Tfw you come back from the gym to an empty home and realize it's all for nothing

>tfw you come back from the gym to an empty home and realize it's all for nothing

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Same but I'm always home because of my home gym

>tfw loving wife
>tfw badass dog
>tfw nice pad
Life is awesome nigga!

Good job user dont be mean

I beat mirrors edge yesterday just gotta do 1 more fight

Nah bro, it's for the self-respect which will help you net a nice girl in the long run. Nice trips btw.

I know this feel. But, hey, at least I'm not alone AND fat.

I wish I had that. i have a roommate. One of these days I will murder him and bury him in the backyard.

>tfw come back from the gym to an empty home and thank g*d you never fell for the marriage meme

The whole life is all for nothing. One day you will day and rot in the ground. Just have fun while you can.

>tfw you have accepted you're a pathetic loser

>tfw you come back from the gym to your girlfriend chilling with a book and realize it's all for her.

is mirrors edge 2 out?

Holy shit what has Knox been up to lately? I loved his klay world stuff back in elementary school.

Ofcourse you will be a looser if you yourself believe it. Truth is I fucking suck. Majority of people fucking sucks but I dont let that discourage me. I go to uni, stay fit and slay poo-tang left and right.

I know you hate the feel good bullshit but cheer up brother. One step at the time.

you know what must be done

Hit 1pl8 OHP today, was very happy about myself until i got home and met my grandpa, he said i got skinny arms and i'll never have a big set of arms because he never did, wtf did i do to deserve these feeeels

I actually don't mind it anymore. I know I may sound like the most pathetic person in the world, but after accepting I'm a socially inept retard with a very unlikeable personality, I just spend my time lifting, reading, playing vidya and studying.

Again, I know my life might the most pathetic thing ever, but I've come to like the stability and control I have. No more forced awkward social situations.

Yeah, came out on the 8th or 10th but they hardly advertised it at all for some reason. Reviews aren't great but I'd say that has more to do with the aforementioned lack of advertising budget than the actual game.

as a few years pass and muslims become even more of a problem people like us will be the white warrior caste. Perhaps many of us will die in horrible ways but we shall take back our lands and kill every last muslim, and be remembered by the generations to come. 14 88

pancake mines

>come home to loving family
>lift with father in home gym
>tutor little bro and help with his Uni application
>cook up a delicious dinner for family
>relax with a book and then sleep

Moving back home was the best decision I ever made. Being able to look after my aging parents and help around the house gives me purpose

Feels bretty good family.

Sounds cosy dude. Im aiming for that life.

>tfw you're a NEET with a home gym so in the mirror you look exactly the same as you always have and you have never recieved a compliment by anyone because no one knows what you looked like before and you dont speak to anyone anyways

I guess.

>tfw you got the empty home but still got all of your assets

Based gramps bringing the bants

I am in the same boat. I work and contribute.

just keep posting OP, it'll get better.

this. Whats worse is my ex used to lift with me. Every time i lift i think about how we used to work out together and sometimes we'd just fuck halfway through.


i know how it feels mayne. im just saying, sometimes its better to have never loved at all. Dated for 2 years, lived together, had all of our shit goin for us and then out of no where she wakes up and stops being in love. women are a meme