm 22). I know it's sad but knowing a girl was up for that put me on a high for two weeks.
I want to be shredded, only problem is that I've got a belly and I don't want to cut since I'm not where I want to be in terms of muscle mass.
Cryptic but true
Fucc boi checking in.
Let's get it brehs.
>those shoulders
>110lb OHP
>5 months
/fraud/ as fuck
Damn dude just chill and lift. No need to throw salt and expose your insecurities.
holy shit what the fuck
are you actually gay or bi or anything
literally looks like you went from flaming homo to pussy slayer
You still smoke niqqa?
Haha nah man, I was a hair dresser in the left picture - I left and started becoming more normie. I took out ear stretcher a few days ago too. I was dating a girl when I looked like left image and am still with her, i started getting a fuck load more attention from girls and respect from guys etc but I respect the shit out of my gf who has been with me since twink mode so I wouldn't leave her for a slut that just wants me for my body. I've realised just how shallow people are after my transformation though.. Makes me annoyed but oh well, gotta enjoy life.
Only when I drink, so socially yeah. I gave up daily smoking by using a mouth fedora (vape)
Whats up jordan
Thanks mane.
My name is jamal shabalala
Juice monkey
Jellyfat detected
Whats your cycle/height lad? exactly what look i'm aiming for