>Taking sunbathes
Do you realise that this is not healthy?
>Taking sunbathes
Do you realise that this is not healthy?
Other urls found in this thread:
>drinking water
Do you realise that this is not healthy?
wtf im a #veganmissile now
Avoiding sun is more harmful than basking in it.
No, it's literally not.
you take a sunbath for 8 hour straight
and ill just stay inside my house for 8 hours straight
and then we will decide which one is the more harmful ok honey?
>being a fucking shut in shill like the Jews want
trollity troll
sun causes perma skin damage, increase aging & cause cancer
take a vitamin-d supplement, invest in a light therapy device, and avoid the sun at all cost
As always Veeky Forums is going full autistic on a thing.
Jesus lay in the goddamn sun and stop when your skin starts to become red it's as simple as that.
>muh vitamin D deficiency
>muh melanoma
Just don't go full extremist on it and you will fine
Gee that sure sounds like an impartial source
fucking tirpfags man
>giant, non stop fucking nuclear explosion in the skys bathing us in radiation is harmful
>stop when your skin starts to become red
If your skin is starting to become red, there's already sun damage from UVBs.
Try again.
That's actually correct, but still it's quite easy to stop before burning out.
Friendly reminder that if you have a farmers tan or a tan(spray or otherwise), you're not considered natty.
Literally sunscreen nigga, like what the fuck? Are you guys that autistic?
you'll never go out in the sun, ever and won't move your lardass
I'll just chill in the shade and get some sun whenever I do shit
who'll be healthier?
Studies have proven that the sunscreen damage your skin even more.
Mental plebs, all of you.
Sure you'll need this:
could you link some of those studies please?
Genuinly curious.
I heard something similar. Why not just using a hat/sunshade...?
I can't find the exact study that I read, so I guess my statement doesn't really hold together.
You can find some studies if you search on Google though - but keep in mind that sunscreen is a huge industry and there will be a lot of people saying that it doesn't harm you.
You can do that, but there are not sunshades everywhere and hats don't cover everything.
Incorrect but getting sunlight is still healthy for you
Balance is the key
This, generally if you don't get sunburned, the sun really isn't damaging to you.
U underestimate the sun
>sunbathing for 8h
Are you pulling the old memeyo on me
You're literally asking for ED and low test if you don't get 15-30 minutes of sun daily.
Yeah I dare you to fucking walk on the sun and tell me it isn't damaging.
Fucking plebs I swear.
>15-30 minutes of sun
yeah but not lying around in it the whole day
You couldn't possibly walk on plasma, user.
Well duh, but OP said sunbathes,
Which by definition is any amount of time spent in the sun for the sole purpose of gaining its rays.
If you're not partially nude you're missing that much more of the benefits and should spend more time outside.
The negatives of not getting enough sunshine are far larger than the negatives of getting a little too much sun.
>mfw I'm a nigga so don't need no sunscreen or get harmed by the sun rays unlike you white boys
Actually, I'm lying. I sit in the sun for about 10 minutes it cure my bacne.
Honestly, if you really are a nignog, get your vitamin D checked, you most likely have a deficiency.
Prolly right. Spent alot of time indoors so didn't get as much sunlight. But then again, I drink alot milk so idk.
That's why nigs have the highest rates of skin cancer.